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  • 2nd Coming: The Rapture

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 29, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    2nd Coming: The Rapture (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13-18. Ill: When General Douglas MacArthur was at Army training college, he tells this story: • The first section was studying the time-space relationship; • Later formulated by Einstein as his Theory of Relativity. • The text more

  • What My Father Taught Me

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to learn from our fathers. This is a rewrite of one of my favorite Father’s Day messages.

    WHAT MY FATHER TAUGHT ME Exodus 20.12 S: Father’s Day Th: Learning from Dad Pr: We need to learn from our fathers. ?: What? KW: Principles for life TS: We are going to observe three biblical principles for life that my father taught me. The _____ principle for life that my father taught me more

  • Balaam’s Donkey: A Donkey Says “what?” Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God shows up in the most unlikely of places, use the most unlikely of persons, to do the most powerful things.

    10 Amazing Miracles From Scripture (4 of 10) Balaam’s Donkey: A Donkey Says “What?” Num. 22.22-35 October 25, 2015 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker A Israel had been delivered by God’s man, Moses, from the grip of Pharaoh, safely taken the Red Sea that would more

  • Your A Healing Jesus

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Jul 3, 2012

    Healing comes from p[lacing desperate faith in a faithful Saviour

    You’re a Healing Jesus Mark 5:21-43 INTRODUCTION: Joe, a hard working factory worker and father of a little girl became depressed. Things were not going well at work, and he was bringing his problems home with him every night. Every evening he would eat his dinner in silence, shutting out his more

  • Trusting In God Alone Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Aug 13, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    King Ahaziah learns the hard way that seeking help from any other god than the Living God is not a good idea. We must put our trust in the Lord alone, and we must never seek help from occult sources or any other source.

    Introduction: A. The story is told of a frog who went to see a fortune-teller to learn about his future. 1. Gazing into her crystal ball, the fortune teller said to the frog, “You are going to meet a beautiful young woman. From the moment she sets eyes on you she will have an insatiable more

  • The Reach Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 8 ratings

    What brings people to Jesus? People came to Jesus because He was involved in ministry. Jesus was exercising authority and compassion that brought healing & life to people.

    MATTHEW 9: 18-26 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED SERIES] THE REACH OF FAITH [THE INTERRUPTIONS OF LIFE ] [1 Thess. 4:13-18/ Mark 5:21-43/ Luke 8:40-56] After three non-miracle events Matthew returns with a flurry of miracle activity [in verses 18-34]. The raising of the dead and the healing of the more

  • How To Read Your Bible

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jan 17, 2021

    This sermon is based on Nate Pickowitcz's new book "How to read your Bible?" and contains an interview with the author at the end.

    How to Eat your Bible 2 Tim 3:16-17 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 01-17-2021 Learning to eat I became a Christian in 1992 and, soon afterwards, my brother bought me a NIV Study Bible with my name on it. I treasured that Bible. I bought a case so I could carry it around. more

  • Givers By Choice Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    Giving is one of the key ways to produce encouragement. Givers create grateful hearts, and the world can never have too many grateful hearts.

    Winston Churchill use to love to tell the story about the family who were having a picnic by the lake, and the little boy fell into the water by accident. The family did not see it, but a stranger passing by saw the boy slip under the water, and fully clothed, he leaped into the lake and rescued more

  • Many Convincing Proofs

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Apr 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon covers all of Luke 24 in a series of scenes where Jesus establishes his resurrection and commissions his disciples to be witnesses.

    Title: “Many Convincing Proofs” Easter Sunday – 2021 - Luke 24 Subject: what does the resurrection of Jesus mean for us? Complement: we have a mission to tell the good news! Big Idea: “ The Resurrection Accelerates The Mission” Introduction... *As the son of a carpenter – Jesus knew the power of more

  • What Would God In America Look Like?

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 16, 2021

    America pushed God out of our nation. What would our country look like if we invited Him in again?

    What Would God In America Look Like? Recently Bill Federer published an article about James Garfield and his assassination on July 2, 1881. The man who was responsible for President Garfield’s death was Charles Guiteau. He was a member of a Socialist society called, the “Oneida Community.” They more

  • Celebrate Salvation!

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Feb 2, 2021

    This impulse must always live among us: a joyful seeking after the LORD. For we’ve seen how God has saved us through his only Son. We have such great reason for joy, even if we possess little, or even if we have much to grieve. Even so, there is great joy in Christ.

    If there’s ever a special occasion, we like to celebrate it with a meal. If someone graduates from school, or has a significant birthday, or if there’s a wedding, we get together for something to eat and drink. For food can be very festive. We see this in the Bible too. Think of all the feasts God more

  • Offer Yourselves As Living Sacrifices

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Feb 2, 2021

    As God’s kingdom of priests and his holy nation, this is the joyful work we can be busy with—no matter our age, condition or standing. We’re called to be holy, just as He is holy; and we’re called to freely and joyfully offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God through Christ.

    Have you ever come to a Bible book, and decided that you’d rather skip it? Maybe you were reading through Scripture in your personal devotions, or around the supper table as a family, and you’d finished Genesis, and slogged through the latter parts of Exodus, and finally came to Leviticus. What did more

  • Mission Accomplished Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 11, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Our mission will be accomplished when we stay spiritually sharp.

    Many years ago, when we lived in central Illinois, our daughter Megan and I spent a day running errands. Our first stop was to a lawnmower repair shop to drop off our lawnmower blade for its annual sharpening. When we walked in, I held up the blade over my head and my mechanic friend Rob more

  • The Resurrection: History Or Myth?

    Contributed by Mike Bryant on Mar 18, 2021

    This lesson first introduces the serving of the Lord's Supper, then flows into the sermon after the Lord's Supper has been eaten.

    I) [Introduction to Lord’s Super.] Easter, the day that many celebrate the resurrection of Christ, is right around the corner. While we do not celebrate this holiday, because God did not ask that we do so, the resurrection is nevertheless certainly an essential part of our faith. A) Paul reminds more

  • The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ: The Greatest Historical Event In History

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    What is the greatest single event of history? What moment in the history of the world signifies the most to humanity?

    What is the greatest single event of history? What moment in the history of the world signifies the most to humanity? Could it perhaps be the renaissance, when so many beautiful inventions and works of art were created? Was it the inventions of the 20th century that made life so much easier? Or more

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