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  • And So It Begins

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Jun 16, 2011

    The greatest drama in human history begins with love on one hand and betrayal on the other.

    Passage: Matthew 26:1-16 Intro: The play will begin in a few minutes. 1. we are in the next several weeks going to see the greatest drama ever performed 2. it took place in a dusty city in the Middle East, but changed the entire universe, both the spiritual and physical realms. 3. we have more

  • The Last Supper - The Promise Of God's Peace Series

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Mar 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Part one of an Easter series looking at four places Jesus visited and connecting each place to the peaceof God

    Text: Luke 22:v7-23 Title: The promise of God’s peace Introduction Today we begin a sermon series titled “Postcards from Jesus.” It’s an Easter series where we visit 4 places connected with the Easter story. Today we want to visit the upper room – the place of the more

  • So Loved

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on Apr 22, 2011

    Let us all take out our towels from our drawers and kneel down before others, and serve them as Jesus serves us, by loving them unto the end. Let us each serve our Lord, by serving all people, in the grace of God’s ultimate and sacrificial love.

    INTRO One of the neatest gifts I’ve ever received was this little, hand towel. I was given this during my seminary commencement, and have cherished it ever since. The towel has a little saying on it: “Blessed to be a blessing” Isaiah 61:1. Isaiah 61:1-2 says: “The more

  • The Night The Lamb Sang

    Contributed by Bill Sullivan on May 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus the sacrifice Lamb sang the night of His crucifixion. Why did He sing? What did He sing?

    The Night the Lamb Sang TCF Maundy Thursday Sermon April 5, 2012 Matthew 26:26-30 (ESV) 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks more

  • Good Friday Service-With Readings

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 11, 2022

    This is a good Friday Service with acting parts for 3 individuals or they can be read dramatically as part of a sermon

    Good Friday Service Luke 23:26-49 Mark 15:16-41 Candle Lighting Opening Prayer Here I Am To Worship (Song) NARRATOR (One) So here we are today to worship. Today we join in with our brothers and sisters around the world to remember to remember what may have been the darkest hour in more

  • Even Me, Lord?

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Apr 20, 2019

    Is God's love offered to me, with my warts and all, no matter what?

    John 13:1-17 I want to share with you some prepared thoughts I had which I think are important. But first I want to acknowledge, for all of us, the deep sorrow the Christian and entire world is feeling now due to the fire and desecration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. For those of you lucky more

  • Thanksgiving Vs Thanks-Living

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 24, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    This is an anytime sermon on THANKSGIVING. People demand: I DESERVE ... ? Thanksgiving is more about THANKS-LIVING. There is more than the 4th Thursday of Novemeber to being thankful.

    THANKS-GIVING IS THE ART OF THANKS-LIVING.... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. INTRODUCTION: I was talking with a young lady that was making daily some very poor choices. She was raised in the church and had a sweet experience with Jesus. She had attended youth camp and more

  • Run With Hope Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 16, 2022

    Mary ran from the tomb to the city, and Simon and John ran from the city to the tomb in desperation. However, Thursday night became a nightmare for the disciples, and fled the scene.

    Theme: Run with Hope Text: John 20:1-9 Happy Resurrection Day!! Greetings: The Lord is good and his love endures forever. We began the lent with the theme “Throw Off Hindrances - Run with perseverance - Fix your eyes upon Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-3). On this resurrection day, Easter Sunday morning, more

  • Places At The Table Series

    Contributed by Mike Gilbert on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    On Thursday of Passover week, Jesus taught about servant leadership, modeled servant leadership, and instituted the Lord’s Supper. A message leading into observing the Lord’s Supper.

    Intro> It was Thursday evening. Jesus knew when He entered the room that in less than six hours He would be betrayed and arrested. He knew that in twelve hours He would be victim of a mock trial, taken to be ridiculed by King Herod, then back to the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. He knew that more

  • The Conspiracy Against Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 17, 2021

    Though knowing all that is occurring, Jesus uses His last Thursday to assure that He would celebrate the Passover and institute the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist with His disciples

    LUKE 22: 1-13 [JESUS’ LAST WEEK SERIES] THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST JESUS [John 6:67-71] Luke’s passion narrative begins ominously with a description of Judas’s plot which was designed and orchestrated by Satan himself (1 Cor 2:8). The Jewish leaders had decided to do away with Jesus (see 23:2 for more

  • The Revelation Of The Last Supper Series

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus in this passage of scripture will reveal to us four things about the last supper, that teaches us about ourselves and God’s plan for salvation.

    A Journey to Calvary; His Passion our Deliverance Part 2 The Revelation of the Last Supper Am Service March 29th 2009 Matthew 26:17-30 Introduction If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow what would you want to do? Would you want to go somewhere that you’ve never been before, or see more

  • Good Friday Night Failures

    Contributed by Walter Miller on Jan 14, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    There are many ways we fail Jesus, and we need to ponder on these failures, so that we can mature into what Christ calls us to be.

    Bulletin and Sermon Notes/Outline: This is the full service outline for Good Friday , with several mini devotions inserted, instead of one long sermon. Atmosphere - Service is to start out: 1. joyful (disciples singing praise songs while leaving Passover/Seder meal), then turn to 2. more

  • Washing The Feet Of The Disciples

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 7, 2013
    based on 10 ratings

    This world is not our home,. However, the Lord is not taking His disciples immediately out of this world. Instead, He equips us with a model of love and humility for our continuing sojourn here.

    WASHING THE DISCIPLES’ FEET. John 13:1-17. John concludes his account of Jesus’ public ministry with one last urgent appeal in which our Lord “cried out” (John 12:44) with a vehemence not unlike His cry at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:43). Jesus does not cease to call the spiritually dead to new more

  • Is There A Barabbas In The House?

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Mar 27, 2013

    Thank God for Jesus. He graciously took my place on the tree of Calvary. I am no different than Barabbas. I deserved to die, but Jesus took my place.

    Mark 15:1-15 Is there a Barabbas in the house? If we are honest, our hand would be high in the air. IL.: An overly ambitous attorney made a phone call to the governor in the middle of the night. He insisted to speak to him about an urgent matter. Finally, the governor agreed. "What is it?" more

  • The Third Cup And The Hidden Loaf Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 4, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    This message deals with the Last Supper and focuses on four departures Jesus made from the regular Passover meal. In the end, he changed the meaning of Passover forever. Text from Mark 14:12-26

    Four Departures Jesus made from the regular Passover at the Last Supper CHCC: April 3, 2011 Mark 14:12-26 INTRODUCTION: Can you think of a day in your life that changed everything? I remember a day that changed my life forever. It was Sunday afternoon in late August, 1968. I was 18 and had more

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