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  • Culturally Distinct Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 21, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon focused on OT on how the church is to be culturally distinct (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, What the Bible Says About the Church: Rediscovering Community, chapter 2 Culturally Distinct, pg. 49- 63)

    Introduction: God calls his people to remain distinct from our culture. To be distinct is to be different in nature from something else, more than just being different. Often say that we are to be different from our culture and this is correct. However, there are many individuals and groups more

  • James: An Exposition Of James 2 Series

    Contributed by David Wilson on Feb 26, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    A look at James Chapter two encouraging the reader to view the book of James in full context with practical applications for the believer. This entire series is available as an ebook entitled "James: Who has Superior Faith" via the ibook store (itunes)

    Introduction James is my favorite book of the Bible. I have always been drawn to its practical approach and straightforward method of approaching the subject of living one’s faith. James doesn’t spend a lot of time discussing doctrine, though the book is full of doctrinal concepts. Instead, more

  • # 7~ Angels~ 3~ Bible Doctrine Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 31, 2012

    Angels were created and with God before He created any thing else, at that time all the angels were holy and without sin, but as I have already pointed out that Lucifer lied to the angels and said that he was going to over throw God, he was Lucifer at

    # 7~ ANGELS~ 3~ BIBLE DOCTRINE 8-25-12 Today we'll get back to our study of Bible Doctrine, we've already said a few things about angels, and so today we'll think on angels once again. Angels were created and with God before He created more

  • "protestant Reformation-Of Motion, Reformation And Celebration-Part 2" Series

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Sep 18, 2017

    With the 500th anniversary of Reformation (31st Oct 1517-31st Oct 2017) around the corner , Yours Truly felt inspired to come-up with a 2 Part series on Reformation. Having already submitted Part 1 of the same, I am submitting herewith Part 2 of the same.

    Of Protestant Reformation - Motion, Reformation and Celebration /Part 2 The Sermon Central readership would recall that whilst ending the First part of this series, I had stated that in the ensuing second part of the same, I would be focusing on more

  • The Holy Scriptures Series

    Contributed by John Stackhouse on Jun 8, 2016

    The 4th Article of Faith for the Church of the Nazarene.

    I believe that it is important to state what we believe up front and with full disclosure. Watch out for places of worship where they are unwilling to tell you what they actually believe. If they are hiding something, they are likely a cult. Cults are religions that are at least somewhat related more

  • Who Is This Man?

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 21, 2017

    As Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, whispers spread throughout the crowd. Although unsure He was even present, Jesus became the topic of discussion. Many wondered about this man who He truly was. We too must decide who Jesus is.

    Who is this Man? John 7: 1-13 Our text deals with events that happened during the Feast of Tabernacles. This was a time of celebration and thanksgiving. Along with Passover and Pentecost, the Feast of Tabernacles was one of three pilgrimages the Jews took to Jerusalem each year. While the Feast more

  • A Witness To The Faith

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Although under house arrest, Paul continued to proclaim the Gospel. He refused to remain silent about the grace he had received. We need to share the desire and commitment of Paul to proclaim the Gospel.

    A Witness to the Faith Acts 26: 19-23; 27-29 This was a stressful and frustrating time for Paul. At this time he had been under house arrest for more than two years. He was accused and arrested in Jerusalem by the influence of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Following an appeal to Caesar, he was brought to more

  • Little Is Much Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus used the tiny mustard seed as a comparison to the Kingdom of God. Although it was small, it had potential to become great. The church would start very small, but soon make a significant and eternal impact on humanity.

    Little is Much Mark 4: 30-34 As we continue in Mark, we come to the fourth and final parable Jesus revealed to His disciples during this moment of teaching. Due to the resistance and unbelief of many, Jesus chose to teach primarily in parables. Those who genuinely sought truth would receive it, more

  • Challenged In The Temple Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on May 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    As Jesus entered the Temple for the second time during Passion Week, He immediately met opposition. The chief priests, scribes, and elders had conspired against Him. As we strive to serve the Lord, the enemy will bring opposition against us too.

    Challenged at the Temple Mark 11: 27-33 Our text today continues to follow Jesus through what is commonly referred to as Passion Week. He had triumphantly entered Jerusalem and returned the next day to cleanse the temple. Again, for the third day in a row, Jesus had returned to Jerusalem and more

  • Looking Toward Calvary Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Dec 27, 2017

    Often our spiritual vision is hindered by the desires of the flesh. We seek to serve the Lord, but often find a struggle with the flesh.

    Looking toward Calvary Mark 8: 31-33 At this point in Jesus’ ministry His popularity has diminished greatly, particularly among the devout Jews. He is about to enter a season of intense difficulty, culminating with the cross. From this moment forward, Jesus will be intent on enabling the more

  • Caesar Or God? Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 13, 2022

    Conflict between the monarchs and the spiritual leaders was a time-old problem. The spiritual could be arrested for condemning the political leaders, and systems. Politicians saw the religious leaders as a threat to their survival and existence.

    Holy Wednesday Theme: Caesar or God? Text: Luke 20:20-26 Introduction: Conflict between the monarchs and the spiritual leaders was a time-old problem. The spiritual could be arrested for condemning the political leaders, and systems. Politicians saw the religious leaders as a threat to their more

  • The Search For A Queen (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Mar 17, 2021

    As chapter two of Esther continues, we see more of the sovereignty of God revealed. Although it appeared His people had been forsaken, God had a plan and would use Esther to help bring about its fulfillment. Sovereignty is an attribute that brings peace and comfort to believers.

    The Search for a Queen (Part 2) Esther 2: 10-18 We have learned that due to her refusal to accommodate the king’s ridiculous demands, Vashti had been removed from her position as queen. After some time had passed, the king’s advisors developed a plan to locate and crown a new queen. The plan more

  • Cut It Out

    Contributed by Jeff Hatos on May 29, 2019

    What should we do when confronted by those who say a particular part of the Bible is wrong? Do we defend that area or cut that part out of the Bible?

    Cut It Out 2 Timothy 3:14-17 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. more

  • Conditioned To Serve Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Aug 4, 2019

    Prior to sending the disciples out in ministry, Jesus sought to prepare them for the task ahead. He did not promise it would be easy, but He did promise to provide for them. We share the same promises. Service isn't always easy, but the Lord is faithful to provide.

    Conditioned to Serve Matthew 10: 9-15 As we continue to examine the instructions Jesus gave the disciples prior to sending them out to share their faith, we discover additional benefit for our lives and witness as well. While these were sent solely to the house of Israel, prior to Jesus’ death and more

  • The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jul 22, 2018

    Having revealed Himself as the Door of the sheep, Jesus also declared that He was the Defender of the sheep - the Good Shepherd. He was totally committed to the sheep, laying down His life for them. What a blessing to know the Shepherd.

    The Good Shepherd John 10:11-18 In our previous study, Jesus declared Himself as the Door of the sheepfold. Continuing the conversation, Jesus then declared Himself the Defender of the sheep – the Good Shepherd. Such a continuation is fitting when one considers that the shepherd served as both the more

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