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  • Trust God

    Contributed by Steven Cannon on Mar 16, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    We must learn to trust God at all times.

    TRUST IN GOD It’s hard to trust at times. Especially when you’ve been hurt or you’re confused or you don’t understand but we need to learn to trust God at all times. PT 1: TRUST GOD IN ALL THINGS AND AT ALL TIMES. Why can we trust God in all things and at all times? Why? Because God has more

  • Simple Trust Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 5, 2015

    God has moved powerfully in human history and in our lives. In response, we are invited to simply trust in what God has already done.

    Romans 1:1-17 “Simple Trust” INTRODUCTION There are times when we are forced to go to the very core of our being in order to rediscover ore reaffirm who we are as individuals. The young man in this video reaffirmed that he was a “good” boy and that he wasn’t more

  • Simple Trust Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 22, 2015

    God has moved powerfully in human history and in our lives. In response, we are invited to simply trust in what God has already done.

    Romans 1:1-17 “Simple Trust” INTRODUCTION There are times when we are forced to go to the very core of our being in order to rediscover ore reaffirm who we are as individuals. The young man in this video reaffirmed that he was a “good” boy and that he wasn’t more

  • Trust God

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 14, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This is about trusting God.

    The Book of Psalms is an interesting book. Basically it’s a book of ancient Hebrew poetry. I’m not one who was every really into poetry. I dreaded the section on poetry in English class. I’ve never been much on symbolism. I had an English teacher in high school who saw symbolism in everything, more

  • Why Trust Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 12, 2014

    Trust can be a huge challenge for us, especially when it comes to God. What does it really mean to trust God?

    Why Trust? Matthew 6:25-34
 A man was out jogging one day and slipped and fell off a cliff. Grabbing hold of a branch on the way down, he found himself stranded and began to scream, “Help, is there anyone up there who can hear me?” He yelled for hours and was about to give up when more

  • Trusting In The Futures Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Mar 19, 2015

    Decisions we make today impact our future for His kingdom; Pain may play a role in your future; truth today will transform your future; pleasing God is the purpose of your future

    DEFINING MOMENTS – PART THREE TRUSTING IN THE FUTURES JOSHUA 24:14-18 - DR. LARRY L. THOMPSON (2015) Introduction: (Pastor opens with story of visit by President of Insurance Company – “You’ve just made the biggest mistake in your life!”) Cody Delistraty has more

  • Trusting The Word

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    We can rely on the truth of God's word

    2 Peter 1b - 4/29/12 Turn with me this morning in the end of your bibles to the book of 2 Peter. We are looking together at the book of 2 Peter. Last week we asked two questions: • How’s your eyesight? and • How’s your memory? And we talked about taking our spiritual “one a days” Today, we more

  • Trust Not In Princes Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 8, 2020

    The Scriptures enjoin us not to trust in princes, because God’s word is very clear about human minds and wills. We are weak, and so we sin.

    Tuesday of 5th Week in Course 2020 Our Lady of Lourdes This is a grand tableau from the First Book of Kings: Solomon has spent years constructing the Temple of the Lord, and here he is dedicating it to the worship of the God of Israel. But even he knew that the God who had called Moses, used signs more

  • Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Trust in the LORD

    Proverbs 3 v 1 - 12 I. THE PERSON OF TRUST. 5 Trust in the LORD “Lean on, more

  • Worry And Trust Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    Worry is the enemy of faith - and worry can do nothing for you, except give you the illusion of control and concern. Why do it? Because worry is the inevitable result of trusting in ourselves.

    In What Do You Trust – Part 8 – Worry and Trust 1. Overview and Review a. Trust – what is it? Trust is placing the full weight of your care on another without reserve. b. What is the greatest evidence of trust in the Christian? (prayer) c. Why can we trust God? i. Because He is Big Enough to more

  • Living Trust

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Sep 9, 2006

    Trust is key to living our lives in the power of Christ

    Living Trust Matthew 17:14-20 One of the issues that we deal with on a daily basis is trust. Whether we admit it or not, we place our trust in a variety of things each day without thinking about it. We trust that the lights will come on when we flip a switch. We trust that the car will start when more

  • Trust Not In Chariots!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Mar 15, 2014

    Only when you empty yourself can you be filled by God! Do you hear me?

    Jesus is enough! Just more than enough! Memorize: Psalm 20:7’Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.’ 2 Samuel 8:4”And David took from him 1,700 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers. And David hamstrung all the chariot horses but more

  • The Trust Factor

    Contributed by Paddick Van Zyl on Oct 20, 2014

    Do we trust God in everything, with our entire life?

    Sermon by Pr. Paddick Van Zyl Oct 2014 Title: The Trust Factor Intro: The story is told, whether fact or fictional I can not affirm, that there was a magnificent waterfall with approximate a 30 meter drop into a narrow river. On the opposite side of the waterfall was an equally beautiful garden more

  • Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Jan 12, 2023

    A life of trust is a life of peace. A place all of us want to be.

    Trust Today’s message will address these three questions What is trust? Why do we need trust? Who will you trust? 1. What is trust? Trust - The sense of well-being and security which results from having something or someone in whom to place confidence. The feeling of being safe or secure. To be more

  • Trust Me

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Sep 8, 2015

    Trust issues; many of us have them. Yet I think everyone trusts in something or someone. In God We Trust is written on our money yet ironically more americans trust in money than they do God. Let's see why trusting in God is the much wiser choice.

    TRUST ME In my last series, I focused on the places where Jesus said, “I tell you the truth”. But in order to accept what Jesus said we need to trust that he knows what the truth is. Jesus said to Pilate, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me”, to where Pilate more

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