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  • A Christmas Message For December 22, 2024 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 9, 2025

    Jesus is the greatest Christmas gift ever! John showed how that even though He was rejected, more often than not, some from that day to this still receive Him as Lord and Savior.

    A Christmas Message for December 22, 2024 (based on a sermon preached at New Hope Baptist Church near Fulton, MO on 12-22-2024. This is not an exact transcription.) (Full disclosure: Sermon Central has already posted a message of mine, based on this same text, called “The Unwanted Christmas Gift”. more

  • Evil Is Defeated Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    The Bible says God is a good judge. And God does what good judges do. Remember, even a dead fish can go with the flow.

    Sermon Preview Today and next Sunday, we’ll see the Tale of Two Cities. Have you cut down a large tree where someone shouts out, “Watch out! It’s going to fall!” And moments after he says this, you watch a large tree first creep slowly to the earth and then pick up speed. It stood aright for so more

  • Impact Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the transformative power of generosity, encouraging believers to recognize and seize opportunities for generosity, and highlighting seven ways to bless others.

    We are in the final week of a three-week series called, The Generous Life, where we are looking at the life-changing power of being generous. We believe God has called us to partner with his kingdom work in the world by blessing the people around us in a variety of ways. If you missed the first two more

  • Life On The Rock

    Contributed by Jay Patton on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    A look at Peter’s doctrinal exposition on the person and the work of Christ in the life of a believer.

    Introduction: My visit to the Rock (Alcatraz)contra THE ROCK CHRIST JESUS. READ SCRIPTURE/PRAY I. Build your faith upon the cornerstone of the Church – The Lord Jesus Christ (v. 4, 6) A. It’s a supernatural stone 1. It’s not about buildings for God B. It’s a select stone (v. 4) 1. Stone is not more

  • Deception: Truths I Have Learned Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Two major issues in Scripture, Deliverence, and Deception. In Joshua chapter nine we see a people affected by deception.

    Some Truths about Deception Joshua 9: Two major issues in Scripture: 1.The issue of Deliverance, Redemption; and 2. The issue of Deception; Deception is a danger to us all and this danger is personified throughout the Bible; WHY IS IT SUCH A MAJOR ISSUE? THREE REASONS; The Minister of more

  • Meeting The Ghost Of Ephraim

    Contributed by Maurice Brown on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    God’s People must have the courage to go forward into battle.

    INTRODUCTION A. Psalm 78 is one of two historical psalms (Psa.105) 1. It traces the history of God’s mighty and marvelous deeds on behalf of Israel. 2. It begins with a call to learn from the mistakes they made in the past. 3. Verse 7 especially expresses the main point of more

  • Herod The Great"? It Depends On Your Perspective

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 25 ratings

    Criteria for real greatness

    “Herod the Great”? It Depends on One’s Perspective (Acts 12:1-19) 1. Greatness from the world’s perspective is very different from greatness in eyes of God. Consider how some people might have considered Herod a great man. Here was an individual who was keenly fond of popularity. Through shrewd more

  • An Introduction To Our Origins

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Jun 8, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    Over the last 200 years this book has taken it’s hardest shots and still it stands tall for us today!But while some scoff at its content, others savor every word because of its value to civilization.

    “An Introduction To Our Origins” Vince Lombardi is the Hall of Fame football coach who produced one NFL championship team after another. The secret to his success was that every year in spring training, he would start the season off by holding up a football in front of his team and say, more

  • The Church In The 2000's

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Our methods might change and will, but our message stays the same.

    THE CHURCH AND IN THE 2000’s Ephesians 4:7-12 08/03/03 Not many years ago, maybe at beginning of the 90’s’ Jerry Vines or Adrian Rogers preached a message titled can the church survive the 90’s. At the beginning of the 90’s I had my doubts I would be here on earth by the year 2000. I will tell more

  • The Thyatira Church Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Number 4 in series: Thyatira "The Letters to the Seven Churches"

    Thyatira: # 4 in series: The Letters to the Seven Churches From the pulpit of Bayview Baptist Church, June 3, 2001 “Is Bayview Baptist Church Similar to Thyatira Baptist?” Revelation 2:18-29 The city of Thyatira in Asia Minor was not an important city of Asia, being not religious or more

  • Seven Happy People

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 24, 2006
    based on 189 ratings

    Unlike joy, happiness is temporary...based on ’happenstance’. But God tells us 7 ’circumstances’ which will lead us to happiness more often. Link included to formatted text, handout, and PowerPoint Template.

    SEVEN HAPPY PEOPLE John 13:17 John 13:17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. Which kind of Christian are you? Humbly grateful or grumbly hateful? Attitude determines altitude! God isn’t here just to keep you out of more

  • Truth About Storms

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on May 18, 2007
    based on 40 ratings

    There are three sides to a Christian’s Storm

    Storms Nahum 1:1-8 There has been much talk this week about the hurricane Katrina that has left much devastation in his wake. Let me mention a few of the worst storms on record. There was the 1926 storm that hit Florida and Alabama. The storm caused $1.2 billion in damage, leaving the city of more

  • I See That Hand

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    We all try to put our best foot or hand forward. What happens when Jesus exposes our brokeness? What is hidden can’t be healed.

    “I See That Hand” Mark 3:1-5 Adam and Eve started the cover up. They sin against God and hide. Out of fellowship. Broken. Marred by sin. So now they try to cover up. Moses tries to cover up his insecurity by refusing to speak. Saul tries to hide his low self-esteem by hiding in the more

  • Quit Dabbling In Sin!

    Contributed by Robbie Parsons on Aug 17, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Just as God demanded the Israelites to cast off the jewelry that they brought with them from Egypt, He commands us today to get rid of the former bad habits and sins in our life.

    GET RID OF THE BAD HABITS (SIN) God brought His people to the border of the land of blessing in verse one. In verse two, God promises to fulfill his promise, but without the exceptional delight of His presence, rather sending them in with an angel. In verse three, God proclaims their sin more

  • From Crisis To Christ

    Contributed by Vera Hughes on Feb 21, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon will teach you how to tap into the wisdom of God when crisis come. The keys in this sermon will tell you how you should react when crisis comes in your life. You can overcome crisis!

    Introduction: If you are going to pursue something, you need wisdom. The bible is the Word of God. It is the wisdom of God. It is a standard to live by; there is an aura about the bible. The bible is a crisis book and tells you why people entered crisis and how they got out it and how they more

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