How To Trigger A Great Awakening
Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 5, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!"
Ultimately the Holy Spirit is the only one who can trigger a great awakening in your area. Yet the Spirit is willing. God works through people. He asks "Who will go?" Who is willing to say: "Here I am Lord, send me!" That is the beginning. We become willing to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit to work through. That is very powerful. It's called "willingness." After we're willing, and we start doing, prayerfully, it's really nothing more than details from there.
What are those details? Let's have a look see. Are you ready to be Johnny Appleseed, planting wherever you go? It starts with planting. Hopefully others are watering, eventually a crop is growing.
We need not reinvent the wheel. The amazing thing is that God does the real work. What's more amazing is it's all there in the Bible! I just need to bring it to the surface of the culture around me. Christianity in it's practice can become stagnant, and dead, in a short amount of time. People grow old, slowly die inside, and eventually there are plenty of Bibles still about, but they're all collecting dust on shelves or buried at the bottom of boxes in the basement.
Engagement is so important. And it doesn't take an extrovert people person evangelist. Myself, I tend to be more introverted then extroverted. And I take that roll, I don't force myself into something I can't be. I make it work to my advantage.
Just plant seeds, prayerfully. It's not too tough. The methods will vary with the personality of the person, but these are the methods I've put into practice that seem to be yielding fruit.
In essence, it's about becoming a powerhouse. It's about becoming a one man (or woman) army. No one else is going to do these things. I take responsibility to do them myself. And I need to endure in that.
I gotta be a dynamic, versatile assault carrier. I've got planes I launch, I've got deck guns, I've got emergency crews, repair crews, deck hands, troops I can launch to shore, engines to take me places, etc. It's a metaphor, but it's apt. Let's dig into the things we can do, daily, and for me as a young guy, computer savy, reader, writer, speaker, these are tailored to my personality. But anyone brainstorming can come up with their own awakening methods.
1. Deliver the meat and potatoes - Drop Bibles Purchase Bibles in bulk, and drop them at locations in your area. Sometimes food pantries will have a "free books" area, where you could leave some Bibles. Leave free Bibles at laundromats. Tracts are good to leave too. I usually put a sticker on the Bibles I leave with a link to my blog, to encourage a "journey" attitude to Christian living. Websites like these are great places to order bulk bibles:
Christian Book . com
Bible League
All Bibles
2. Personal Prayer - on a daily basis, pray for a handful of people in your area. And watch God work miracles. Pray for churches in your area. Pray for the community overall. God works in mighty ways through prayer. Continue in prayer, week by week, month by month, and year by year.
3. Facebook posting on a daily basis - Christian pictures and scriptures, 3-5 times a day. Imagine the impact you could have over several years as you prayerfully post on social media? This is a favorite one for me, because I'm an introvert. And in the sometimes police state-like atmosphere of America, if you preach out loud long enough without a "permit" you can be arrested and jailed. I wonder if our founding fathers had to get "permits" for everything they wanted to do? I post pictures on social media. I post scriptures on social media. I post links to articles and petitions for Christian organizations as well. Get creative, and get bold!
4. Post on Community Pin up Boards - self made fliers, Christian tracts, encouragement, 12 step meeting lists, get creative. I make my own and tag them up every two weeks at gas stations, apartment complexes, laundromats, and super markets. I've found it to be very effective, and free.
5. Donate to Charities - pick a few, walk the walk, set up monthly donations. Compassion International, The Salvation Army, there are many to choose from. It's not gonna break the bank. There are many organizations to choose from, but remember to always check the reputation of your charity on Charity Navigator or another charity review website. Also, if you order regularly on Amazon, remember to order from "smile.amazon.com." When you do, Amazon will donate a percentage of the cost of your order to a charity of your choice. No extra charge to you. Pretty cool, right!?