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  • Stepping In The Light Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    2nd in the series "Love Notes: A Letter from John." About living a life of love and holiness and seeking forgiveness when you fail.

    President Calvin Coolidge went to church, and afterwards was asked by a friend what the minister spoke on. “He preached on sin.” The friend asked what the preacher had to say about sin, and was told, “He’s against it.”... That’s sort of the bottom line of today’s message—that sin has no place in more

  • Remember The Light

    Contributed by Kenneth Anthony on Aug 6, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    St. Peter calls Christians to remember the basic principles of faith. Four remembraces are explored.

    Be Reminded of the Light to Guide the Journey This past spring I went on a camping trip with my youngest son to an underground lake called the Lost Sea in Sweetwater, TN. The Lost Sea is the largest underground lake in the Western Hemisphere and is connected to a series of underground caverns more

  • Walking In The Light

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Aug 20, 2012
    based on 17 ratings

    Walking in the light is conditioned on following Christ. John 8:12 “I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.” The Epistle of 1 John lays out several conditions for walking in the light.

    Walking in the Light 1 John 1:5-10 Before a person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Bible says that that person is in total spiritual darkness. When one comes to Jesus that person no longer needs to be in darkness but in following Christ they have the light of life. As such they are more

  • Let There Be Light

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Mar 26, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    I this sermon I am going to use what we do know physical light and darkness to better explain what Christians often have a hard time understanding spiritual darkness and light.

    Let there be Light Genesis 1:1-5 Online Sermon: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, more

  • God Is Light Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 9, 2021

    God is light. Nothing stronger can be said. This is as far as human language can go in relating God and light. God is light. Light is of the very essence of God's nature.

    The Emperor Trajan said to Rabbi Joshua, "You teach that your God is everywhere. I should like to see Him." The Rabbi replied, "God's presence is everywhere, but He cannot be seen. No mortal eye can behold His glory." The Emperor insisted, however, and so the Rabbi said, more

  • Love And Light Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to be holy and whole, just like our Heavenly Father, then walk in love and walk in the light of Christ.

    Six-year-old little Jenny complained to her mother of a tummy ache. “That’s because your tummy is empty,” her mother replied. “You’d feel better if there were something in it.” That evening, their pastor stopped for a visit and later commented that his head had more

  • The Light Of The World

    Contributed by J.d. Tutell on May 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A Children's Sunday sermon focusing on the reality of light and the illusion of darkness.

    Today you’ve noticed that we’ve been talking a lot about light. It’s because that is the theme for the summer program this year but also because the concept of light is so important to the church. Jesus used it as a metaphor to describe to people who He was and it still works more

  • The Light Of Hope

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 19, 2016

    We all need hope. Here I’m touching on how Hope is like a light. It should give us optimism, transform our lives, and reminds us of our inheritance.

    THE LIGHT OF HOPE INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. You always need to be skeptical when you are offered a “free ride.” If it looks too good to be true, it probably IS too good to be true. Example: 2. In Zimbabwe, a bus driver was transporting 20 mental patients from one mental hospital to more

  • "Creeatures Of The Light"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 19, 2014

    A sermon about light and darkness.

    John 4:5-42 "Creatures of the Light" Last week we talked about how the Gospel of John uses the metaphors of darkness and light over and over again in deeply symbolic ways. For instance, in John Chapter 1 we are told that "the light (Who is Jesus) shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn't more

  • Let There Be Light PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 9, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how belief in God's word can break bondages, battle darkness, and free us from demonic oppression, using Genesis 1:1-5 as a guide.

    Good morning, dear ones. What a blessed day it is to be gathered here together in the house of our Lord, ready to receive His word and allow it to work its transformative power in our lives. We are here to partake in a feast of spiritual nourishment, a banquet of biblical wisdom, and a celebration more

  • The Light Of The World

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 27, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Christmas is a time of beautiful lights decorating homes and businesses. Little does the world take notice that the lights are prophetic in that they speak of the celebration of Him who is the Light of the world.

    The Light of the World John 1:1-12 Introduction: Christmas is a time of beautiful lights. Everywhere homes and businesses are decorated with a multitude of colorful bright lights. Little does the world take notice that the lights are prophetic in that they speak of the celebration of Him who is more

  • Walk In The Light

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Aug 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Walking in the Light means to "Act According To His Word" - Implementing Four Actions from 1 Jn 1:7 ❶ CHANGE - Walk ❷ SEE - Light ❸ KNOW - Fellowship ❹ EXPERIENCE - Blood

    The Pew Forum On Religion & Public Life - SURVEY Who Achieves Eternal Life? 65% - Many religions can lead to eternal life 29% - My religion is the one true faith to eternal life 6% - Don’t know/refused eHow - How to do just about everything How to Choose a Religion That Is Right for You Their more

  • Walking In The Light

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 2, 2018

    Experiencing God’s love and forgiveness we walk in the light with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

    INTRODUCTION What is the result of encountering the God of Light, the God in whom no darkness dwells? This was a burning question for those early followers of “The Way.” They realized that being a Christian involved more than merely giving intellectual accent to a theological doctrine. Loving more

  • The Shining Light

    Contributed by Timothy Gardner on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    People need to have a better knowledge of what God will do for them when they believe in and accept Him into their lives.

    It is so amazing to me to see different people in the world reject the needs they have. People come into the Salvation Army for financial support because they have lost their jobs, but when we give them a couple of employers that are hiring, they seem to back away. When we get into some sort of more

  • The Word - The Light Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Sep 9, 2012

    Something wonderful, The Word - The Light had come John was a first hand witness! This is his introduction to freedom as people walked in the light. It madehis joy complete to tell the news!

    The letters that are contained in the New Testament are written to the early church to give an understanding to the people of God, that extends beyond what they already knew, I’m keen to do a series on the letters of John. A little bit of background on these letters from a start. John was the more

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