Sermon Series
  • 1. A Transforming Moment

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    These is sermon 1 in a series of sermons on moments with Master, as Jesus teaches us crucial life lessons. This sermon deals with the need of the transforming touch of Jesus.

    Moments with the Master Series Series Introduction: As one reads the Gospels; it quickly becomes apparent that the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ was a people centered ministry. There are two verses that declare, in detail, our Lord’s mission statement. 1.) Luke 19:10, “For the Son of more

  • 2. A Terrifying Moment

    Contributed on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    John records for us a moment Jesus spends with a woman after she has been dragged out into public for her sin of adultery to face the penalty of death, only to find the gracious pardom of Christ instead.

    Moments with the Master Series A TERRIFYING MOMENT John 8:1-11 Intro On March 22, 1824 an incident took place in Madison County, Indiana, which came to be known as the Fall Creek Massacre. Six white men murdered nine Seneca and Miami Indians and wounded another. Among the nine dead were three more

  • 3. A Touching Moment

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As we read the text of this sermon, we see a poor, diseased woman who with a grain of hope pushes her way through the crowd to be healed, but receives so much more once she touches the Master.

    Moments with the Master Series A TOUCHING MOMENT Mark 5:25-34 Intro Mark chapter 5 is brimming with impossible cases. It has been called the Bible home for incurables. There are three cases given in this chapter which are absolutely, humanly speaking, hopeless and impossible. There was the more

  • 4. A Teaching Moment

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    During a moment spent between Nicodemus and Jesus, we are all taught the way, the only way to savlation.

    Moments with the Master Series A TEACHING MOMENT John 3:1-15 Intro Over the last several weeks, we have looked at several of the personal encounters that Jesus had while He was here, walking upon the earth. We have watched Him as He interacted with sick people, dead people and lost people. more

  • 5. A Thrilling Moment

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    That moment spent on the cross of calvary between Jesus and the two theives, speaks of the saving grace of Christ in during this time of anguishes and angony.

    Moments with the Master Series A THRILLING MOMENT Luke 23:32-43 Intro In 2004, a movie called “The Passion of the Christ”, produced and directed by Mel Gibson, was released into all the local theatres. Some of you may have been to see this film. I bring it up this morning for this more

  • 6. A Tender Moment

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter in the text that we have before us if the classic case of the "Backsliding" Christian. And in the moment that Jesus spends with Peter before and after the death, burial, and resurrection; we see the tragedy of backsliding away from God. Then we se

    Moments with the Master Series A TENDER MOMENT John 21:1-19 Intro There was a certain man who had been faithful in worshiping with other believers for many years. Then he became lax and stopped coming to the services. The pastor was burdened for his spiritual welfare, so one day he visited more

  • 7. A Trusting Moment

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is not until we can come to a place in our life like that Samaritan woman at the well when we fully trust Christ, that we will ever experience his grace.

    Moments with the Master Series A TRUSTING MOMENT John 4:1-30 Intro Did you know that people will pretty much believe anything? For instance, the percentage of Americans who believe: That Elvis Presley is still alive: 10%; In reincarnation: 30%; In ghosts: 39%; That aliens have visited earth more