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  • Matrimonio Bíblico Para El Siglo Xxi

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jun 9, 2023

    Resumen: Este sermón fue dado en un banquete para pastores y sus cónyuges para renovar sus matrimonios. Dios tiene un plan para el matrimonio y es bueno.

    Matrimonio bíblico para el siglo XXI Por Rick Gillespie-Mobley Efesios 5:21-4 Resumen: Este sermón fue dado en un banquete para pastores y sus cónyuges para renovar sus matrimonios. Dios tiene un plan para el matrimonio y es more

  • Sordera Espiritual Series

    Contributed by James Dina on Dec 28, 2021

    Bienaventurados los que tienen un oído que el Señor ha purificado, limpiado y abierto para que pueda oír la llamada divina; pero no hay bendición para el cristiano cuyos oídos espirituales no están activos.

    EPHPHATHA "Y le trajeron a uno que era sordo y tenía un impedimento en el habla, y le rogaron que le pusiera la mano encima. Y él lo apartó de la multitud, y le metió los dedos en los oídos, y escupió, y le tocó la lengua; y mirando al cielo, suspiró, more

  • Cosas Profundas Fuera De La Oscuridad

    Contributed by James Dina on Jun 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Las personas que caminan en la oscuridad no saben a dónde van. Dios puede revelar todo en la oscuridad, incluso las cosas profundas que están en la oscuridad; porque la oscuridad no es oscura para él.

    COSAS PROFUNDAS FUERA DE LA OSCURIDAD “El descubre las profundidades de las tinieblas, Y saca á luz la sombra de muerte” (JOB 12: 22) Los atributos de Dios, como se revela en la Biblia, son cruciales para entender la verdad acerca de Dios, quién es Él more

  • 1 Timothy Chapter 3 Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 13, 2024

    This is a detailed study verse by verse. You will need to analyze, synthesize, and then summarize to fit your need. I have used several different sources to which I give credit.

    I Timothy Chapter 3 I Tim 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. (King James Version) 3:1 This is a faithful and trustworthy saying: if any man [eagerly] seeks the office of overseer (bishop, superintendent), he desires an excellent task. more

  • His Passion For The Hurting

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Apr 5, 2004
    based on 56 ratings

    In this message we will see that Christ’s passion for the hurting was natural, was needed and was near. (The Passion Of The Christ - pt 2)

    His Passion For The Hurting The Passion Of The Christ – part 2 In a chapter in his book, Just Like Jesus, called “The Touch of God,” Max Lucado writes; the story behind a man that we meet in the Gospels. For 5 years no one touched me. No one. Not one person. Not my wife. Not my child. Not more

  • Has Your Light Gone Out

    Contributed by Ed Pruitt on Jun 14, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Are you where you need to be or are you slipping away?

    HAS YOUR LIGHT GONE OUT Sunday AM 12\05\1999 Matthew 25:1-13 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.2 “Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.3 “Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with more

  • Hidden In Plain Sight

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Sep 21, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    God has promised that He will reveal His secret counsel to those who seek Him and obey His word. This studies explains how we find the hidden manna that Jesus promised to give those who overcome.

    Hidden in Plain Sight Revelation 2:17 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it." God more

  • Finding Lost Preachers Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 13, 2015

    Onesiphorus, a bold Christian who is otherwise unknown to us today, serves as a model of courage when he seeks out the imprisoned Apostle, Paul.

    “May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains, but when he arrived in Rome he searched for me earnestly and found me—may the Lord grant him to find mercy from the Lord on that Day!—and you well know all the more

  • Who Can We Blame? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 12, 2016

    If we will cease blaming others, we must be controlled by the Spirit of God. A study of the impact of God's Spirit in the life of a believer.

    “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” [1] It was an exceptional week, even for a broken world. One morning in June, we awoke to horrific news that an alligator had dragged a two-year-old boy into a lake at Walt Disney World. Though the presence of more

  • Christ's Preaching: To Spirits In Prison

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Oct 9, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that Peter’s discussion of this great event occurred when Noah was building the Ark; during 120 years which culminated by the flood. It was Christ’s Spirit in Noah, that preached to the disobedient people refusing to obtain safety in the Ark; where Noah and his house was saved by God.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Christ Preached: Through Righteous Noah 2. Christ Preached: To the Disobedient 3. Christ Preached: To the Spirits in Prison Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we are going to be discussing the theme: “Christ's Preaching: to spirits in prison.” This theme has encouraged many more

  • Manifestation Of Glory Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 7, 2018

    Revelation 1:9-20 provides 1) The Setting for the vision (Revelation 1:9–11), it 2) Unfolds the vision itself (Revelation 1:12–16, 20), and it 3) Relates its effects (Revelation 1:17–19).

    A hate speech law that generated years of heated controversy over free speech before being repealed in 2013 could be making a comeback, at least in some form. Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act made it a discriminatory practice to convey messages over the phone or internet that contain more

  • The Worst Job Description Ever

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God's appointment is seldom to do easy tasks. God appoints us to do hard things, and He equips us to fulfil what He has appointed us to do.

    “Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he went on his way, he approached more

  • Una Oración Por La Congregación Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Este mensaje examina la oración de Pablo por los filipenses en 1:3-11 e identifica los elementos principales de la oración que podemos emular. Pablo ora con (1) agradecimiento (2) confianza (3) pasión y (4) propósito.

    Hemos comenzado un estudio de Filipenses. La semana pasada tratamos la historia de esta iglesia según se registra en Hechos 16. Dios ha elegido soberanamente darnos mucha información sobre la fundación de la iglesia en Filipos. Todo eso es útil en nuestra interpretación de more

  • Love Well 1 John Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 21, 2022

    To be able to love well means I have to embrace the 4 letter word, “Love” in its original definition and its created application – Because that word “Love” has been twisted and distorted by this world – But the true meaning of love goes back to God’s meaning of love!

    Video Transition: Love Anthem - Skit Guys Series: Love Well in 2022 Love Well - 2022 series Thesis: To be able to love well means I have to embrace the 4 letter word, “Love” in its original definition and its created application – Because that word “Love” has been twisted and distorted by this more

  • Hablar Con Claridad Series

    Contributed by James Dina on Jan 25, 2022

    Habla y enseña la verdad clara en un lenguaje fácil que nuestros oyentes puedan entender. Entonces nuestras palabras serán de la rectitud de nuestros corazones, y nuestros labios pronunciarán el conocimiento con claridad.

    HABLAR CON CLARIDAD "En seguida se le abrieron los oídos, y se le soltó la cuerda de la lengua, y habló claramente" (Marcos 7: 35). Todas las palabras que salen de mi boca son justas; no hay en ellas nada de perverso ni de grosero. Todas son claras para el que entiende, more

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