  • Richard Laraviere

    Contributing sermons since Aug 29, 2007
Richard's church

Living Word Community Church
Sarasota, Florida 34232

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  • What Are Your Priorities? Part 2

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Living with an eternal perspective will aid us in prioritizing our priorities. What do your priorities say about you as a person?

    What are your Priorities? Part 2 Note… Message illustrations and some points provided by Phillip Krueger, SermonCentral Text: Ecc. 3:1-12 Opening: 1. Last week we learned our priorities tells on us – what is important and what is not 2 We further learned, that living more

  • What Are Your Priorities? Part 1

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Living with an eternal perspective will aid us in prioritizing our priorities

    What are your Priorities? Part 1 Note… Message illustrations and some points provided by Phillip Krueger, SermonCentral Text: Ecc. 3:1-13 1. He hath put the World- literally, eternity… in our hearts… 2. We are eternal beings, it has been part of our DNA from the more

  • Calming The Perfect Storm, Part 2

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2008

    We must take authority ocer the things in life we have been given the authority to take. To do less is to invite disaster and defeat

    Calming the perfect storm Part 2 Opening: 1. Last week we learned there can be several responses to the reversal that come in our life. a. We can take what life hands us and try and make the best of it b. Get mad, depressed, throw up our hands c. Or we can try and discern what more

  • Calming The Perfect Storm, Part 1

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Many things will come against us in life. Will we employee the equipment against it that Jesus has given us?

    Calming the perfect storm Part 1 Opening: 1. I am indebted to Bill Johnson, a pastor in Redding, California for some of these thoughts as well as getting me to change my message last evening. 2. As I re-read his book I was again challenged how God intends that we, in conjunction more

  • The Source Of Our Strength

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Learning to wait on God. In this day of extreme busyness and stress – it is imperative we learn to expectantly wait on God

    The source of thy strength Lets read our text verses: Isaiah 40:28-31 Opening… 1. Read text verses and have folks define in their own words the word “wait” Hebrew 6960- wait for, look for, i.e., look forward with confidence to that which is good and beneficial, often more

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