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Sermons on the love of god:

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  • "the Kind Of God We Are Dealing With"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about learning to love like God.

    “The Kind of God We Are Dealing With” Luke 6:27-38 Somebody hurt you and you can’t forget about it. Maybe it was yesterday; maybe it was last month. Maybe it was years ago and the memory of that injury still lurks in unguarded corners of your mind. It’s a monster, that irrepressible hate—an more

  • More Than Words: The Love Of Christ

    Contributed by Chad Moore on Aug 21, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon outline on how to learn, understand and benefit from the immeasurable love of God in Christ. Consider using the words in all-caps as blanks for bulletin outlines and PowerPoint slides.

    LIFE is about KNOWING God. 14For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17so that Christ may dwell in your hearts more

  • Real Love

    Contributed by Greg Burcham on Feb 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon explores our experience with Love and emphasizes the standard for love, God's love.

    Love In just a few days, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day, or St. Valentine’s Day. A made up Holiday by the candy, flower, and greeting card industry designed to make husbands and boyfriends feel guilty and penniless. From what I see every Valentine’s Day, the restaurant and more

  • The Suffering Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Pastor Matthew Faure on Apr 8, 2023

    The suffering of Jesus Christ and the Love of God

    Dear brothers and sisters, Today, we gather to reflect on the suffering of Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins. It is a solemn and somber occasion, but it is also a time of deep gratitude and reverence for what our Lord has done for us. The story of Christ's suffering is one that is more

  • Love - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In today's lesson we learn that, because of its enduring quality, love is God's greatest gift. It contrast to love's permanence, spiritual gifts are temporary, partial, and elementary.

    Scripture We continue our study in The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians in a series I am calling Challenges Christians Face. One of the challenges that Christians face is the issue of spiritual gifts. Let’s learn about more about that in a message I am calling, “Love – more

  • Love In Every Relationships Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Feb 15, 2016

    The word for love in 1 Corinthians 13 is the strongest and most powerful word to describe the love from God. In this message, we will learn three things that will strength every relationships.

    Today is February 14, 2016, this is also called Valentine's day or the day of the hearts. According to Wikipedia, here in the United States, about 190 million Valentine's Day cards are sent each year, not including the hundreds of millions of cards school children exchange. Additionally, in recent more

  • Believe In Love Series

    Contributed by Jon Lipka on Jul 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Loving God means accepting His love for us however it may be manifest, whether in temporal blessings or pain. Our Lord suffered in His earthly life, but was exalted to the highest place!

    Welcome, brothers and sisters in Christ, to the First Sunday in Lent. We are joining together throughout Lent in a sermon series, “Falling in Love Again.” We are preparing ourselves for the great Paschal feast, the wedding supper of the Lamb. On Ash Wednesday, we heard God’s more

  • Accept No Substitutes Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 22, 2017

    Accept no substitutes for a real relationship with the real God. Instead, embrace His passion for you, so you can experience His protection and enjoy His promises fulfilled for a thousand generations to come.

    David Hand, in his book The Improbability Principle, describes natives of the South West Pacific island, who had very little, if any, contact with the modern world and its many technological advances. During World War 2, they were mesmerized by Japanese and later Allied soldier's uniforms, their more

  • The Nature Of Our God

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jun 17, 2011

    People need to know who God is.

    THE NATURE OF OUR GOD 1st John 4;8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. When we look at God from the stand point of all creation we can see he is the God Of GODS . 1.God is ----A God of knowledge 1st Samuel 2;3 Talk no more so exceeding more

  • You Are Loved With An Everlasting Love, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    God;s love for us is so endless, unrelenting, so refreshing, how long has it been since you have seen him?

    You are loved with an everlasting love… Part 2 Text: Jer. 31:1-3 Introduction: 1. Most of us have our love tanks running on empty. I do not mean the sensuous, giddy, boyfriend, girlfriend love stuff. 2. Too many Christians are dealing with fears. Why? Because our love for our more

  • Take What’s Yours Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 6, 2010

    In this message, part-5 to the series Love Without Limits, Dave explains how we come to live in the love of God.

    Take What’s Yours Love Without Limits, prt. 5 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers January 31, 2010 I am a pastor, a counselor, and a university professor. In other words, I answer questions for a living. As you might imagine, in my role as a pastor, I am constantly hearing questions about more

  • Does God's Love Make A Difference In The Home

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Feb 27, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    The family and home are under attack today. All families experience stress and distress due to work schedules and various activities at school, at work and at church. We need to ask the question. Does the love of God make a difference in the home?

    The Difference God’s Love Makes in the Home Romans 16:3-5 I Corinthians 13 The family and home are under attack today. All families experience stress and distress due to work schedules and various activities at school, at work and at church. We need to ask the question. Does the love of God more

  • Thank God For America Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 23, 2021

    Christians have played a major role in the patriotism of America, and we need to see it and be grateful for it, and then carry on that balance of love for God and love of country.

    Governments often fear Christians because they have a loyalty to God which they put above their loyalty to government, and this limits their power to control. Jesus started this by His famous response, "Render onto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are more

  • First Love

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 28, 2023

    If only you have first love for Christ, you would cross every barrier, hindrances, blockages and make it to the meetings.

    First love Revelation 2:4 “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” Few words that I read from this chapter about returning back to ‘first love for God’ kind of jolted me, I shared the sermon at our 5am Booster group, that I share here too. The Lord more

  • Inheriting God’s Love Dna Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 1, 2019

    We inherit a certain DNA from our parents; believers have one spiritual parent, the Father. We evidence our family relationship by evidencing His qualities, especially love.

    Inheriting God’s Love DNA (I John 4:7-21) 1. There is much debate about whether obesity is genetic. Identical twins raised apart. 2. As one strand of DNA asked the other, “Do these genes make me look fat?” 3. Seriously, though, I have greatly enjoyed the results of a DNA test through more

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