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  • Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer (1) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Apr 30, 2021

    Using spiritual disciplines to help us grow in Christ. Looking at Prayer as one means.

    Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer May 2, 2021 Prayer There’s a story about a small town that had been historically “dry,” it was alcohol free. A bar was going to open on Main Street and upon hearing the news, the only church in town organized an all-night prayer meeting, asking God to intervene. more

  • Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer (2) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 13, 2021

    Looking at developing spiritual habits to help us grow to become better connected to Jesus.

    Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer May 16, 2021 I would have to say one of the more difficult things for Christians to do is pray! If you’ve been doing it for years, then you might not think much about it. But if I were to take a survey of everyone in the room and at home, and ask, if you want to more

  • Grace That Produces Spiritual Maturity Series

    Contributed by Pastor Duncan Shabane on May 21, 2020

    we need to understand the influence the Holy Spirit has in our lives, He is our helper and convicts us on sin, righteousness and came to us as a promise from God

    **therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection” (Hebrews 6:1). **“we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15) ** “Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in more

  • Getting Aligned For Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jun 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Today's message is of our need to get spiritually aligned with God so that we can be ready for Satan and the spiritual warfare that is always heading in our direction.

    Getting Aligned for Spiritual Warfare Matthew 12:29 {Listen to Today's Message at:} If I were to say what is the purpose of tonight’s message, it would be our need to get aligned under God’s authority so that we can more

  • Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer (3) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 20, 2021

    A third look at prayer as it relates to the Psalms

    Prayer - Part 3 May 23, 2021 Sometimes you get a great idea for a sermon series or even for a sermon, but then you have to start putting it together and you realize you have no idea what to do. Well, honestly, that’s what today is feeling like for me. I said I was going to talk about preaching more

  • Spiritual Bone Density Test

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jun 6, 2021

    Although bones may seem like hard and lifeless structures, bones are living tissues with blood supply and active metabolism. Bones make up our skeletons and provide structure and support for our bodies.

    Spiritual Bone Density Test By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. SCRIPTURE: - Ezekiel 37:3 “And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest”. PRAYER: - OPENING: - There is a commercial on T.V. that deals with a medication called Prolia. In that more

  • How To Mount A Spiritual Comeback Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jun 8, 2021

    Has your walk with Christ deteriorated? Have life's struggles and distractions, even the pandemic, resulted in some backsliding? The writer to the Hebrews has a solution.

    Some of you here are familiar with Alex Smith, because he was for a number of years the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. But what many of you may not know is that Alex Smith was recently named the NFL’s 2020 Comeback Player of the Year But the award was actually an more

  • Spiritual Disciplines - Worship (3) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jul 23, 2021

    A continuing look at Spiritual Disciplines. Looking at part 3 of worship.

    Spiritual Disciplines: Worship July 25, 2021 We all have different views of what worship should and should not be. We all have our likes and dislikes. We have our ideas, thoughts, and feelings of what makes for a good worship and what leads to a not so good worship experience. Some come with more

  • Spiritual Gifts- Tongues And Prophesy Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A three-part sermon series exploring the spiritual gifts, what they are, and how we can use them today.

    Spiritual Gifts- Tongues and Prophecy Spiritual Gifts Series CCCAG, 6-27-21 Scripture: 1 Cor 14:1-5 One quick note- I will have a Q&A session when we are done. After about five years of being a full-time paramedic I had a series of pretty bad calls that started to take some of the joy out of my more

  • Will You Be My Spiritual Counselor? Series

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Aug 16, 2021

    The call to discipleship is a call to serve as a good neighbor. This call is more than a mere social event where pleasantries are commonly shared. In the call to discipleship, we are challenged to ascend to godliness and become a spiritual friend to people in our sphere of influence.

    The call to discipleship is a call to serve as a good neighbor. This call is more than a mere social event where pleasantries are commonly shared. In the call to discipleship, we are challenged to ascend to godliness and become a spiritual friend to people in our sphere of influence. In John more

  • Spiritual Gifts And The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 6, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Diversity in unity. The Oneness of the body of Christ.

    SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND THE BODY OF CHRIST. 1 Corinthians 12:3-13. ‘No-one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit,’ argued the Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 12:3b). The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus (cf. John 15:26). The Holy Spirit only ever glorifies Jesus (cf. John 16:14). For us more

  • Milk And Meat For Spiritual Maturity

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jul 13, 2023

    There are two kinds of Christians that you will find in every church. These two kinds are…

    (1) Those who have been saved for many years but they have not grown spiritually one iota! Illus: Do you remember the story of “Peter Pan?” He was a boy who refused to grow up. Growing old is not always synonymous with becoming mature. The tragedy of the church today we have come to accept more

  • Spiritual Gifts - What Are Yours?

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Aug 4, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual Gifts are a biblical concept and a Fundamental Belief of our church, and yet most of us don’t know what our Spiritual Gifts are – to the peril of the body.

    August 05, 2023 Today we are talking about Spiritual Gifts. Clear back in the book of Exodus, God told Moses that He was going to gift certain men in Israel with the gift of craftsmanship for the construction of the Tabernacle: • Exodus 31:1-5 - Then the LORD said to Moses, 2 "See, I more

  • The Cost Of Weak Spiritual Leadership Series

    Contributed by Ellick Wu on Aug 14, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    From Exodus 32:1-6, we will uncover invaluable lessons about the consequences of weak spiritual leadership. We will glean insights that pierce through the complexities of our present church condition and trends, shedding light on both the pitfalls we must avoid and the pathways we should pursue.

    THE COST OF WEAK SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP EXODUS 32:1-6 Scripture reading prior to sermon Ex 33:11-16, 34:6-10 Introduction When I was young, I was taught honesty is the key character for life being a great person and we should model after young George Washington the first President of the United more

  • Spiritual Zombies: Running On Empty.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Aug 29, 2023

    Do we realize how dangers running on empty can be? Avoid dryness, tiredness, weariness and being empty.

    SPIRITUAL ZOMBIES? … RUNNING ON EMPTY. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes) Job said: I give up, I am tired of living, leave me alone. My life makes no sense? COME LET US REASON: THERE ARE 4 WORDS THAT HANG AROUND IN A GANG. THEY TRAVEL TOGETHER. *DRY: no more

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