God Goes To War
Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 4, 2016 (message contributor)
1. Heaven Can't Wait
Contributed on Oct 30, 2016
Heaven is a wonderful promise. But there are those who think it will be boring and tedious. They're wrong - but do you know why?
OPEN: This is the last in our 9 part sermon series from Revelation. A lot of preachers won’t preach through the whole book of Revelation (it me took me 30 years to believe I could do it) because they feel it is a confusing book - and they fear they’ll get things wrong and mess ...read more
2. The Lion, The Lamb And The Throne Room
Contributed on Sep 19, 2016
Almost everyone has a picture in their minds of what Jesus looks like... but almost no one visualizes Him the way He's shown in Revelation 5. Why does God paint us a portrait of a wounded lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes?
A preacher was showing a child a painting of Jesus. Trying to explain that we didn’t really know what Jesus looked like he said: "It's not really Jesus. It’s just an artist's conception of him." The child looked long and hard at the picture and said; "Well, it sure looks like ...read more
3. The Secret Weapon
Contributed on Sep 11, 2016
On 9-11 our nation needed someone to tell us they understood our fears, our enemy and our future. It needed someone to say they had a plan to deal with our enemy and that together we would overcome. Essentially, that's what Revelation 4 is all about.
OPEN: Fifteen years ago, two of our families went on vacation. They went to NYC and had gone to see the sights and enjoy the pleasures of the city. But their plans were shattered in a moment’s time… along with the plans of millions of Americans across the nation. 19 evil men, with ...read more
4. Standing In The Gap
Contributed on Sep 4, 2016
The first 3 chapters of Revelation have often been seen as separate from the rest of the book. But that doesn't make any sense. Why would Jesus spend 3 chapters on local churches who were not part of the rest of the story?
OPEN: This morning I’m going to teach you a little about something that’s called “Hermeneutics”. Hermeneutics is the description of how to read and understand your Bible. When I was in Bible College I had a professor who told us that whenever the Bible had a lot to say on ...read more
5. The Judgment Seat
Contributed on Oct 23, 2016
What is the Millennial Kingdom all about? How important is it to God and what can mean to us? Also, what do we learn about the Judgment Seat of God in Revelation?
OPEN: Several years ago there was a TV evangelist who was preaching about his view of the 2nd Coming of Christ. Toward the close of the program he apparently actually made this pitch of one of his videos: "Jesus is coming soon -- perhaps tomorrow! Send $10 for a video that will explain the ...read more
6. The War To End All Wars
Contributed on Oct 16, 2016
Revelation is about a war to end all wars. But what is this about Armageddon and what does it mean to us?
OPEN: Years ago I received a flyer for a Revival to be held in Richmond, Indiana. The “Revivalist” was going to tell us about 2nd coming of Christ. His topics would include the “rapture”, the rebuilding of the Temple, and the battle to end all battles – Armageddon. ...read more
7. The Army Of God
Contributed on Oct 10, 2016
The role of the Church is central to the story of Revelation. How does God portray in this book, and what can this mean to us about our part in God's eternal plan?
OPEN: Harry Emerson Fosdick told the tale of a little church on the coast of England that was ruined in a hurricane. The congregation was poor and didn’t have the money to rebuild. Then one day a representative of the British Admiralty came to the preacher and asked if they intended to ...read more
8. The Fallen Dragon
Contributed on Oct 3, 2016
Understanding Revelation 12 all depends on what criteria you use to establish when it will (or has) taken place. But once you know WHEN this prophecy is taking place, you can learn a powerful message about God's faithfulness.
OPEN: Many Americans dislike Daylight Savings Time, but back in the early 1800s in America had 1000s of time zones. Back then, every city set their clocks based on when the sun was at “High Noon”. One city might have their clocks set at 12 Noon, while another city several miles away ...read more
9. The Wrath Of The Lamb
Contributed on Sep 25, 2016
Revelation 6 talks of God's vengeance upon the evil of this world. But it also speaks as if there's no hope of repentance for those who are mentioned here. Can that really be true? Can man reach a point where he can't repent?
OPEN: O, Sinner Man, Where You Gonna Run To? (sung by Leon Bibb - https://youtu.be/uTuy101LcPs) How many of you have ever heard this song? What you just heard was an old Negro Spiritual and I heard it way back when I was a teenager. It has been so popular over the years that it’s been ...read more