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  • Wll God Have To Dig And Dung You?

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    This is a message on the importance of being fruitful

    “WILL GOD HAVE TO DIG AND DUNG YOU?” TEXT: Luke 13: 6-9 W. Max Alderman 6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. 7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, more

  • “ye Canny Change The Law Of Physics”! Jesus Did, And He Did It For Us.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Jan 31, 2014

    “Ye canny change the law of Physics”!!! Here in the story of the loaves and the fishes, Jesus did. Recorded on all four gospels, it is a miracle with more powerful than credited; a miracle that is the basis of our lives being changed.

    This sermon was delivered to the congregation in St Oswald’s in Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 3rd August 2011: by Gordon McCulloch (A Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). Summary: “Ye canny change the law of Physics”!!! Here in the story of more

  • Saints Alive And Alert

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Let no-one……… (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Colossians chapter 2 verses 4-15. Ill: A reporter was interviewing an old man on his 100th birthday. • “What are you most proud of?” he asked. • “Well, “ said the man, “I don’t have an enemy in the world.” • “What a beautiful thought! How inspirational!” said the reporter. more

  • Sardis: The Sleeping Church Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    The apostle John is asked by the resurrected and victorious Christ to write to the seven churches of Asia, a message that, although directed to specific churches, applies to the church universal.

    A. Revelation 3:1-2a (READ) 1. Okay, I have a question for you, and I want to be completely honest. “How many of you have ever fallen asleep in church?” (I think some are ASLEEP right now and didn’t even hear the question.) 2. When Christ says, “WAKE UP!” He’s not referring to more

  • The Call To Resolve—part 3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 12 ratings

    A particular resolve is required of God’s people/witnesses. What must God’s people resolve to maintain? Part 3 of a 3-part sermon. Christian resolve maintains God’s...

    The Call to Resolve—III—Joshua 23:1-16 Faithful/Called/Chosen/Elect/Determination As an out of town man on his first business trip to Jacksonville, FL, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there’s a car going the more

  • Committed To Tenant Work

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Oct 7, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    The reason is that we, the church, are those to whom the vineyard was given and we need to be committed to tenant work. We are now those to whom the vineyard is rented and God expects returns!

    COMMITTED TO TENANT WORK LUKE 20:9-19 READ LUKE 20:9-19 I. THE SITUATION The situation that Jesus describes in the opening lines of his parable is probably not a situation that the people He is teaching are unfamiliar with. There have always been men who build and then move on. Owners of farms more

  • Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Kevin Litchfield on Oct 11, 2005
    based on 749 ratings

    This sermon focuses on Palm Sunday

    A little boy was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home from church with his mother. His father returned from church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious and asked, "Why do you have that palm branch, dad?" "You see, when Jesus came into town, everyone waved Palm Branches to honor him, more

  • No Life On Mars

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Intellect or

    “There’s No Life On Mars” I. Introduction The idea that life can or even does exist on Mars has a long history. In 1877 the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli claimed to have seen a planet wide system of channels. A fascination with this planet began and scientists from around the world more

  • "What's The Buzz? Tell Me Whats A Happening"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 10, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    In the Scripture passage for this sermon Jesus was explaining the strange and mysterious way in which the Kingdom of God was arriving in people’s hearts.

    Luke 8:1-15 “What’s the Buzz? Tell Me Whats a Happening” We live in dark times, and yet You and I have something which the darkness cannot overcome. At the same time, we are surrounded by flesh and blood persons just like ourselves who are mourning, who feel they are losing more

  • Money, Money, Money

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Nov 27, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    All those churches want is your money right? This one is about bringing in the tithes and offerings.

    Dakota Community Church November 26, 2006 All About the Bordens (Canadian Benjamins) Introduction: Last week we had a good crowd, again we had first time visitors - the offering was embarassingly low. We have some faithful tithers in this congregation. We have a lot more casual supporters. It is more

  • Taking The Test Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    What happens after you hear the words of Jesus? Is your life different? Today as we study Mark's gospel we see how the Lord gives the disciples an opportunity to test how much the words of Jesus became life in them.

    When I was 15 I took a course at high school in how to drive a car. Drivers Education featured movies, texts, and lectures. At no time during this course did we set foot inside of an actual vehicle. Later, I took driver’s training where we tried out our skills behind the wheel. All this was more

  • Planet In Crisis Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 18, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    You may have shrugged it off when you read about it in the newspaper or heard about it on TV. But it's real, and it fulfills Bible prophecy.

    World leaders know that our planet is in a heap of trouble. For years, analysts, thought leaders, and strategists have been warning, with increasing stridency, about a perfect storm of challenges that threaten our global economy, our global society, and our relative peace. These analysts and more

  • Remain In Christ -- The True Vine

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Easter 5 (B) - Remain in Christ who is the true vine. Only in Christ will you find strength. Only in Christ will you produce results.

    REMAIN IN CHRIST -- THE TRUE VINE (Outline) April 20, 2008 – EASTER 5 - John 15:1-8 INTRO: Eight times in these eight verses today Jesus says: “remain in me”. It may sound strange that Jesus would need to encourage his disciples to remain in him. It sounds strange to us that we need to more

  • Developing A Root System PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Develop a strong spiritual root system in God's love and purposes to endure life's challenges and remain steadfast in faith.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. Today, we're going to be talking about roots. Not the ones in our gardens, but the spiritual roots that ground us in our faith. As Henri J.M. Nouwen once wrote, "Those who are deeply rooted in the love of God can enjoy human praise without being attached to more

  • Giving By Faith Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Mar 8, 2023

    Our giving, when in the right attitude brings us closer to God. We worship when we give our gifts to God.

    God desires us to give our best. This is called giving the first fruits. This means the first agricultural produce of a season, especially when given as an offering to God. It applies to more than agriculture but giving our first and best to God. The idea that God wants us to give Him our best more

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