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  • Tasting The Fruit

    Contributed by David Tijerina on May 4, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    The children of Israel tasted of the fruit of the promised land...and still not entered in. There are Christians that will taste, but...

    Tasting the Fruit: Yet Losing the Land September 29, 2002 Intro: Where are you headed? Are you going to get there? How? Deut 1:25-26 25 "They also took some of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down to us; and they brought back word to us, saying, ’It is a good land which more

  • Remember The Taste Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 27, 2007
    based on 66 ratings

    What’s the best way to deal with suffering? In this Psalm gives us a suprising lesson and a powerful insight into God’s healing power.

    OPEN: Years ago, in an old stoddy community, a new doctor came to town. It was said he could cure anything and anybody, and everyone was amazed with what he could do - everyone except for Mr. Sweeny, the town skeptic. Well, old Mr. Sweeny went to this ’miracle doctor’ to prove that he wasn’t more

  • God Tastes Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 16, 2007

    message 3 of 5 about God’s Senses. This message explores how Jesus, the God of Eternity, tasted both life and death for us.

    Taste is a powerful experience There are four taste sensations: Sweet, Salty, Sour, and Bitter Chocolate! I think there is another… chocolate! Right now I’ve asked some folks to hand out some Hershey Chocolate Kisses – one to a person. Please don’t open them yet. We’re going to eat them all more

  • Taste And See Series

    Contributed by Duane Smith on Aug 12, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the third in a 5 part series designed to help us look at our realtionship to God through the perspective of the five senses. The purpose of this message is to encourage believers in our great God and bring them to rejoice in all our Soveriegn Lord

    MAKING SENSE OF OUR RELATIONSHIP TO GOD – TASTE Psalm 34:8 INTRODUCTION: A. So far in this series on “Making Sense of Our Relationship to God” we have looked at two of the five sense: Hearing and Seeing 1. This morning we are going to be looking at our sense of taste 2. Our tongue is a more

  • Taste And See Series

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Jun 20, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    How many times were you told as a little kid to taste something and see if you like it? Well, here is an invitation from God to give Him a test of His goodness, and He never fails to satisfy.

    Taste and See Griffith Baptist Church – 6/22/08 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 34 Main Verse: Psalms 34:8 - O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. The Introduction How many times were you told as a little kid to taste something and see if you like more

  • Taste Testers

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Feb 21, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Hebrews 6 adresses those who only taste what Jesus has to offer us.

    Hebrews 6:4-8 . Intro: On Sunday, August 16,1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit airport. One hundred fifty-five people were killed. One survived: a 4-year-old from Tempe, Arizona, named Cecelia. News accounts say when rescuers found Cecelia they did more

  • Just A Taste Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 12, 2014

    The transfiguration and lesson we should take from it.

    • Sometimes a taste is not enough. Sometimes it is too much. • Ill. Little Johnny sat playing in the garden. When his mother came out to collect him, she saw that he was slowly eating a worm. She turned pale. "No, Johnny! Stop! That's horrible! You can't eat worms!" Trying to convince more

  • To Touch And To Taste

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for Thanksgiving on being thankful for the most basic things of life (Outline and Title taken from George Boose in his book, "Sermons for Seniors")

    Introduction: One time a teacher was talking about the 7 wonders of the ancient world. After this lesson, she wanted to stretch the thinking of her pupils even further. This creative teacher asked her class to vote upon what they would consider to be the seven wonders of the world. As she more

  • Tasting The Blood

    Contributed by Chad Ramsey on Sep 15, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    How to taste the Blood of Jesus. Preaching it this weekend at Cowboy Church at the NLBRA.

    National Little Britches Rodeo... 09/18/11 …..................Tasting the Blood The other day my daughter and I were coming home from church and we are cutting up and listening to the radio. There is a preacher on there and he is talking about blood and how when animals get a taste of it more

  • Tasting God Series

    Contributed by Terry Denis on Feb 14, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Tasting the righteousness of God gives us an assurance of the salvation that we received.

    A story is told about a college professor, an atheist, who gave a lecture denying the existence of God. He cited book after book, scholar after scholar and other written articles to prove that there is no God. The story continues that after the lecture, a man stood up eating an apple and asked the more

  • A Taste Of Eternity

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 17, 2020

    What does life look like beyond the grave? Let’s examine our transformation now and its eternal result. We will look at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 and its application in transforming our lives today.

    What does life look like beyond the grave? Let’s examine our transformation now and its eternal result. We will look at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 and its application in transforming our lives today. Small Group of 3 Matthew 17:1 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John more

  • The Taste Of Defeat Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 16, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 5th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 1st King". This Series is about King Saul.

    Series: Israel’s 1st King [#5] THE TASTE OF DEFEAT 1 Samuel 13:1-14 Introduction: Up to this point, Saul had been obedient and victorious. He defeated the Ammonites and established himself as Israel’s hero and 1st King. In 1 Samuel 13, the Philistines came on the scene and Saul had to deal more

  • Taste Of Greatness Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 6, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    What did Jesus mean by saying we should eat His flesh and drink His blood?

    An 11-year-old girl named Abby went to the refrigerator and grabbed a grape flavored juice box. She shoved the straw into the box, and took a sip. And then she paused for a minute. She took the juice box to her sister, and said, "Here, taste this, and tell me if it tastes like more

  • A Taste Of Saltiness SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 25, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Become an influence maker in your church.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. As we gather here today, we find ourselves standing on the precipice of a new day, a new opportunity to grow in our faith and to deepen our relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are here, not by accident, but by divine more

  • Mm Mm Good

    Contributed by Maria Saunders on Apr 7, 2016

    In Psalm 34, David is so grateful for God’s goodness that he invokes others to join him in witnessing and tasting God’s abundant love. He said, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.”

    “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” (Psalm 34:8) This morning our message is “Mm Mm Good.” If you grew up in my generation you probably can remember a Campbell Soup commerical on television and the characters after eating a more