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  • (Section 2) The Lord Is My Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 11, 2019

    Discusses the nature of sheep and how the shepherds care for them.

    III. THE LORD IS A. What does the word “is” imply? (Elmer Towns 1. Some only testify to past experiences with God. “The Lord was my Shepherd.” 2. Some only plan to get close to the Lord-Shepherd in the future. “The Lord will be my Shepherd.” B. What two things more

  • Christianity On The Job Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Oct 16, 2020

    1) The Submission of Slaves, or Workers (Ephesians 6:5-8), and about 2) The Submission of Masters, or Employers (Ephesians 6:9).

    Ephesians 6:5-9 [5]Slaves (Employees), obey your earthly masters (Employers) with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, [6]not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, [7]rendering service with a good more

  • Speaking Blessings

    Contributed by Val Black on Feb 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God bless you! We hear that a lot, especially when we have a cold or hay fever. We take it for granted today but there is much more to it than knowing someone cares enough for you to speak those words. There are REAL blessings that prove there is power in the words we choose.

    Speaking Blessings Numbers 6:22-27 (Wed. Evening Service - June 9, 2004) I. GOD BLESS YOU! OR “GESUNDHEIT” EVERYONE HAS HEARD THIS WHEN THEY HAVE A COLD OR HAY FEVER. 1. We all like to be blessed. . . . . a. How often do we speak blessing to others? . . . . b. When somebody sneezes we say more

  • Walking In The Light Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 12, 2020

    In order to "Walk in the Light”, there must first be: 1) Finding the Light (1 John 1:5), then 2) Following the Light (1 John 1:6), in order to enjoy: 3) Fellowship in the Light (1 John 1:7).

    As the World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19, or Coronavirus as global pandemic this week, those studying viruses, virologists, have speculated as to the local and global infection rate. As they have warned of the nature of the contagion, they have prescribed steps in order to reduce more

  • The Awfulness Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 8, 2019

    Paul lists the nature of the Awfulness of Sin in the categories of four specific defilements. He identifies 1) Sexual (Galatians 5:19), and 2) Spiritual (Galatians 5:20a) defilement.

    People mark off times and celebrations in different ways. In Belgium (since 1394, in Binche), Brazil (a four-day celebration in Rio de Janeiro), Italy (in Venice, six months of celebrating in the 18th now 12 days), Trinidad and Tobago (featuring a daylong competition among calypso bands), and the more

  • Part 2: God Shows Us The Process Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 28, 2024

    1. God reveals Himself to us. 2. We make our requests to God. 3. God always gives right response.

    Great Prayers of the Old Testament Part 2: God Shows Us the Process of Prayer Genesis 18:16-33 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared September 28, 2024) BACKGROUND: *Anyone who has spent time in God's Word knows that there are a lot of prayers provided for us in the Bible. The Dake Annotated more

  • Miracle Cpr Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 70 ratings

    Jesus’ first miracle was at a jubilant wedding at Cana. From the circumstances and process of the miracle we learn much about the way our Lord operates as well as the appropriate response to Him.

    Miracle CPR Fortifying the Foundations #5 John 2:1-11 3-30-03 Intro: This morning our text is found in John 2:1-11. As you recall from Chapter 1 Jesus has been identified as the Messiah in John the Baptist’s meetings. The first day Jesus was there John recognized Him in the crowd and announced more

  • The Roots Of Evil Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on May 7, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    911, Part Six

    THE ROOTS OF EVIL (EZEK 28:11-19) The biggest winner after the events of September 11 did not show up to claim the prize. Oddly, Christians stop noticing, blaming or challenging him once a war breaks out. He was not a Taliban official, an Al-Qaeda fighter, or a cave dweller in Afghanistan. George more

  • Fly High - Acts Part 23 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 25, 2007

    The Acts New Testament Church consisted of members who gave to God what was His and also to those in need. They gave sacrificially because of their love for God and for others. The question to us today is “Who do you love more Jesus or money?”

    Fly High - Acts part 23 Theme: The Acts New Testament Church – “Gives” Thesis: The Acts New Testament Church consisted of members who gave to God what was His and also to those in need. They gave sacrificially because of their love for God and for others. The question to us today is “Who do you more

  • Love Your Enemies-Pray For Them & Lead Them To The Truth Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus shows the Christian’s High calling in 1) The New Love Ethic Declared and 2) The New Love Ethic Explained

    The Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has triggered a storm of controversy this week by suggesting that Britain should adopt some aspects of Islam’s tough Shariah law into its legal system. He called the establishment of some kind of Islamic Sharia law in Britain inevitable. He sees more

  • Son Of God Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We see 1) What we were, 2) What God did, 3) What God has made us

    One of the hardest things about looking forward to Christmas morning is the anticipation. Especially for kids, it seems to take forever. You often get the reasonable question of “how many more sleeps until Christmas morning? Now for many of us it makes a big difference what family you visit on more

  • How To Receive New Wine In 09 (Prayer) Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    To receive new wine in 09 (an out pouring of the HS) requires that we persevere in prayer for the breakthrough.

    Series: How to receive New Wine in 09? Pt 2 Sermon – Breakthrough Prayer Opening Illustration: Brooklyn Tabernacle’s inspirational stories and the power of prayer – Vanessa’s Story or Winn Dixie clip on prayer. Thesis: To receive new wine in 09 requires that we persevere in prayer for the more

  • Lesson 2 : Truncated History Series

    Contributed by Rolland Bouchard on Dec 10, 2009

    A very truncated look at the history of christianity. This message presupposes that many people believe restoration history bypasses the reformation and catholicism. However, it is unhealthy to not acknowlege our past. Instead we ought to embrace it.

    HISTORY: Very, Very Truncated. “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.” Hebrews 1:1 In trying to better more

  • Expelling Anger Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Anger, unchecked and uncorrected, affects: 1) Our View of Ourselves, 2) Our Worship of God, and 3) Our Relation to Others.

    One of the most shocking crimes a society deals with is when a child kills. Sometimes it is a swarming of a child by a group of kids (Rena Verk), sometimes it is the killing of parents by children (Menendez brothers) and more recently the killing of a girl directed by a rival girl M.J. (Mellissa more

  • Meekness Not Weakness Series

    Contributed by Adrian Warnock on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The antidote to "self-esteem" - othewise known as pride.

    Meekness not weakness By Adrian Warnock Audio available at 8th Feb 2003 (Mat 5:5) Like the other beatitudes, this one is completely contrary to what the world says- the world says blessed are the RICH, the Happy and the assertive. Jesus more

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