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Sermons on the priesthood of melchizedek:

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  • Bridge Builders (January 14, 2018 Second Sunday After Epiphany)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Nov 4, 2021

    What is a priest? One way to think about what a priest does is to compare them to being a bridge builder. Why that analogy? A bridge connects pieces of land that are geographically separated, much like a priest helps people connect with God.

    BRIDGE BUILDERS (January 14, 2018 Second Sunday after Epiphany) Text: I Samuel 3:1-10 1 Samuel 3:1-10  Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD under Eli. The word of the LORD was rare in those days; visions were not widespread.  (2)  At that time Eli, whose eyesight had more

  • They Not Like Us

    Contributed by R.p. Ministries on Oct 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    we are set apart by God’s grace and calling, which distinguishes us from the world.

    Prophetic Manuscript Sermon on 1 Peter 2:9 Title: “They Not Like Us” Introduction: I hear the Lord saying today, “You are not like them. You are not who the world says you are, but you are who I say you are.” And in this hour, God is reminding His people that they are different, set apart, and more

  • Priest And King Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Feb 25, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    Melchizedek portrays Christ as our eternal Priest and King.

    Priest and King Hebrews 6:20 – 7:28 SCRIPTURE READING: Hebrews 7:23-28 INTRODUCTION: Readers’ Digest has a section called All in a Day’s Work where people write in humorous things that happen at work. Here’s a good one: Confiding in a co-worker, I told her about a problem in our office and more

  • Make The Most Of Your Blessings Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How can we make the most of our blessings? 1. Rally to help other people (vs. 14-16). 2. Recognize God’s greatness (vs. 17-20). 3. Repay God’s tithe (vs. 20).

    Old Testament Encounters with Christ Part 5: Make the Most of Your Blessings Genesis 14:1-20 (reading vs. 14-20) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Dec. 21, 2011 BACKGROUND: *The background for our Scripture is war between two groups of kingdoms: Four kings of the East against five more

  • A Priest Like No Other

    Contributed by John Harper on Nov 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus Christ is a High Priest unlike past or present priests

    “A PRIEST LIKE NO OTHER” Hebrews 5:1-11 August 3, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God Introduction: Jesus was made a High Priest because • He understood the condition of mankind • He is compassionate to those who are weak I read about a small boy who was consistently late coming more

  • "A Better Bridge" Series

    Contributed by Rob Petersen on Jul 1, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus serves as the only true and complete bridge between us and the Father.

    DOMINANT THOUGHT: Jesus serves as the only true and complete bridge between us and the Father. PURPOSE: - Head: The people will have a better grasp of their greater access to God through Jesus. - Heart: The people will love God and one another. - Hands: The people will try to be better more

  • "The Shepherd Who Loves The Sheep: Catholic Priesthood”

    Contributed by John Sj on Apr 21, 2006
    based on 17 ratings


    “Jesus took pity on them because they were like Sheep without shepherd.” Today we ask ourselves what those words mean as we celebrate a birth in the priestly family. What could the Gospel be teaching us about the priesthood in that imagery of the sheep and the shepherd? More so as more

  • Jesus Is...! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Aug 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A look through the book of Hebrews to better understand who Jesus is. Today we look at Hebrews 7.

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 7:1-28 August 6, 2017 There was a man who had some personal issues going on in his life. So, he asked a woman in his office who was known to be a prayer warrior if she would pray for him. He knew she kept a list of her 10 most urgent prayer requests on her desk. So, he more

  • Christ: The Better Priest

    Contributed by John Harper on Nov 4, 2008

    Christ is superior in His priesthood because of His ministry

    “CHRIST: THE BETTER PRIEST” Hebrews 7:1-10 August 31, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God Introduction: “The painting of Lucretia” Back in the 17th century, the Dutch artist Rembrandt painted two portraits of a famous Roman heroine named Lucretia. One portrait was painted in the year more

  • No More Than I Need Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 10, 2014

    Abram rescues Lot and refuses the booty

    • You remember the famous “wax on, wax off” movie? • Miyagi: Now, ready? Daniel: Yeah, I guess so. • Miyagi: [sighs] Daniel-san, must talk. [they both kneel] • Miyagi: Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or more

  • The Original International Man Of Mystery Series

    Contributed by John Newton on May 1, 2022

    Who was Melchizedek? And how does he relate to Jesus?

    I wonder if anyone can tell me what is the Old Testament passage most frequently quoted in the New Testament… You might think it’s something like Leviticus 19:18, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” If you’re really into the writings of the minor prophets, you might come up with an more

  • Jesus The High Priest

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Divine Ordination of Christ

    Mid-week Message/Devotion March 21, 2018 Reading: Hebrews 5:5-10 Jesus the High Priest Admittedly, this week’s New Testament reading lends more to a bible study than a message with life applications. We will employ some extrapolations and historical references to aid us in understanding more

  • Salvation Full And Free

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    As a priest in the order of Melchizedek, Jesus came to offer salvation full and free.

    These past several weeks have taken us on a journey through portions of Job, Mark chapter 10, and the book of Hebrews. Through looking at the combinations of those Scripture passages, we’ve been reminded that Jesus is our Great High Priest, and that He journeys with us on the path to glory—which more

  • Under The Law Christ Would Not Be A Priest

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 17, 2014

    To show that CHRIST's Priesthood is not of human origin but of GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is CHRIST Your Great High Priest? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST's Priesthood is not of human origin but of GOD. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 8:4 (Amplified Bible) 8:4 If then He were still living on earth, He would not be a priest at all, for there more

  • God Wants To Be First. Series

    Contributed by James Webster on Apr 25, 2015

    Abram had an Old Testament experience with an Old Testament symbol of Christ and he gave to Him first. God wants to be first.

    MESSAGE SERIES “Look to the Stars”- Message III The Life of Abraham God keeps His promises; we must remain obedient to Him even when the future isn’t clear.” INTRODUCTION OF SERIES We are doing a series on Sunday mornings, titled, “LOOK TO THE STARS” The more

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