Be Fruitful Series
Contributed by Jonathan Giles on Sep 13, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: The divine design is for man to steward creation. Nothing's changed.
The Lord was not mistaken when he put man in the Garden of Eden and he said, 'tend and keep it'.
The divine design of creation is perfect. For all the problems we have, the answer is to return to the Lord and His ways.
The word says covetousness is idolatry. (Colossians 3:5) We don't need the materialism of the world.
Adam and Eve weren't in the Garden of Eden worried about not having a microwave or an iPhone.
With food and clothing, we will be satisfied. (1 Timothy 6:8)
Local production provides for food purity and food security.
...as well as for community autonomy.
All this with delicious, nutritious beauty.
When we 'tend the garden and keep it' as is God's original design for man, food purity, food security, and our sovereignty are provided.
The challenges we face are an opportunity for us to step into being warriors of love, to follow after Christ and to support this most meaningful endeavor.
The stakes couldn't be higher. We should feel encouraged and emboldened.
Even though we're faced with great challenges, we have the Lord. We can trust Him.We have real challenges, but I don't want anybody to feel discouraged. Let's hold on to that.
The Lord took man and put him in the garden of Eden to work and keep it. This is before a word was spoken to man. This is the unspoken gospel.
So many are wondering what's the purpose of life. They're anxious and depressed because they are so far from the natural way.
Many of us are in little cars and cubicles all day.
It's much more natural for us to walk, miles and miles a day, this is just part of the Lord's design.
It's exercise, fresh air, sunshine. We're missing that. His wisdom is perfect.
And the Lord commanded the man saying, of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. You shall not eat. So, from the beginning, there was food that we needed to watch for to avoid. We shouldn't be surprised that today, we need to watch what we're eating.
When the Lord made a whip of cords and chased the merchants from the temple, it was said 'Zeal for the Father's house consumed Him.' Friends, that temple was a metaphor for us, we together are to be a temple for the Holy Spirit. Paul's letter says anyone who destroys God's temple will be destroyed. By his stripes we are healed. God cares very much about our health.
There is a very popular herbicide named roundup that is used so much, it averages three pounds per person per year in America to grow our food. The maker has recently agreed to pay $11 billion dollars to farmers to settle cancer suits. But they're still using the food. They're not slowing it down. It's still available at Home Depot next to the kid's drinks.
The Monsanto the former VP of Monsanto runs the FDA. He's in charge. So the corruption is unbelievable and it's just brazen. This herbicide is in up to 95% of our food. It's hard to find anything that it's not in. And it's not just cancers. It's dozens of terrible diseases. It's 99% correlated to things like autism, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, celiac, and obesity.
In the last 7 years, longevity in this country has been trending down. Trending down. In western countries, for the last 100 years, it's always been going up. We're always living longer. We have the technology, we have health care, it shouldn't be going down. So that's food purity. That's the food purity battle we're up against.
Food Security. A lot of us think we might be here on the edge of World War 3 or at least it's never been closer. Jesus said you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled. These things must come to pass. The end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation. The kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines. The very next thing after wars and rumours of wars are famines. Right now, what's going on in the world is going back about a year or two ago, food price have really been going up. A few big countries quit exporting their fertilizer, which is a huge deal. So, this is important. This is our food supply and we had shortages from coronavirus, and the coronavirus is nothing compared to what will come. So, that's how important food security is.
And then sovereignty. Sovereignty. So this is talking about the end times here and talking about that in that day they make the people take the mark of the beast. That no man may buy or sell say that he took the mark. Or the name of the beast or the number of his name. And could hardly imagine how they could put this into place two years ago. You didn't even see it coming. You're like, well, that's 20, 30 years out. Now, it could be like 6 months out, right? Like, they're kind of doing that to in in Canada, right? It's like yeah I was just reading like if you're not jabbed and you're going to a big store like Walmart then you have to be like escorted around the store the whole time.