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  • Stand In The Gap

    Contributed by Travis L. Billings on Nov 19, 2019

    When the natural structure of the family is ignored and replaced by a man-made family structure, the things of god become neglected and the worship of God becomes replaced with self-filling desires that feed the flesh and promotes a society that is driven by greed and power.

    Ezekiel 22-- If there is one thing that can be said, it is that mankind has remained consistent in it’s evil and wicked ways. The sad thing about this, is that mankind has failed to learn from the past. We have failed to recognize that God’s standards have not changed. Albert Einstein is more

  • Take A Stand!

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jun 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A midweek Bible study on Acts 4

    “TAKE A STAND” ACTS 4 FBCF – 6/3/20 Midweek Service Jon Daniels The Cheyenne Dog Soldier wore a long leather sash on the back of his warrior regalia. In a fight he would drop this sash on the ground with it still attached to him. He would place a sacred arrow that he carried through the end of more

  • Standing Firm

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jul 30, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    On the mountain top of blessings one often feels secure in one's faith but Paul said when you feel like you are standing firm then be careful or you will fall!

    Standing Firm 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Online Sermon: Are you confident that you are standing firm in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Standing on the foundation of God’s deliverance, sustenance and divine presence has led many more

  • Take A Stand

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Aug 8, 2018

    This sermon encourages the listeners to rely on God to fight the good fight against evil in our community.

    Take A Stand Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 Intro: An old Arab folktale says that a man went to his tent one night. After lighting a candle, he reached over for a fig and saw that it was full of worms. He threw it away and reached for another. It also was full of worms. After several attempts to find a more

  • Stand Fast

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jan 23, 2024

    In the military, you were given a command to stand fast and await further orders even when you saw others marching. Too many Christians, especially new ones, run off at the command of men or emotions missing the Lord's command.

    Is it not odd that people who believe in the omnipresence of God seek some place where they feel closer to Him. He not the God of the oceans, the mountains or the fields. He is the God of the universe so wherever you are He is there. If you are not hearing from Him it is not a location more

  • Standing In The Gap Series

    Contributed by Dr. Tom Badia on Feb 18, 2024

    In Isaiah 59:16, God looked, but couldn’t find any intercessors for the people. Nobody stood in the gap for them. He was ready to hear and answer prayers according to His Word (Jer. 33:3), but no prayers were being offered.

    Topic: Standing in the gap Objective: standing in the gap by getting in synq with our co-intercessors - the Risen and Living Christ and the Holy Spirit. In Isaiah 59:16, God looked, but couldn’t find any intercessors for the people. Nobody stood in the gap for them. He was ready to hear and more

  • Standing On The Promises Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 30, 2022

    In 2 Samuel 5-7 David stands on God’s promise to him. It is God’s covenant to David. The promise is that his decedents will reign on the throne of Israel forever. Yet this promise goes beyond David and his family and the King of Israel. It is the promise of the coming Messiah.

    When God makes you a promise you can stand on that promise The Hymn says it well: Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God, I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. That hymn has brought great comfort to many more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 19, 2022

    We are living in a period of extraordinary assaults by Satan. It is critical that we maintain prayers for our leaders, and it is fundamental for the leaders to take accountability to assist them with keeping their spiritual and moral integrity.

    In Chapter 22, we learn why judgment would come to Jerusalem (22:2-16), how it would be approached (22· 17-22), and who would be affected by it (22:23-31). Those actions and sins that occurred back then seem very similar to what is happening in society today (James 3:1). We are living in a more

  • Standing In Awe

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Feb 6, 2019


    Standing in Awe TEXT: 2 CHRONICLES 9: 1-4 2 Chr 9:1 When the queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's fame, she came to Jerusalem to test him with hard questions. Arriving with a very great caravan--with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones--she came to Solomon and more

  • Take A Stand

    Contributed by Don Campbell on Jun 28, 2024

    Satan has many schemes for capturing the souls of the unsuspecting, but clothed in the armor of God, we can stand against him.

    TAKING A STAND Ephesians 6:10-13 INTRODUCTION A. Satan has many schemes for capturing the souls of the unsuspecting, but clothed in the armor of God, we can stand against him. B. There can be no neutrality (Matt 12:30). B. In taking our stand, there are things we must stand against, but more

  • Standing To The Covenant.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 30, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    "And all the people stood to the Covenant" (2 Kings 23:3).

    STANDING TO THE COVENANT. 2 Kings 22:8-10, 2 Kings 23:1-3. A pivotal moment in the history of the Bible was when Hilkiah the priest told Shaphan the scribe, “I have found THE BOOK OF THE LAW in the house of the LORD.” Shaphan took the book, and read it (2 KINGS 22:8). Shaphan the scribe more

  • Standing Tall PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Understand and embrace the freedom we have in Christ, while acknowledging the challenges and tests we face in our discipleship journey, ultimately trusting in Jesus as the source of eternal life and hope.

    Good morning, Church family! Today, we're going to dive into a passage that challenges us to understand our freedom in Christ, the torments and cares of earthly problems, and how our discipleship is tested. I came across a quote from Dwight L. Moody that I believe sets the stage for today's more

  • Stand Firm

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Nov 7, 2022

    Stand firm on Gods words like veterans had to sand firm in serving this great nation.

    The Battle of Athens In 1946, the small town of Athens, Tennessee, became a battleground. WWII veterans who decided to take justice into their own hands, because their local politics was plagued by corruption. These brave men not only stood firm in WW11 but when returning home in their hometown more

  • Stand Firm Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The Christian faith often clashes with worldly values, causing conflict and tension. However, we must allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and fill our minds with the truth found in the Bible.

    Have you ever played Jenga? You know, that game where you stack wooden blocks and try to pull them out without making the tower fall? It's fun, right? But it's also a bit nerve-wracking. You never know when the whole thing is going to come crashing down. That's kind of like what it's like to live more

  • Standing The Test PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 22, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the power of unwavering faith in God during trials, as demonstrated by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

    Good morning, dear friends. Isn't it a blessing to be gathered here today in the house of the Lord, basking in His love and grace? We are here to delve into the Word of God, to seek His wisdom, and to allow His truth to shape and guide our lives. Today, we will be turning our attention to the book more

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