
Trust In The Lord

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
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Emphasize the importance of trusting in the Lord daily, and the benefits, necessity, and rewards that come from doing so, as taught in Proverbs 3:1-6.


Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive into a beautiful and timeless passage from the book of Proverbs that teaches us about the benefits, necessity, and rewards of trusting in the Lord.

As we gather together to worship and learn, let's remember the words of C.S. Lewis who once said, "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done."

Let's read together from Proverbs 3:1-6:

"My son, do not forget my teaching,

but keep my commands in your heart,

for they will prolong your life many years

and bring you peace and prosperity.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;

bind them around your neck,

write them on the tablet of your heart.

Then you will win favor and a good name

in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight."

The Benefits

Trusting in God is not only a command given to us in Scripture, but it is also a choice that comes with numerous blessings and advantages. As we delve deeper into this idea, we will discover the various aspects of how trusting in the Lord can positively impact our lives.

First and foremost, trusting in the Lord brings us peace. In a world filled with turmoil, uncertainties, and chaos, it is easy to become overwhelmed and anxious about the future. However, when we choose to trust in God, we are essentially placing our worries and fears in His capable hands. This act of surrender allows us to experience a sense of peace that surpasses all understanding, as described in Philippians 4:7. This peace is not dependent on our circumstances but is rooted in the unchanging nature of God and His promises.

Another benefit of trusting in the Lord is the wisdom and guidance He provides. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us that when we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, He will make our paths straight. When we rely on God's wisdom instead of our limited human understanding, He will guide us in making the right decisions and navigating the complexities of life. This divine guidance is invaluable, as it helps us avoid pitfalls and mistakes that could have lasting consequences.

Trusting in the Lord also leads to spiritual growth and maturity. As we learn to depend on God and acknowledge His sovereignty in every aspect of our lives, our faith is strengthened, and our relationship with Him deepens. This growth enables us to better understand God's will for our lives and equips us to serve Him more effectively. Moreover, as we grow in our trust in God, we become better equipped to handle trials and challenges that come our way, knowing that He is in control and will work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

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Furthermore, trusting in the Lord brings about a sense of security and stability in our lives. When we place our trust in God, we are anchoring ourselves to the One who is unchanging and eternal. This foundation provides us with a sense of safety and assurance, knowing that no matter what happens in our lives, God is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). This security enables us to face life's uncertainties with confidence and boldness, knowing that our future is in the hands of our loving Heavenly Father.

Additionally, trusting in the Lord can lead to physical and emotional healing. In many instances throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals who experienced healing as a result of their trust in God. For example, in Mark 5:34, a woman who had been suffering from a bleeding disorder for twelve years was healed when she reached out in faith to touch Jesus' cloak. Jesus told her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." This story, along with countless others, demonstrates the power of trusting in the Lord and the healing that can result from it.

Trusting in the Lord also has the potential to positively impact our relationships with others. As we learn to trust in God and rely on His wisdom and guidance, we become better equipped to navigate the complexities of human relationships. This trust enables us to extend grace and forgiveness to others, as we recognize that we are all imperfect and in need of God's grace. Additionally, trusting in the Lord can help us develop healthier boundaries in our relationships, as we learn to seek His guidance in determining what is best for us and those around us.

When we place our trust in God, we are acknowledging that He is in control and that His plans for our lives are far better than anything we could imagine for ourselves. This realization frees us from the need to constantly strive for success and happiness in our own strength and allows us to rest in the knowledge that God is working all things together for our good. As a result, we can experience a deep sense of joy and contentment that is not dependent on our circumstances but is rooted in our relationship with God.

The Necessity

The necessity of trusting in the Lord is not merely an optional practice or a suggestion; rather, it is a vital and indispensable part of our relationship with God ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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