Revision 2024 In The Ministry Of Christ
Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jan 15, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a message helping to introduce our theme for the year.
Title: Revision 2024 in the Ministry of Christ Script: Mark 5:1ff
Type: Expository Where: GNBC 1-14-24
Intro: Is there anything in life wish you could do over? Decision could make? The man in today’s message undoubtedly made several choices that led him down a road to misery. World tells you no going back. Let’s see if that’s true. Last week I outlined 4 “re” words that I believe should characterize the ministry of GNBC for 2024. Those words were: Redeem, Restore, Recruit, Release. Those are four important concepts for ministry. Today we are going to look at one of the best-known encounters Christ had with an individual in His ministry. I believe this encounter illustrates the four ministry focal points that we would have for our church in this year.
Prop: In Mk5 we see Xst’s encounter w/a demoniac illustrate our 4 ministry principles for 2024.
BG: 1. 3 Synoptics Mt 8 & Lk 8. Apparently, there is another man who is a lesser character who also appears in the story. Demoniac who never dreamed have ability to start over life.
2. Gadara, Gergesa – Region that was tribe of Gad. Stayed east of the Jordan.
3. Christ has just concluded parabolic ministry in Galilee. The calming of the storm on Sea of Galilee has taken place, now landing on the eastern shore of Galilee, into the region of Gerasenes.
Prop: Exam Mk 5 we’ll see Xst’s encounter w/the demoniac illustrates our 4 ministry principles.
I. Christ’s Encounter w/the Demoniac Demonstrates Principle: Redeem vv.1-8
A. Let’s Examine the Demoniac.
1. This man was a terrifying figure.
a. We just read how terrifying of an individual this man was. He had the appearance of a wild animal. He was scarred and bleeding. He possessed supernatural strength. He was violent and aggressive. Illust: We hear a lot of philosophical blowhards bovinating about how much better the world would be without God and His Church. Let me show you what depths this man’s separation from God had taken him to: He had lost his friends and family. He had lost dignity -naked. Lost all help and hope. He was marginalized, alienated, dehumanized, demonized. He was alienated from God, self, and others. He was alienated from the very God in whose image he had been created. (Rusty Woomer and Bob McAlister -Prison Fellowship/ Gov. Campbell chief of staff. Broad River Road death row. Wild man. Murderer. Filth and porn. Dead eyes.)
b. Can I tell you friends, this man loathed himself. He loathed himself so much that was involved in self-harm and self-mutilation. Self-harm and self-mutilation is demonic in orientation. It is not from God and is in fact the result of not being in a right relationship with God and not understanding your identity in God. Illust: Our society is moving further and further from God. Is it any wonder that 1:5 US Teens are involved in self harm? (University Hospitals blog 11-16-20). We tell children there is no God. We tell them they are animals…the biproduct of time and chance. We tell them there is no set standard of morality or truth. We tell them they know best. Then we have professionals hack off their body parts and prescribe them hormones or blockers to finish the job of the destruction of their God given design. (John 10:10 makes this very clear! And may I say that it is dressed up demonic oppression to tell a 6 or 16 yrs old he/she is not what God created and cut and mutilate and be dependent upon drugs?
2. This man is the epitome of the example of all who are alienated from Christ.
a. When men and women turn their backs on God they take on their rebellion in the flesh. Separated man no more looks for God today that when Adam and Eve fell in the garden. In fact, like Adam of old, we hide from God. This demoniac was hiding about as far away from God as one could get. But he hadn’t counted on the fact that Christ was looking for him.
b. Illust: Alistair Begg tells the story of arriving at church the beginning of a new school year. The church has a Christian school. There were all of these precious early elementary children with parents. All neatly scrubbed and brushed. In their school uniforms. Looking absolutely angelic. And yet, Begg overheard nervous young parents instructing their children: “Make sure to obey the teacher.” “Make sure to be respectful.” “Don’t lie.” “Don’t cheat.” “Make sure to share.” “Don’t hit anyone.” Why do we say those things? Because sin comes naturally! Don’t have to learn how to sin. Have to learn self control.
B. Let’s Examine Christ’s Encounter with the Demoniac.
1. Christ came for this man.
a. What did the disciples see when they saw the Gadarene? What would you and I have seen? The disciples saw a terrifying figure. They saw a demoniac. They saw a raving lunatic. They saw someone to steer clear of. Illust: What do we often see on the streets of Iowa City here in our neighborhood? We see alcoholics. We see drug addicts. We see homeless. We see a bother a danger a trouble an inconvenience an oddity.