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Sermons on suffering and joy:

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  • Suffering For The Church

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 9, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Are we willing and able in this time of death ,to suffer for Jesus?

    Suffering for the Church 2nd Timothy 2:1-21 In a land of plenty, are we willing to suffer for Christ? There are many in the world that are more

  • Suffering By Faith

    Contributed by Lorenzo Nicholson Sr. on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Just as it takes faith to overcome, it takes faith to suffer.

    Life-Line For Jesus Community Church Created 11/11/01 revised 8/15/02 Lorenzo Nicholson Sr. Suffering By Faith 8/16/02 Gal 3:3 Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh? 4 Have ye suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain. 5 more

  • The Meaning Of Suffering

    Contributed by Arulselvam Rayappan on Mar 1, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    We will never be tried beyond our strength.Jesus Christ our Lord shows us that suffering and death have meaning and helps us to carriy our burdens cheerfully.

    SUFFERING There is a natural revulsion to suffering in us all. No one likes pain or irritation. Our natural inclination is to avoid suffering at all costs. What a lot of weeping there is in the world! If we could gather it in one place it would fill a sea, a great ocean. We are not free from more

  • Jesus And Suffering

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Feb 9, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Nothing proves our faith like suffering for it. Jesus calls us to follow him and face suffering in ways that are purely kingdom ways. Can we do it?

    Does our Christian ethic or moral position change with situation and circumstance? Not long ago James Dobson stated that he could not vote for any candidate for office who endorsed abortion or homosexual relationships. There was a backlash against Dobson that came from many supporters that used more

  • The Cup Of Suffering

    Contributed by Robert Ganglfinger on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    The cup of suffering our Lord drank of has been passed down through time to each of us, and He has given us the example of how we should partake.

    INTRO: 1. Nobody wants to talk about suffering. a. Many people who are suffering don’t want to talk about what they are going through. 2. Suffering takes on many forms: a. It comes in the form of sickness. b. It comes at the hands of others. c. It comes at the hand of the enemy of our soul. d. It more

  • Rejoicing In Suffering Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In this sermon we see a fourth blessing of justification, which is rejoicing in suffering.

    Scripture In Romans 5:1-11 we read of several blessings of justification. Let’s read Romans 5:1-11, paying special attention to verses 3-5, which is our text for today: "1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have more

  • Sufferers On Trial Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 19, 2007

    Crisis and Choice, Pt. 1

    SUFFERERS ON TRIAL (LUKE 13:1-5) On the day the terrorists struck New York and Washington D.C., I received an e-mail from a friend that hinted strongly that America was under attack for forsaking God. Two days later, Jerry Falwell commented harshly: “I really believe that the pagans, and the more

  • Sufferers On Trial Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 26, 2007

    Friend of Sinners, Pt. 3

    SUFFERERS ON TRIAL (LUKE 13:1-5) On the day the terrorists struck New York and Washington D.C., I received an e-mail from a friend that hinted strongly that America was under attack for forsaking God. Two days later, Jerry Falwell commented harshly: “I really believe that the pagans, and the more

  • The Suffering Servant Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 55 ratings

    The Servant is not a helpless victim of circumstance, but One who in His submissiveness & innocence fulfills the greater purposes of God. Thus in the end He will prosper & be victorious, for His vicarious suffering is God’s plan to accomplish His purpose

    ISAIAH 53: 7-9 THE SUFFERING SERVANT [Matthew 27:57-60 / Acts 8:26-40 / 1 Pet. 3:8-18] Pascal, one of the greatest and most influential scientific minds of all time, wrote these meaningful words: "The greatest of the proofs of Jesus Christ are the more

  • Saints And Suffering

    Contributed by Hansel Young on Nov 15, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    comfort for people who experience pain and tragedy

    Saints and Suffering II Chronicles 31:20-21, 32:1 He was a man of justice. He stood for right and proclaimed the truth to his people. He restored the true of worship of God. He saw to it that the nation obeyed the laws of God’s Word. He did all these things with his whole heart. Of all the more

  • A Cry Of Suffering Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Apr 21, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The fourth of a seven part series that looks at the heart of Jesus through His last words on the cross.

    Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus more

  • The Sufferings Of Life

    Contributed by Vernon L Caruthers on May 20, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus had His Gethsemane and so will each one of His children. Yet, without those Gethsemanes, many times we do not pray and place our faith and our trust in Christ. There are BLESSINGS found in sufferings and hardships that cannot be found in the times o

    Subject: The Sufferings of the Christain Life Scripture Reference: Luke 22: 44 ’And being in agony He prayed more earnestly: and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." ------------------------------------------------------ --------- <>< <>< <>< -- <>< <>< <>< more

  • The Suffering Church Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 29, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The church was suffering, but Jesus was with them.

    INTRODUCTION  SLIDE #1  What would you do if not too long after you became a Christian, bad things started happening to you?  What would you do if when you became a Christian, people started persecuting you, you lost your job, you lost all of your possessions, and people more

  • Suffering With God

    Contributed by Robbie Parsons on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In the middle of intense suffering, Job proclaims that God knows and takes notice of our suffering. He also tells us that God is in control of the suffering. Lastly, we will see that God rewards endurance.

    Job has gone through some tough times. In Job, we see him enduring all four major forms of suffering that humankind faces. He faces the loss of income and security, the loss of valued possessions, the loss of loved ones and the loss of health. Either one would be enough do deal with, but Job more

  • The Suffering Savior

    Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Three rewards for being a faithful follower of Jesus Christ

    Shiloh Bible Church Hebrews 2:10-15 The Suffering Savior Introduction You’re driving down Route 11 from Berwick to Bloomsburg. You’re zipping right along, doing 55 miles an hour. As you approach Bloomsburg, you come to a posted speed limit sign of 45 miles an hour. Your lovely wife—who is more

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