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  • Twinkle

    Contributed by Jeff Smith on Apr 29, 2013

    God has given us sight, both naturally and spiritually to honor Him and wait for His coming

    TWINKLE MATTHEW 6:22 1. The Lord has given us sight Natural – Luke 4:18 ; “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted , to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to more

  • In The Twinkling Of An Eye

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    Is there life after death? Is there hope beyond the grave? Is there a possibility that I will see my lost loved ones again?

    November 8, 2002 I. Introduction: A. Today’s topic—In the twinkling of an eye 1) Questions: a) Is there life after death? b) Is there hope beyond the grave? c) Is there a possibility that I will see my lost loved ones again? 2) Answers: a) The answers to these questions will have significant more

  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Nov 1, 2023

    This is part of a Christmas Season - focusing on the S of Christmas - The Star, The Shepherds, The Stable and the Savior

    Scripture: Matthew 2:1-10 The S’s of Christmas – Sermon Series +The Star of Bethlehem +The Shepherds +The Stable +The Savior The Star – What can we learn about Our Savior through the Sign, the Symbol and the Siren of the Star of Bethlehem. INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and more

  • In A Twinkling Of An Eye - Don't Miss The Signs

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Apr 8, 2024

    I truly believe that as people of God, Christians, those that are expecting the Blessed Hope the Rapture must pay close attention to the potentially prophetic significance of the signs in the Heavens as well as the distress of nations upon the earth.

    “In the Twinkling of an Eye Don’t miss the Signs” By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. PRAYER: - SCRIPTURES: - Luke 21:25-28, Genesis 1:14, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Jeremiah 10:2 Joel 2:30-31. OPENING: - This past Resurrection Sunday which is also known as Easter landed on March 31 this year which was more

  • His Eye Is On The Sparrow

    Contributed by Leslie Trombly on Jun 20, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    If God can keep His eye on the sparrow and care for that Sparrow; then He can keep his eye on you and carefor you.

    Biblical reference: Psalms 102:7 "I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop." How many times have we felt like the "lone sparrow" ? Alone and empty and as if no one cared if we lived or died or even existed at all! How many times have we wished that there was just one person out there more

  • His Eye Is On The Sparrow

    Contributed by Harold Rose on Feb 13, 2003
    based on 82 ratings

    God’s care extends to the little birds - it surely also extends to us.

    HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW Matthew 10:27-31 "Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. 28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 more

  • If His Eye Is On The Sparrow... Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 31, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    Jesus uses the example of the sparrow to give us three powerful reasons why you can say, “I’m not afraid.”

    INTRODUCTION The title of this message is inspired by the famous gospel song by the same name. It is one of the most loved Christian songs in the world and was made famous by Ethel Walters, who used it as the title of her autobiography. Many other singers have recorded it and it enjoyed a revival more

  • His Eye Is On The Sparrow Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 23, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus urges us not to underestimate our worth or our work, but to realize we have our origin in God, our destiny with God and our lives constantly under the care of God.

    MATTHEW 10: 29-33 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED Series] HIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROW All efforts aimed at educating, healing, and caring for human beings are based on the assumption that such endeavors are worthwhile. We believe that persons are of value. No one makes much of a stir about the loss of a more

  • Jesus And His Eyes! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Jan 23, 2021

    The eyes of Jesus saw people dying, and He saw a city rejecting Him, and He wipe away all tears, when we get to Heaven.

    AS a teenager, I will never forget when our Sunday School class toured our church pastor's study room. He pointed to the picture of Jesus, behind the desk, just the face with some dark tones, and looked very old. He said to the class, "Now, want you to keep your eyes on the eyes of Jesus, more

  • His Eyes Are On Us!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Mar 30, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    I like the idea of a father who would allow his son to tackle something difficult on his own, but who at the same would make sure to be there if he were needed.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: 1 Peter 3:12; Psalm 139:1-14 ILL. A little boy living up north was looking forward eagerly to the birthday party of his friend who lived only more

  • Through His Eyes PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize the boundless love and compassion of Jesus Christ for all people and the importance of spreading the Gospel as His followers.

    Good morning, Church family! Today we're going to dive into a passage from the book of Matthew. A.W. Tozer wrote, "God's love is measureless. It is more: it is boundless. It has no bounds because it is not a thing but a facet of the essential nature of God." That's what we're going to see today – more

  • Signs Of The Second Coming Of Christ

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Oct 16, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This message concerning the times that will be present before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

    Signs of the Second Coming of Christ Matt. 24:32-35 (NIV) 32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I more

  • New Eyes

    Contributed by Dennis Fox on Jun 24, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Being Born Again changes everything about how you see the world. Taking children as an example What I find most exciting is that you get the see the world new all over again through their eyes. There is so much wonder; so much amazement. We get new eyes when we are reborn, and a new perspective.

    New Eyes 14 May 2023 Children always bring excitement into your life. What I find most exciting is that you get the see the world new all over again through their eyes. There is so much wonder; so much amazement. Everything is a new experience. When my son was small, we had just moved back to more

  • This House Is Sanctified

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Mar 18, 2020

    The church has the hand of God on it.

    THIS HOUSE IS SANCTIFIED 2 Chronicles 7: 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine more

  • Jesus Spit In His Eyes

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 30, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus still wants to lead people to tranformed lives.

    Jesus Spit in His Eyes Mark 8:22-26 Aug. 6, 2006 FBC, Chester Mike Fogerson, Pastor Introduction: And they came* to Bethsaida. And they brought* a blind man to Jesus and implored* Him to touch him. 23 Taking the blind man by the hand, He brought him out more

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