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  • You Must Be Born Again Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Feb 2, 2024

    Jesus tells Nicodemus the most essential teaching in the Bible. That essential teaching is the new birth in Christ. There will be a lot of things demanding your attention, but this, being born again, you cannot afford to neglect.

    When John Wesley began a series of evangelistic meetings, he preached from John Chapter 3, You Must be Born Again. As the meetings went on people realized he was preaching that same message over and over. Someone asked him, when are you going to move on to something different? His answer, as soon more

  • Your Prayer Quotient Series

    Contributed by Bong Baylon on Jun 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Your attitudes toward prayer determine your devotion to prayer.

    Title: What’s your Prayer Quotient (PQ)? By Bong Baylon Text: James 5:13-20 Big Idea: Your attitudes toward prayer determine your devotion to prayer. Tagline: Your PQ measures your spiritual health. How’s your PQ lately? Introduction: Interest: Years ago, I heard about IQ (Intelligence Quotient). more

  • Your Love Quotient Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 20, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second is to love people. What does it mean to truly love God with all our heart?

    It is not easy to sum up all the commandments that govern life in one or two sentences, but Jesus did it. It is amazing! Think about it. If you get these commands right, you’ll get the rest right. Jesus says (in Matthew’s version), “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” more

  • What Is Your God Quotient? Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on May 26, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Many people who sit in the pews have "no knowledge of God," as Hosea says. Knowing God is possible; it is about living; and knowing God brings hope.

    Last Thursday was a beautiful spring day, so my wife and I decided to knock on some doors on Pine Street, meeting new people and getting reacquainted with people we had met before. At the last house, an apartment, we could see a man through the open door sucking the last drops of liquor more

  • P Q - Prayer Quotient

    Contributed by Randy Trotter on Jun 23, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    How big or small, powerful or weak, your God is depends on your Prayer Quotient (Prayer Life). Ideas from Mark Batterson’s "The Circle Maker"

    “PQ - PRAYER QUOTIENT” Anahuac AG 6/24/2012 Pastor Rand Trotter INTRODUCTION: I want to speak to you from my heart this morning. Something I think that every single person who is called “CHRISTIAN” struggles with! It is that struggle brought about by Human Nature, that “ADEMIC” nature more

  • Growing Your Emotional Quotient In Marriage Series

    Contributed by Vince Miller on Dec 30, 2018

    How to get smarter in dealing with an emotional deficit with your wife that results in an explosion. And I have learned the problem may not be them; it may be me! Five things you can do.

    “As for his secret to staying married, my wife tells me that if I ever decide to leave, she is coming with me.” Jon Bon Jovi “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 The challenge of marriage is more

  • What Is Your S.q? Series

    Contributed by Wayne Essex on Jan 24, 2019

    You have heard of I.Q., maybe even E.Q., but what is your S.Q.?

    LIVING WISE IN A STUPID WORLD (What did the smartest man who ever lived have to say about it) Chapter 1 of 31cont. Lesson #3 Proverbs 1: 20-33. What is your Spiritual Quotient (SQ)? IQ is an acronym for Intelligence Quotient. The IQ is a measurement of your intelligence and is expressed in a more

  • What Is Your Integrity Quotient? - Genesis 20 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Jul 24, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Did you know that there are only three people in the Bible that are said to have integrity.

    Did you know (I didn’t know this before this week) that there are only three people in the Bible that are said to have integrity. Now there are lots of people who had integrity in the Bible, don’t get me wrong. But only three people the word ‘integrity’ is used to describe them. One of them is Job. more

  • Spiritual

    Contributed by Harold Hansen on Aug 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Bible Study Getting right with the Lord Forgivness of sin Robert Rimes

    Spiritual Renewal Psalm 51:10-17. When you have wandered away from God. How can you return to more

  • Spirituality Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 1, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We are free in Christ, yes, but how is that freedom to be used? How can it be abused?

    1 Corinthians 10:1-5 Spirituality 1/25/04 D. Marion Clark Introduction Let’s review the issue being addressed. The Corinth Church is abusing a correct doctrine, which is that we are free in Christ Jesus from having to observe regulations and restrictions in order to find favor with God. more

  • Spirituality Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Nov 7, 2024

    Spirituality is where fear and faith collide. Escaping the trap of spirituality means admitting our limitations, recognizing the call and walking in obedience in spite of our fear.

    We continue our series of “Escape” by looking at another area that keeps us from experiencing the freedom Jesus’ coming and rising offer us. The last few weeks we have spoken about escaping bad decisions, the shame/guilt that accompanies them and even trading religion for relationships. This week more

  • Spiritual Apathy To Spiritual Awakening! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Walton on Jul 3, 2001
    based on 124 ratings

    It emphasizes how God points out the apathetic attributes of Israel.

    Haggai: Lesson One § Student Handout Subject: Spiritual Apathy to Spiritual Awakening! ESTABLISH Study 1. The Relevance of Haggai’s Message for the Church today. A.Directed to God’s people some 2,500 years ago B.Haggai is one of the Post-Exilic prophets of the Restoration, the other two being more

  • Spiritual Armor For Spiritual War

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Sep 27, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    Unfortunately, most of us don’t know the first thing about fighting the kind of war in this scripture. For, as Ephesians 6:10-12 says, it’s not a battle of flesh and blood, but of the spirit.

    Spiritual Armor for Spiritual War "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -- (Ephesians 6:12) Unfortunately, most of us don’t know the first thing about more

  • The Spiritual Decline Of The Spiritually Inclined Series

    Contributed by Patrick Mead on Feb 20, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    The destruction of sin upon the life of faith

    The Spiritual Decline of the Spiritually Inclined Genesis 19:1-38 Introduction Chapter nineteen of the book of Genesis is an interesting chapter to say the least. It is interesting from the standpoint of a sinful world. It is interesting from the standpoint of God answering the prayers of the more

  • Spiritual Infants And Spiritual Adults Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Feb 20, 2017

    There are spiritual infants and spiritual adults. Infants are characterized by envy, strife, and division. Adults, in Christ, are characterized by love, forgiveness, and peace. Which are we?

    I. Introduction A. Mr. Lee was terribly overweight, so his doctor put him on a diet. "I want you to eat regularly for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this procedure for 2 weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least 5 pounds." When Mr. Lee returned, he shocked the doctor by losing more

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