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  • Live Simply Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Seibert on Oct 15, 2014

    When we understand God's heart and Divine design for our finances and put His design into practice, we put ourselves in a position to experience the abundant life He desires for us and for our families.

    Rock Solid Finances: Part 1 “Live Simply” Preached by Jimmy Seibert 4/18/2010 God’s desire for us is that money doesn’t have our heart, but He does. The purpose of money is to fulfill God’s purposes on the earth, not just ours. My prayer is that in this journey over more

  • Simply Irresistible Series

    Contributed by Rob Jansons on Sep 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Fourth sermon in the series on salvation, examining the "order of salvation" and how God's grace works behind the scenes in our lives during the process.

    We are talking about our salvation. Spending time thinking about how God saves us. In once sense, it doesn’t really matter - we are saved! Thank God. Why analyze it? But on the other hand, it is helpful to our understanding of God and to our Christian life if we spend some time thinking more

  • Simply Ask.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Aug 25, 2023

    Crane Eater Community Church, the answer for us, our families, and our society as a whole is Jesus!

    Simply Ask. Second Corinthians 1:20-22 Her doctor said her detached retinas couldn’t be repaired. But after living without sight for 15 years – learning braille, and using a cane and a service dog- this Montana woman’s life was changed when her husband asked another eye doctor a simple question: more

  • Saved Simply

    Contributed by Craig Benner on May 22, 2011

    Don't make salvation into a hard thing. God makes it easy. There is nothing complicated about it.

    Simply Saved IL. : the veteran baseball player and the rookie "the field is so messed up that nobody can play it well" Adam, the first man, sinned, and this world has been messed up ever since. Romans. 10:1-13 (Verse 13) I. Provided for any and all. "whosoever" A. We are all born sinners. Ro. more

  • Simply Church

    Contributed by Rob Ross on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Are we participants or spectators? That is a question that each believer needs to ask themselves. The church is on mission. Believers need to make a choice.

    Introduction When I was preparing this sermon I felt God ask me two questions. The first question that I felt God ask me: "What is your passion?" Music, Enviroment, Work, Politics, Technology, Cooking, Sports (Basketball, Baseball, Football, Soccer Etc.), Sports in particular provided me with a more

  • Pray Simply Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Pray simply focused on Matthew 6:7-8 (Material adapted from Bob Hostetler's book, The Red Letter Prayer Life, chapter 3 of same title)

    HoHum: I step into an elevator on the ground floor. One other person- much taller than me- stands against the back wall. I turn as the elevator door closes and find my floor number on the elevator control panel. I hear a voice behind me- friendly but in a language I don’t understand. I turn, more

  • Simply....baptisim!

    Contributed by Scott Delashaw on Jul 1, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A bare bones outline that lays out the simple truth of why I am baptizing a new convert tonight. Adapt to your own use

    Simply.... Baptism! Mark 1: 9-10 I It was OBSERVED by Christ our Lord II. It was ORDERED by Christ our Lord III. It is OBEDIENCE to Christ our Lord IV. It is OPEN testimony of ur Lord more

  • Simply Trusting

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on May 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at trusting in the Lord

    Simply Trusting Proverbs 16:20 – “whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he.” I. THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE ANNOUNCEMENT - “whoso” II. THE HEARTIEST POSSIBLE ACT - “trusteth” III. THE HOLIEST POSSIBLE ANCHOR - “Lord” IV. THE HEALTHIEST POSSIBLE more

  • Live Simply Series

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Nov 18, 2019

    When we realize that we have enough, we are freed from the merry-go-round of chasing after more.

    November 17, 2019 Stewardship Week Three Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church Philippians 4:10-13; Luke 20:45-21:4 “Live Simply” Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. “For I have learned to be content with whatever I have.” more

  • Simply Obey! Series

    Contributed by Maurice Armstrong on Aug 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    As Obedient Children...

    In John Chapter 8:11, Jesus said to the woman, “Go and sin no more….” She was about to be stoned to death for her adulterous act. But, in his compassion, Jesus forgave her and encouraged her never to let this happen again…He said, “Go and Sin No More.” Her obedience will keep her from future more

  • Simply Christmas: The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 18, 2022

    The simple message of “The Gospel” is the “Good News of Jesus.” It’s about Jesus our Savior – His story.

    Video Transition – Christmas Chaos! By Skit Guys. This video though funny does make you wonder if there are chaotic demons at play at Christmas! Can you relate? It reveals in my view, “How the enemy seeks to make the message of Christmas and the celebration of Christmas overly complicated!” When more

  • Simply Trust And Obey Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Apr 7, 2020

    We see the disciples' simple obedience to God, simple dependence on God in prayer, and simple faith in the Scriptures.

    Luke wrote the book of ACTS. It’s a sequel to the Gospel of LUKE which gives an account of the life of Jesus and all that He said and did. • ACTS tells us how the risen Lord works to build His church by His Word and the Holy Spirit, in particular covering the works of two principal apostles more

  • Simply Sharing Jesus

    Contributed by Andy Johnson on May 15, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is designed to show believer’s how easy it is to share Jesus with others

    Into: Billboard Sign - (Talk about how we live in a visual society today and that people need to see images inorder to relate to things, like billboard signs) About 1980 years ago, depending when you believe Jesus was crucified, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our more

  • Jesus Is Simply Amazing

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Jan 31, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    how Jesus amazed the people with his words and actions

    February 2, 2003 Mark 1:21-28 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who more

  • Simply A Sanctified Saint Series

    Contributed by Peter Kelly on Aug 12, 2021

    Series #1, An introductory message to 1 Corinthians.

    I. Introduction A. There are many issues of concern or interest to the church today. -Issues of curiosity or issues that can unite or divide a church. -Issues of theology or issues of faith and practice. -Issues such as: -Divorce and remarriage. -Role of women in ministry. -Spirit more

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