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  • Idol Breaker

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 18, 2024

    Looking at 2 Samuel 9, let's talk about 3 people (Some material adapted from Ability Ministry's booklet on First Church of Mephibosheth:

    HoHum: I remember going to Sunshine camp on the grounds of Camp Rudolph in Yale, Virginia for 3 weeks one summer while in college. It was such an inspirational experience. One week I remember I was assigned to Kenny. Kenny smoked like a freight train and my job was to limit the number of smokes more

  • Parenting Children With Special Needs

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jul 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    “All things are possible for one who believes” Mark 9:23.

    Mark 9:14-27 Theme: Parenting children with special needs Text: 1 Sam. 2:12-17; 1 Cor. 10:9-13; Mk. 9:14-27 Normal parents always want the best for their children and desire to see them grow up to be successful and responsible adults. They see the opportunity in formal education and make the more

  • Funeral Sermon For An Adult With Special Needs

    Contributed by James Jackson on Oct 29, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    I know this is a pretty specific topic, but when this issue came up for me this week, I had a hard time finding any guidance. This is what I came up with, and I hope it helps you.

    Opening Statement LORD, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I do not get involved with things too great or too difficult for me. 2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself like a little weaned child with its mother; I am like a little child. 3 Israel, put your hope in the LORD, both more

  • Open Ears And Unleashed Tongues Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Aug 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus goes to an out of the way place in order to reach someone who felt out of place because He has a special place in His heart for those who have special needs!

    Open Ears and Unleashed Tongues Mark 7:31-37 Rev. Brian Bill August 13-14, 2016 Sermon Part 1 Thanks for gathering with us this weekend as we worship through music and dive into the Word through the message. There are sure a lot of activities and events going on right now like the Rio Olympics. more

  • Secrets To Joyful Giving For Special Needs

    Contributed by Brian Kluth on Feb 15, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The Five Secrets to Joyful Giving for Special Needs

    Find audio, video, and Microsoft Word handouts for this and/or other finance/generosity sermons at: KEY POINTS: 1 – GIVE ENTHUSIASTICALLY – FIND THE MOTIVATION 2 – GIVE PREPARDEDLY – FIND THE MEANS 3 – GIVE WILLINGLY - FIND THE MOTIVE 4 – GIVE EXPECTANTLY - FIND THE more

  • A Very Special Event!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 280 ratings

    Jesus Himself talked about it the last night that He spent with His apostles before His arrest & crucifixion. Do you remember?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX ILL. The day before Thanksgiving a man in Phoenix called his son in New York & said to him, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother & I are divorcing; 45 years is more

  • No Special Priviledges

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 30, 2016

    Through His action of handing Mary to teh care of John Jesus demonstrates that all, including Mary, need to see Jesus as Saviour

    Message John 19:17-27 No Special Privileges There is something special about being the oldest son. - You have a sense of responsibility. - You have a special bond … you just feel you are favoured. That is how it works doesn’t it. And it was exactly the same for Jesus. Read John more

  • Special! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 17, 2020

    If we are so special, how special God must be!

    Special! (Psalm 8) 1. Some people are truly special: Aug. 13 (UPI) -- A 95-year-old California man known to neighbors as "Bicycle Bob" was treated to a celebration after he logged his 100,000th mile of cycling… he took up cycling when he retired in the 1990s and has been logging more

  • Specially Protected Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jul 21, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the time for us to take stock of the decisions that we are making every day. Those that can be changed that are not in line with God’s will, need to be set aside immediately.

    Psalm 91 - Specially Protected We read in Psalm 91:11-12, “He will command his angels to protect you wherever you go. Their hands will catch you so that you will not hit your foot on a rock.” (ERV) Those who trust in the Lord are guaranteed an extraordinary protection over their lives. The Lord more

  • The Special We

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Sep 8, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    As Christians we are chosen by God to join others in a church community where we find belonging, significance, love, and where we serve one another. A church is not about catering to our own individual needs and wants.

    The Special WE September 6, 2009 1 Pet 2:9-12 Intro: We are special. That is a true statement, and an important one. We are special – we, the people of God called Laurier Heights Baptist Church are special. As true as the statement is, it is problematic. We hear “special”, and think more

  • The Canaanite Woman

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jul 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    She was probably a single mom with a special needs child, and she desperately needed Jesus’ help.

    20A She was probably a single mom with a special needs child, and she desperately needed Jesus’ help. Jesus’ reaction to this desperate woman’s request is quite interesting. The truth is, he didn’t respond at all. His disciples certainly did not want anything to do with the woman, i.e. “Please more

  • A Special Person-For A Special Task

    Contributed by Arthur Green on Feb 28, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    It describes the qualities that God is looking for in persons who will work for the good of the kingdom

    A Special person for a Special Task Exodus 3:10 In the book of Exodus 3:10 you will find theses words, "Come now therefore and i will send thee unto Pharoh that thou mayest bring forth my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt. The history of our text is one that is familar to all of us. more

  • A Special Calling Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jun 2, 2006
    based on 55 ratings

    God has a special calling for all His children.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Throughout the first chapter of Colossians, we have learned about how Jesus redeemed us, how He saved us from the penalty of sin. We have seen how He is reconciled us to Himself through His blood. • Now, we need to pause for a moment and think about this question, more

  • A Special Birth Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    The story of the birth of John the Baptist teaches us about faith and the message we have for the world.

    A Special Birth Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 Introduction: God often used families that were unable to have children when he wanted to bring a special child into the world. In the Old Testament, we have the examples of Isaac, Samson and Samuel. In the New Testament we have John. 1. Summarizing the more

  • A Special Possession

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is about experiencing the Christian life in its fullest.

    Turn with me to 1 John 5. Read 1 John 5:9-13. We are going to focus primarily on verse 12 as we talk about a special possession. John tells us several things in this verse. The first is … I. We have a Special Relationship with Jesus. John writes, “He who has the Son has the life.” These eight more

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