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  • David's Mighty Men Protect Keilah From The Philistines Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 19, 2023

    David is inspired by God to move to protect Israel from an enemy nation that has constantly assaulted them. The Philistines are attacking Keilah. David asks God what to do.

    One day news came to David that the Philistines were at Keilah stealing grain from the threshing floors. David asked the Lord, “Should I go and attack them?” “Yes, go and save Keilah,” the Lord told him. -1st Samuel 23:1-2 David gang of followers are hiding out in the caves, in the fields, and more

  • Three Starting Points To Experience Easter Series

    Contributed by Bumble Ho on Mar 29, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Since Jesus resurrected and is still alive today, we can experience Him the same way as Mary, the disciples and Thomas did. There are 3 ways to start experience Easter in our lives today: Love Jesus, Trust Him and Seek Him among His Followers.

    [Before the message, welcome the guests and instruct them to fill out the welcome cards (to be used at the ending invitation).] {Beginning: 1st hand vs. 2nd hand experience}[i] Good morning! With me up here are ML and MP. Both of them are best friend with one another; and both have a certain more

  • Rules For Attempting The Impossible

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Nov 21, 2004
    based on 218 ratings

    How long has it been since you attempted something that seems humanly impossible? Dr. Charles Channey spoke to St. Louis Baptist Association and gave four rules for attempting the impossible.

    RULES FOR ATTEMPTING THE IMPOSSIBLE Matt 14:25-32 “And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, more

  • Remember The Crowd Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Sep 12, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Go For the Gold: Becoming a Spiritual Champion. This is the 1st of 4 on an Olympics theme. Many sources were used including several on Sermon Central

    Go For the Gold: Becoming a Spiritual Champion A great stadium is filled with earlier spiritual champions is the scene the writer of Hebrews paints to encourage you in your efforts. His challenge to “Remember the Crowd” is effective if you know something about who these spectators are. This more

  • Revealing The Secrets Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Feb 22, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    1st in a 3 part series on Marriage. (Idea: We used a Christian Magician to introduce each week plus other creative elements)

    REVEALING THE SECRETS (How to have an ideal marriage) GENESIS 1:27-28; 2:18-25; 3:7-13 INTRODUCTION TO SERIES: How bad is the state of marriage in America? Consider these statistics: The number of currently divorced adults has more than quintupled from 4.3 million in 1970 to 19.8 million in more

  • Shadows, Souls And Where They Go Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    1st of 5 messages leading up to Resurrection Sunday. This message is on the Rich Man and Lazarous and focuses on what we know about Hades.

    Shadows, Souls, and Where They Go It’s clear that people struggle with death Some are afraid. Some are fatalistic. Some are in denial. Some are just way out there… Looking for some way – any way – out of death and denial of the fact that there is an end to this material universe. Recently I more

  • Prayer As A Way Of Life Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Apr 27, 2003
    based on 78 ratings

    1st in the series "Patterns for Prayer." Studies the first 4 references to prayer in Acts to see how the church made prayer a way of life.

    Text: Acts 1:14-24, 2:41-42, 3:1 Introduction Things looked bleak for the children of George Muller’s orphanage at Ashley Downs in 19th century England. It was time for breakfast, and there was no food. A small girl whose father was a close friend of Muller was visiting in the home. Muller took more

  • A Story Of Forgiveness

    Contributed by Steve Severance on Mar 20, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    What does St. Patrick’s Day have to do with Forgiveness? In this sermon we’ll find a great lesson on returning blessing for evil.

    What must it be like to be kidnapped by foreigners at the age of 16? Succat found that out. Succat was born in Britain. His family was Christian but he considered himself to be a pagan. That is, until the awful day when Irish raiders had attacked Succat’s village and he had been kidnapped. Suddenly more

  • Home Baked Christmas Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Dec 6, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    1st of 4 at Christmas. The basic outline and some illustrations were adapted from a message by Melvin Newland entitled "Home Baked Happiness"

    Home Baked Christmas Depression at Christmas is a real problem for a lot of people. Depression at Christmas - survey results by Christine Webber and Dr David Delvin. The NetDoctor survey on Depression at Christmas shows quite clearly what many of us have long suspected - that Christmas is more

  • Restoring The Ruined Series

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Dec 4, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    A message raising the question of where we find the lepers of the 21st century and how we should deal with them in light of Jesus action.

    Restoring the Ruined Introduction: Casey House in Toronto is a modern day leper’s colony. None of the residents who live there has any hope for a cure. None of the residents who live there has any family interested in their plight. None of the residents who live there has any dreams for the more

  • Being All Things To All Men (1 Corinthians 9:16-23)

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 15, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    St Paul speaks about being ’All things to All men’, and at first glance it might just appear that he was undergoing an identity crisis ...

    "To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of more

  • Serve! Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Sep 23, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    1st in 5 part series. This is an all church campaign/study put out by Zondervan in order for us not to just go to church but be the church.

    SERVE Faith In Action - Week 1 JOHN 13: 1-17 INTRODUCTION: Video Clip: The Guardian - Start: Chp. 5 43:54 - Stop: 46:16 Senior Chief Randall had a choice. He could have taught the recruits about hypothermia as an abstract theory during a lecture from the comfort of a classroom. Instead, more

  • God Loves Series

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Mar 6, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    1st sermon in 4 part series looking at the 4 major points in John 3:16, inspired by Max Lucado’s book.

    God Loves, Isa. 53:1-11 3:16 Series, week Intro: Anyone know what tonight is? The Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences Awards…also known as the Oscars, live from Los Angeles, CA. A celebration of movies that most of us will never see starring actors that many of us have never heard of…yet it more

  • The Genuine Christian Faces Tough Times Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Mar 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    1st in a series from the book of James that examines the realities of the genuine Christian life. This sermon deals with the tough times we face in life.

    “THE GENUINE CHRISTIAN FACES TOUGH TIMES” James 1:1-12 INTRO – Begin series out of James today – “The Genuine Christian Life.” Theme of James – the marks of maturity in the Christian life. James dealing with several different issues and problems in this book, but all are due to spiritual more

  • Rev. #35 ~11: ~the Two Witnesses ~pt. 2 Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Dec 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    These two witnesses, that we believe to be Moses and Elijah are indistructable as long as God has His Hand on them, during the 1st half of the tribulation.

    Rev. #35 ~11:1-7 ~THE TWO WITNESSES ~pt. 2 12-26-09 Today we’ll continue our study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, last time we left off in Chapter 11: and verse 7, so we’ll try and get hooked back up from there. Lets keep in mind that chapter 11:1-13 does not advance the more

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