Sermon Series
  • 1. "I Have Not Been Truthful"

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2014

    Very few preach about the Holy Spirit but this series will not only speak about the Holy Spirit but how to Live IN the Spirit.

    The Ultimate Decision June 13, 2013 Well, today I am on trial. Not from man but from God. Over the past six weeks I have received numerous e mails about the devotionals. The main theme is that they seem "Spirit Filled". I write back and say "Yes I feel the Lord directing me in everything I more

  • 2. "I Have Not Been Truthful" Part Ii

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2014

    Preaching in the flesh might make people excited but there is no change in the people when they leave. It is only by the power of The Holy Spirit that the message of Salvation will cut to the marrow of the heart and soul.

    The Ultimate Decision September 17, 2013 A number of weeks ago I spoke at a church and was told that everything was different when preached. I had people come up to me afterwards and say "You are changed". "Wow, God was in this room tonight". This past week we have reached over 100,000 new more

  • 3. "The Power Of The Holy Spirit Part Ii

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2014

    Believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit will break strongholds, pray for you and teach you.

    The Ultimate Decision July 17, 2013 It has been two weeks since I have been able to write to you. Not because I have not wanted to but I have been in a huge war against evil. You see speaking in Tongues for personal edification so we ca learn the desire of the Spirit is something Satan does more

  • 4. "How Do I Live In The Spirit"

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2014

    This one devotional reached over 200,000 people. Many desire to live by the Holy Spirit but not many teach how. This sermon is Spirit led and will help you to finally see how to live IN the Holy Spirit.

    The Ultimate Decision July 7, 2014 As I get up to read and pray each morning it amazes me that I have no clue what I am going to write to you each day. That is until the Holy Spirit through the word of God gives me the lesson for the day. I take no credit as it is only God inside of me that in more

  • 5. "Let It Go Today"

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2014

    How to live a Spirit FILLED life by letting go of__________________

    The Ultimate Decision August 25, 2014 There is a story I have told many times about people who had hunted monkeys in the jungle. The trappers would hollow out a coconut and put a piece elf meat in it. Then they would secure the coconut to a tree with a chain. Once the monkey had the meat inside more