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  • The Truth About Serving Christ Series

    Contributed by Darryl Klassen on Dec 1, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    What does it mean to serve Christ? Paul talks about servant-leadership in this passage and calls for humility among those who think they are wise and brilliant enough to lead the church.

    THE TRUTH ABOUT SERV ING CHRIST Whenever a title like this is used several thoughts go through our minds: “You mean there is something false about the way we serve?” “There’s a ‘truth’ I didn’t know about?” “Is this something new?” To set your minds at ease I must confess that this is nothing new more

  • Truth, Justice, And Jesus' Way Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 7, 2013
    based on 84 ratings

    Is Superman really an allegory of Jesus? Is the superhero's battle cry an echo of what Jesus came to do? Find out in the next exciting episode...

    OPEN: ( The title of this old George Reeves Superman is “Superman On Earth” When playing, start fading about the 1:05 mark) (after the video was played, I assumed the “Superman” pose – with my hands on my hips) “So do more

  • A Difficult Truth And A Wonderful Hope Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Jul 22, 2013

    In these next verses in 1 John we are presented with a difficult truth that cuts home today and a wonderful hope that gives us courage for tomorrow.

    A Difficult Truth and A Wonderful Hope - 1 John 2:18-29 - July 21, 2013 Series: That We May Know – Life With Jesus - #8 This morning we are continuing in our series from the book of 1 John so I’ll ask you to open your Bibles with me please, to 1 John, chapter 2, and we’ll more

  • Devil Takes Away Truths Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jan 15, 2012

    The devil can take away truths from our hearts if we let him.

    Last week we noted that Jesus emphasized the importance of faith in Luke 7. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Saving faith is believing the Word of God and taking action with that belief. In the beginning of Luke 8, we noted some results of saving faith. Open your Bibles and read along more

  • Blinded By Lies, Confronted By The Truth Series

    Contributed by Tim Spear on Dec 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Lies have a devastating and corrupting effect, but the Truth can help people overcome those lies.

    Jesus, the God-man: Gospel of John “Blinded by Lies, Confronted by the Truth” John 18:28-40 Introduction: “Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and more

  • Defend The Truth In A Compromising World

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Mar 15, 2012

    There was an catchy song ad for Burger King not too many years ago that went "have it your way, have it your way" That's what some churches have become....come on by and worship your way! Verse 4 says For the time will come when they will not endure soun

    Defend the truth in a compromising world. 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doc-trine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them-selves more

  • When Virtue Embraces Truth

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Feb 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The child of God who has a true Christian mindset checks everything he hears, reads and experiences to God’s Word. This message show how Biblical truth is the foundation of faith, hope and love.

    Title: When Virtue Embraces Truth One powerful truth in Psalms Chapter One is that the blessed man is the man who finds his “…delight in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.” (Psalm 1:2) The Hebrew word for “law” (torah) in its more

  • Spiritual Warfare The Belt Of Truth Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 26, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Government says taxation, environmentalists say population, politicians say legislation, taxation and education. All of their strategies are wrong. The gospel and truth of Jesus says the solution to our problems is transformation.

    Intro: The government is looking for ways to save entitlement programs and the only place they look is more taxation. The environmentalists are looking for ways to save the planet and the only thing they can come up with is lower population. Politicians are looking to solve our illegal alien more

  • The First Truths Of The Last Supper Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    It's called the Last Supper, but that’s not really true. Jesus looked forward to a time in the future when He would be alive, and He would celebrate a feast in the Kingdom of God. This will be a future time of reunion, refreshment, and rejoicing.

    INTRODUCTION Easter is five weeks from today. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to walk with Jesus through 94 hours of events that changed the course of our world. The 94-hour period started when Jesus sat down with His disciples to eat the Passover Meal. It ended on Easter Sunday morning more

  • "I Have Not Been Truthful" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Jul 18, 2014

    Very few preach about the Holy Spirit but this series will not only speak about the Holy Spirit but how to Live IN the Spirit.

    The Ultimate Decision June 13, 2013 Well, today I am on trial. Not from man but from God. Over the past six weeks I have received numerous e mails about the devotionals. The main theme is that they seem "Spirit Filled". I write back and say "Yes I feel the Lord directing me in everything I say more

  • Five Truths About Christmas Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 14, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Life - real Life can be hard, but in the scale of eternity it is only for a moment and maybe if we spent more time seeking God’s guidance, if we spent more time trusting Him.

    It’s the 2nd Sunday of Advent - it’s just 17 days to Christmas Day. So let me ask you: Are you ready for Christmas? “Are you ready for Christmas?” .... What question am I really asking you this morning.. When I ask are you ready for Christmas? Do you think I’m more

  • Walking In Light, Truth, And Love Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 13, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This message contains combined information from chapters 7, 8, and 10 of my published book "Our Spiritual Walk." Walking in light, truth, and love will keep us centered on Christ and walking after the Holy Spirit.

    Our Spiritual Walk #4 Walking in Light, Truth, and Love John 12:35 CHCC – July 6, 2014 INTRODUCTION: OK now, we’re ready to start the actual walk. We’ve learned about the difference between the narrow and broad way so we know which path to stay on … and which to avoid more

  • Mercy, Truth And Fear Of The Lord

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 23, 2014

    To show that it's all GOD's Divine effort to cleanse us by using His Mercy and Truth - the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the Fear of the LORD enables us to turn away from evil.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have reverential fear of the LORD? Do you trust and depend on GOD's Mercy and God's Truth alone? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that it's all GOD's Divine effort to cleanse us by using His Mercy and Truth - the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the Fear of more

  • Wake Up Tp The Truth!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 25, 2014

    Like Joseph, wake up to the truth of Christmas. The babe of Bethlehem is God's Son, your Savior.

    What kind of sounds, smells, and sights did you wake up to this morning? Did you hear the shrieks of children eager and impatient to open presents? Did you smell freshly brewed coffee swirling with the aroma of Christmas baking? And did you see Christmas stockings so stuffed that the seams more

  • Jesus Is My Light And Truth

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 28, 2014

    To show that JESUS is our Light and Truth and He leads us in this life.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is JESUS leading you? Is JESUS your Light and Truth? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that JESUS is our Light and Truth and He leads us in this life. IV. TEXT: Psalms 43:3 (Amplified Bible) 43:3 O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; more

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