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Sermons on demonic oppression:

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  • "Demons That Oppress You"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 147 ratings

    Although Christians cannot be demon possessed, we can be demon oppressed. This message shows some of the ways Christians can be demon oppressed.

    “Demons That Oppress You” Mark 5:1-20 INTRODUCTION – We continue in our series on ‘Great Events In The Life And Ministry Of Jesus’. Jesus cast out demons several times in His ministry. TODAY, we are going to look and see that He can cast some demons out of YOUR life. NOW … let me make this more

  • Let There Be Light PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 9, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how belief in God's word can break bondages, battle darkness, and free us from demonic oppression, using Genesis 1:1-5 as a guide.

    Good morning, dear ones. What a blessed day it is to be gathered here together in the house of our Lord, ready to receive His word and allow it to work its transformative power in our lives. We are here to partake in a feast of spiritual nourishment, a banquet of biblical wisdom, and a celebration more

  • Dealing With Oppression

    Contributed by Christopher Roberts (Barrister) on Nov 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon will help Christians to gain an understanding about how oppression from the enemy can be dealt with.

    Oppression v Possession It is only when a Christian finds that they are struggling in their walk with God, that they may need to consider whether or not they may have been oppressed by the enemy. If you are a person who has accepted Christ into your heart and follows God, but finds that you are more

  • Victory Over Demons

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Sep 29, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Victory begins by believing and receiving the message that this is the acceptable year of the Lord. The whole ministry Jesus dealt with releasing men from satanic bondage, demonic oppression and slavery.

    Subject: "Victory Over Demon" Text: Mark 5:1-20 Introduction: We have talked about Victory Over Danger. We witnessed the power of God calming the raging sea. Today, we will witness God's power calming a raging, demon possessed spirit within a man. Jesus came to bring us victory in more

  • Paul's Thorny Trial - Was It Sickness Or?

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Feb 16, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    The issue of the Apostle Paul's thorn-in-the-flesh has been hotly debated for centuries.

    "And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure" (2 Cor 12:7 NKJV) Some have held that this "thorn" was an eye disease that God more

  • Who Needs Deliverance? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 30, 2024

    In this sermon, we will explore the biblical perspective on deliverance and identify those who need it.

    Deliverance is a fundamental concept in the Bible, and it is essential for every believer to understand who needs deliverance and why. In this sermon, we will explore the biblical perspective on deliverance and identify those who need it. What is Deliverance? Deliverance is the act of being more

  • Paul & Barnabas On The Move: The Holy Spirit Spreads The Gospel Against Demonic Oppression

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Aug 19, 2021

    So we’ve gone from Jesus Christ, alive from the dead, commanding his rag tag band of followers to make disciples of the whole world. They set out to do that in Jerusalem but faced severe persecution.

    So we’ve gone from Jesus Christ, alive from the dead, commanding his rag tag band of followers to make disciples of the whole world. They set out to do that in Jerusalem but faced severe persecution. So they fled off into the roman empire preaching the gospel wherever they went. Peter, Philip, and more

  • How Can The Lord Help Us Overcome Oppression From Demonic Powers?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 87 ratings

    Be sure that you consistently equip yourself for every spiritual battle. Be confident in the Lord’s ability to fight every battle in, through, with and for you

    What are some of the Biblical means of helping people be freed from demonic oppression? 1. Paul, the apostle, gives us a great formula for fighting every good fight of faith in Ephesians 6. Paul writes, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so more

  • Freedom From The Oppression Of The Taskmasters

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Apr 13, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Just like Pharaoh somehow had strange suspicion that he’d better do something to hold these people back. The enemy has that same inclination to want to hold you back from your promise, from your position, from your calling, from fulfilling what God has placed on your life

    Freedom from the Oppression of the Taskmasters Study Text: Exodus 1: 8-14 Introduction: - There came a new king who had no covenant with Joseph. God brought him up out of the pit, put him right in second in command, right under Pharaoh. - Pharaoh said, “Take my kingdom,” and so forth. more

  • Free Indeed: The Rebel Heart Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When Christians have a rebellious heart, we open our lives up to oppression and bondage.

    “Free Indeed” Rebellion 1. Illus. of young woman  Experiencing profound spiritual bondage.  Saved, but absolutely miserable.  Now, so often things like depression and anger are emotional issues. But in this young ladies case, the problem was spiritual. She was being more

  • Deliverance

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Feb 12, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    Deliverance from evil spirits is an important part of the continuing mission of Jesus Christ. The Bible contains many examples of deliverance both during and after the earthly ministry of Jesus. Believers in Jesus today have the authority and opportunity

    Deliverance The term deliverance in religion describes the process by which a person is delivered from the control a demon or demons. Deliverance is achieved by driving out evil spirits using the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If a person has ever been involved in occult more

  • None Can Oppress You!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 1, 2015

    The moment you start walking close with God through consistent prayer, fasting and reading of His Word, the devil would flee!

    They dare not touch you! Psalm 105:14”…he allowed no one to oppress them….” After giving water baptism for two young girls in our church, we returned home and I was not able to come out of that anointing! Yes, I felt the presence of God in a mighty way at the place of more

  • Oppressed

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Dec 31, 2014

    Satan's oppression of the true believer

    Oppressed Acts 10:38 I. Oppressed A. to exercise harsh control over another B. to use one's power against another II. Satan's primary methods of oppression A. darkness - John 1:5; Ephesians 6:12; I Peter 2:9 B. deception - John 8:44, II Corinthians 11:3, Revelation more

  • Sermon On Demons

    Contributed by William Meakin on Apr 9, 2021

    A demon is identified as a supernatural being, largely considered evil, which can possess humans and remove them from the path of righteousness.

    Ip Man, the Chinese martial artist, and grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun, once remarked: “We all have inner demons to fight, we call these demons, fear and hatred and anger. If you do not conquer them, then a life of one hundred years is a tragedy. If you do, then a life of a single day can more

  • Why Demons Attack The Soul And The Body?

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on May 5, 2017

    How do we go to battle without becoming demon chasers? There are two extremes to avoid. Some people tend to blame every adversity on the devil, always assuming, "It's a demon!" They're impressed by the heaviness and the oppression. They know all the spiri

    Demons are known to operate in both the soul and the body. There is no Biblical evidence that I am aware of where demons are known to specifically operate within a man's spirit. Every time we see a demonic spirit at work in the life of a person, it is either through the soul (mind) or the physical more

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