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  • Feather Trigger

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 6, 2018

    What is the most fun of the 7 sins? We deal with people that have feather triggers (hair triggers) with short fuses. We must rise above the debate of desiring to be right, and realize personal relationships develop by love, love never fails.

    FEATHER TRIGGER By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. 2/5/2018 TEXT: Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23 (MSG) more

  • A Revival Triggered By Demons

    Contributed by James May on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    The demons who chased off the seven sons of Sceva triggered a revival that spread throughout Asia. If God can use demons to start a revival, surely He can use those who are called by His name.

    A REVIVAL TRIGGERED BY DEMONS by Pastor Jim May Acts 19:10-20, "And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought more

  • The Hair Trigger God Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Mar 10, 2013

    Real love does not damage you or hurt you – real love makes you whole.

    THE MISUNDERSTOOD GOD**: THE HAIR-TRIGGER GOD 1 CORINTHIANS 13:1-4 Big Idea: Real love does not damage you or hurt you – real love makes you whole. Supporting Scripture: Psalm 86:15; Jeremiah 29:11, 31:3; Romans 2:4; 1 Timothy 1:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Jude 24-25 1 If I speak in the tongues of more

  • The Domino Effect - Truths That Trigger Series

    Contributed by Rob Willis on Mar 8, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Focus on truths that trigger God’s working in our lives when we believe and obey them.

    Focusing on Truth – a Study in Ephesians Lesson Seven: “The Domino Effect” Subtitle: Truths that Trigger God’s Work Ephesians 1:15-20 Note: As I preached this message, I used dominos in the following ways: 1) I had the ushers hand one to every adult and teen in the service. 2) I illustrated what I more

  • Four Triggers For A Spiritual Awakening

    Contributed by James May on Aug 27, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    The church must step out by faith and work during this time of freedom to work. We cannot stand idly by and allow the Outpouring of the Holy Ghost and Spiritual Awakening to pass us by! Let the Holy Ghost move in our midst or be left behind.

    Four Triggers for a Spiritual Awakening Four Messages that we Must Heed to be a Part of any Great Awakening! Sunday, August 278, 2017 By Rev. James May There are too many scriptures today for me to put them in the bulletin so you’ll need to get your Bible out and turn to the Book of Haggai in the more

  • How To Trigger A Great Awakening

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!"

    Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!" That is the beginning. We become willing to be a vessel more

  • Lukewarm Passion: Figure The Trigger

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 8, 2021

    We live in a day of addictive behaviors... slowly people's passions fade and we have no accountability to correct the problem. We must get our fingers of our ears and start listening in our families.

    LUKE WARM PASSION… FIGURE THE TRIGGER By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. WE RECENTLY DID A STUDY ON ASSURANCE AND RE-ASSURANCE. You can find the study in my material. We live in stressful, fearful times… Our children, spouses and friends THOUGHT –BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS are driven by the more

  • The Divine Spark Series

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Mar 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How to trigger your spiritual gifts

    How to trigger your spiritual gifts! Sometimes, when you plug an electrical appliance into an outlet, you may notice a small blue spark. In most situations, this is a normal event as the electrons begin to flow into the appliance's power cord. A spark is triggered when the electric field strength more

  • What Trips Your Trigger? Lost Passion?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 29, 2021

    How sad is it to lose your passion? This is a 3 part lesson on love, passion and zeal. Are you excited about life? What kills passion?

    WHAT ACTION TRIPS YOUR TRIGGER? HAVE WE LOST OUR PASSION? LOVE IS #1… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (3 PART LESSON) TEXT: Revelation 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. GET REAL? ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT YOUR LIFE? FAMILY? JOB? more

  • Are You Ready For A Miracle?

    Contributed by James May on Apr 25, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    Miracles aren’t a problem with Jesus in your boat but they are always triggered by obedience.

    Are You Ready for a Miracle? by Pastor James May Luke 5:1-11, "And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And more

  • A Prayer For Rebekah

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Feb 23, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Intercession that's rooted in love can triggers divine intervention.

    A PRAYER FOR REBEKAH "21 Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22 But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well, why am I like this?” So she went to inquire of the more

  • Living Above The Passions Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Message 19 in our explorations of James. This message focuses on the war on the inside that triggers wars on the outside.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Living Above the Passions” The book of James is all about living by genuine faith. James describes the kind of life the one who claims to live by faith lives. I. Faith’s response to trials 1:2-27 II. Faith’s response to partiality and prejudice 2:1-13 more

  • I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 17, 2019

    Are we ashamed of the Gospel … ashamed to be known as a Christian? What might trigger that kind of embarrassment/shame?

    I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL Romans 1:16-17 Introduction Steven Kryger writes about his experience visiting Christians in Iraq. He writes, “In the heartland of violent anti-Christian extremism, I was confronted with how openly and unashamedly Christians are displaying their allegiance to more

  • James And John And The Near Occasions Of Sin Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 8, 2021

    We must work hard to avoid situations in which our buttons are pushed, or our “triggers” are pulled.

    Twenty-ninth Sunday in Course 2021 Temptation. If any of us might claim never to have been tempted to do something morally evil, I’d just suggest that you haven’t been paying attention. We are tempted all the time. Turn on radio, TV, Internet, you are assailed by ads. Most of them tell you to buy more

  • Personal Choice; My Loaded Gun

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Feb 11, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Our rights and responsibilities are like the tension on the trigger of a loaded gun; properly handled they are a blessing -- improperly handled they are dangerous.

    February 10, 2002 1Now let¡¦s talk about food that has been sacrificed to idols. You think that everyone should agree with your perfect knowledge. While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church. 2Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn¡¦t really more