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  • "Who Is This Lord"

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Apr 28, 2008
    based on 39 ratings

    Pharaoh asked who is the Lord that I should obey him. Mant peopole today ask the same question because of the lack of relationship. I have come today to answer the quest "Who is this Lord".

    “Who is this Lord” "JESUS" Exodus 5:1-6 “And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. And Pharaoh said, Who [is] the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not more

  • Jesus Is . . . Who? Series

    Contributed by Joe La Rue on Feb 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Introduction to the series, Who Is Jesus.

    Title: Jesus Is . . .Who? Series: Who Is Jesus? (Sermon # 1) Text: Matt 16:13-17 Date: February 24, 2008 COPYRIGHT © Joe La Rue, 2008 INTRODUCTION A. Almost two thousand years ago, on a hill outside the city of Jerusalem, a Jewish peasant named Yeshua was executed by crucifixion. In more

  • "Who Is This?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 26, 2015

    Who do you think Jesus is?

    "Who Is This?" Matthew 21:1-11 What were people waving palm branches about 2,000 years ago when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey? What did they expect would happen? What did they want from Jesus? What do you want from Jesus? What do I want? Why are we waving palm branches this more

  • Who's The Boss? Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Apr 13, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    48th in a series from Ephesians. Being filled with the Holy Spirit means giving Him control of my life.

    A henpecked husband was advised by a psychiatrist to assert himself. "You don’t have to let your wife bully you," she said. "Go home and show her you’re the boss." The husband decided to take the doctor’s advice. He went home, slammed the door, shook his fist in his wife’s face, and growled, "From more

  • How To Respond To Those Who Fail To Appreciate You 

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 41 ratings

    Throughout history some of the greatest people have been the least appreciated. Even worse, some of the most deserving people have been misunderstood, despised and rejected by those they tried to serve. Moses was a noble man of God who qualified as one of

    1. Throughout history some of the greatest people have been the least appreciated. Even worse, some of the most deserving people have been misunderstood, despised and rejected by those they tried to serve. Moses was a noble man of God who qualified as one of histories most under appreciated heroes. more

  • Who Is Jesus

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 19, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    He has been called a mystic, a revolutionary, a legend, a troublemaker, and much more. Who is Jesus?

    Who is Jesus? He has been called a mystic, a revolutionary, a legend, a troublemaker, and much more. Who is Jesus? What was He like? Do we think of Him as the child in the manger or the crucified Savior? People say lots of things about Him. John’s Gospel closes by saying the world could more

  • Who Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jun 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    With God's help Peter answered the most important question that all of us must answer - Who is Jesus?

    Introduction: A. One day a crowded airline flight was canceled. 1. There was a single gate agent at the desk who was responsible for rebooking the long line of inconvenienced and irritated travelers. 2. Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk and slapped his ticket down on the more

  • Who, Me?

    Contributed by Don Crowson on Feb 9, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Discovering the 4 principles of effective service in the Kingdom of God.

    WHO, ME? NEHEMIAH 1:1-2:8 1. Nehemiah Saw a Need (1:3) 2. Nehemiah was Concerned about the Need he saw (1:4) 3. Nehemiah Prayed concerning the Need he saw (1:5-11) Components of Nehemiah’s Prayer A. Acknowledgement of God’s Greatness (1:5) B. Intercession (1:6) C. Repentance more

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on May 17, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon based on the C.S. Lewis’, "Liar, lunatic, Lord" quote.

    All other religions :Hinduism, Buddhism. Confucianism, Shintoism, and Islam Founded by human beings - based on philosophies, rules and norms for behavior Take any of these leaders away...Religions still stand...Little would change Take Jesus out of Christianity....Nothing Left Christianity isn’t more

  • When Your Back's Against The Wall

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Jan 9, 2021

    If you have ever experienced situations where you back was against the wall and you had to take some action, this message will encourage you. All of us at some point will have our backs against a wall and it's good to know at that point Who has us.

    When Your Back’s Against The Wall Scripture: Psalm 37:25; Second Chronicles 20:1-18 The title of my message this morning is “When Your Back’s Against the Wall.” This message was inspired by my brother, Rev. Barry Johnson, January teaching letter titled “God’s Instruction for Victory.” If you more

  • Who Are We?

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Examining our own faithfulness to Jesus.

    Who are we? Matthew 7:21-23 Introduction Last week, we took a look at part of Matthew Chapter 7 and reflected on our own walk with the Lord as we are commanded to “ask, seek, and knock”. Tonight we will be back in Matthew Chapter 7 with a closer look at something many have been taught, but more

  • Who Is Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Sep 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Who does the culture say He is and who does He says He is?

    Who is Jesus? Today we are starting a series reviewing the basics of what we know about Jesus Christ. We will be looking at several scriptures to come up with the documentation to answer today’s question. However, before we start our quest through scripture let’s define some general things about more

  • Who Is To Blame?

    Contributed by Shane Hart on Aug 10, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    To change the future of America tomorrow, we must effectively raise up the children and youth of today.

    Colossians chapter 3 Some humor for you: A mother took her three-year-old daughter to church for the first time. The church lights were lowered, and then the choir came down the aisle, carrying lighted candles. All was quiet until the little one started to sing in a loud voice, "Happy birthday to more

  • Who Is Jesus?

    Contributed by David Nolte on Oct 16, 2016

    Answers the question, "Who do men say that the Son of Man is?"

    “Who IS Jesus?” Matthew 16:13-18 David P. Nolte Any honest historian or any objectively thinking person has to admit that Jesus was a real man who lived in Judea and was credited with many astounding acts and was crucified under Pilate’s reign. The question is not, more

  • Jesus Who?

    Contributed by Russ Houser on Jun 1, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    A look at understanding the difference between knowing who Jesus is and believing who Jesus is.

    Jesus Who? 6-2-02 Matt. 16:13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto more

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