Sermon Series
  • 1. Jesus Is . . . The Great High Priest!

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2017

    A look through the book of Hebrews, with the theme, Jesus Is . . . !

    Jesus Is...! Hebrews 4:14-16 July 16, 2017 Have you ever had something happen to you which is not so good? You tell the story to someone, hoping to gain a little support and comfort. But the words you hear are - - - “Oh, I know just how you feel.” Really, you know how I feel? Have you more

  • 2. Jesus Is. . .!

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2017

    A look through the book of Hebrews at who Jesus is.

    Jesus Is . . . SERIES: Jesus Is! Hebrews 1:1-14 June 4, 2017 A simple question for you . . . Who is Jesus? That’s it! It’s not overly difficult, I’m not asking you how many frogs decided to jump into a pond or some obscure math problem. I’m making it really simple today . . . “WHO IS more

  • 3. Jesus Is . . . Above Angels!

    Contributed on Jun 10, 2017

    Part 2 of a series looking at Jesus through the book of Hebrews.

    Jesus Is. . .! Above Angels Hebrews 1:5-14 June 11, 2017 I’m not sure I know very many people who really like to take orders from others. In many respects, we have an authority issue. And in the midst of government issues, questions, inquisitions, probes and trials, as we experience the more

  • 4. Jesus Is. . .! - Part 3

    Contributed on Jun 17, 2017

    A look through Hebrews at who Jesus Is!

    Jesus Is . . . The Greatest! SERIES: Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 2:1-18 June 18, 2017 I’ve never heard anyone say . . . when I grow up I want to be a drifter! We usually have something in mind about who we want to be and what we want to accomplish Even when we’re struggling to make a decision, if more

  • 5. Jesus Is . . . Greater Than Moses!

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2017

    Part 4 of a sermon series looking at who Jesus is, through the book of Hebrews. This passage compares Jesus to Moses.

    Jesus Is . . . ! Hebrews 3:1-19 June 25, 2017 Last week we were looking at Hebrews 2, which started out by reminding us if we don’t hold onto the truth, which is Christ, we very easily will drift away from that truth. We will slowly move from active faith to a passive faith. It’s very more

  • 6. Jesus Is. . .! - Part 4

    Contributed on Jul 1, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A journey through the book of Hebrews to discover who Jesus Is. . .! In this section, Jesus offers us REST!

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 4:1-12 July 2, 2017 Has anyone ever warned you that you should not do something? Sometimes when people warn us, we don’t take them seriously. Sometimes we think they are just being over-protective or they don’t want us to have fun, or they’re just being nags. Ever more

  • 7. Jesus Is . . . The Word!

    Contributed on Jul 9, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A look through the book of Hebrews to better understand who Jesus is.

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 4:12-16 July 9, 2017 I’d like to start out simply by reading the passage for today. No cute stories or anything to get us going, because I really believe this passage speaks for itself. In many respects, it does not need an introduction. We’re doing a series on the more

  • 8. Jesus Is . . .! Part 8

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    A look through the book of Hebrews, looking at who Jesus is, and what that means for us.

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 5:1-10 July 23, 2017 Have you ever admired someone who was famous and you tried to imitate them? Maybe it was a musician and you played like they did, or a singer and you tried to sing like them. Or it could have been an athlete and you tried to throw or swing a bat more

  • 9. Jesus Is...!

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2017

    A look through the book of Hebrews to better understand who Jesus is and who we are called to be.

    Jesus Is . . . ! Hebrews 5:11 - 6:20 July 30, 2017 It may be difficult to believe, but sometimes adults can act like children - - There’s nothing more fun than to watch a MLB manager go ballastic and act like a 2 year old. We see 40 year olds acting like 5 year olds. It’s embarrassing when more

  • 10. Jesus Is...!

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A look through the book of Hebrews to better understand who Jesus is. Today we look at Hebrews 7.

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 7:1-28 August 6, 2017 There was a man who had some personal issues going on in his life. So, he asked a woman in his office who was known to be a prayer warrior if she would pray for him. He knew she kept a list of her 10 most urgent prayer requests on her desk. So, more

  • 11. Jesus Is...!

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2017

    A look through the book of Hebrews to learn more about who Jesus Is!

    Jesus Is . . .! Hebrews 8:1-13 August 13, 2017 It’s hard to believe but this is week 11 of our look at the book of Hebrews! This is the longest I’ve preached on one book of the Bible. And today, we’ve come to a very important chapter, not that they aren’t all important, but this chapter can more

  • 12. Jesus Is...!

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2017

    Part 12 of a series looking through the book of Hebrews to discover who Jesus is.

    Jesus Is ...! Hebrews 9 August 20, 2017 Right now I think it’s pretty obvious our world is in a world of hurt. Between the riots over the past week in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one and injuring others, a van running into a crowd in Barcelona and killing 13 people, another car running more