  • Randy Trotter

    Contributing sermons since Dec 19, 2008
Randy's church

Anahuac Assembly
Anahuac, Texas 77514

About Randy
  • Education: Assoc. Degree in Pastoral Ministry
  • Experience: 30 years of Pastoral Ministry: Senior Pastor, Youth Pastor & Children's Pastor. 10 years as a Hospice Chaplain.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: "Watchman What of the Night" by Bert Clendennon.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: For Father's Day I remember a commercial of a little boy following his dad around doing the different things as a little boy would idolizing his father and then the Father picks up a pack of cigarettes and places them down and the child reaches for them as the commercial ends! Dad if you'll come to church your children will come with you!
  • Family: Married for 30 years to a wonderful woman with a great testimony shared at many women's conferences of being widowed & two grown sons.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Really? MY parents have never heard me preach a bad sermon, but my wife...well?
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She cares enough to tell me what she thinks, if it's good or not so good.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Don't break anything I have to fix! & Preach like a dying man to a dying audience! & If you you're not passionate they won't be passionate!
  • Books that have had an impact: Books by John Maxwell & Mark Batterson.
  • Hobbies: Hunting, Traveling,
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Lady's false eye popped out while she sat on the front row & a bat flying around the sanctuary scaring people.
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Newest Sermons

  • Is It Well With Your Soul?

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2015

    A word of encouragement after I faced a life threatening experience

    “IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL” INTRO: This past week on Thursday morning. I nearly died and I mean that! My defibrillator fired off knocking me unconscious to the floor and then fired again after I got up! I’ve had some heart issues & the Dr.'s implanted it a little over 5 yrs more

  • Healing By The Book

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2014

    Simple sermon on the Foundation for Healing & patterned examples of Healings. There are some responsibilities on our part for Healing!

    “HEALING BY THE BOOK” This morning we’re focusing on “HEALING!” I noticed the “HEALINGS” that Jesus did and one thing that stood out and was patterned in all of them was “FAITH!” But there are a few other things coupled with "FAITH" that more

  • The Job Factor

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2013

    Job used 3 factors in his circumstance to overcome what he faced. Aptitude, Attitude & Altitude. Not only does your “ATTITUDE affect your ALTITUDE” your “ATTITUDE affects your FAITH!”

    THE JOB FACTOR INTRODUCTION: Now I know to some or most of your this is “Christianity 101” but stay with me this morning! I think I have something that will bless you if you are struggling anywhere in your walk with God! When I say “STRUGGLING” I don’t mean more

  • 6 Things Needed In These Last Days

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    What does the Christian need to be doing today in the last days for the Kingdom, the Church, the World

    “5 THINGS NEEDED IN THESE LAST DAYS” INTRODUCTION: This past week I was saddened at hearing that the Supreme Court struck down a Federal Law defining “Marriage” as a “Union between a man & a woman.” Frankly, it was more than just saddened, I was more

  • Chapter Of Heroes

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Memorial Day Weekend Sermon. Heb. 11 was not just a "FAITH" chapter but a "Chapter of Heroes!"

    “CHAPTER OF HEROES!” INTRODUCTION: What is a “HERO?” I’m told that “BRAVERY” is “GRACE UNDER FIRE!” I’m told that “BRAVERY” is a person “WHO HOLDS ON A MOMENT LONGER THAN THE NEXT PERSON.” I’m told more

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