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  • Simon Becomes Peter Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    7th of 7 messages on the transformation by Jesus of Simon into Peter. This message focuses on the breakfast questions of Jesus in John 21.

    From Ordinary to Extraordinary The Transformation Began in Amazement… at what Jesus taught and gave to people – both healing and forgiveness Amazement Led to Obedience… even when Simon didn’t think it would make a difference Obedience Grew Into Faith… that moved Simon to get out of the boat more

  • Simon Peter's Dirty Feet Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 5, 2005
    based on 54 ratings

    5th of 7 messages on the transformation of Simon into Peter. This message focuses on the inner change in character from pride to being a servant.

    From Ordinary to Extraordinary The transformation began in Amazement… at what Jesus taught and gave to people – both healing and forgiveness Amazement led to simple obedience… even when Simon didn’t think it would make a difference Doubt became faith… that moved Simon to get out of the boat more

  • Simon, Simon

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    The very first thing that I noticed about our text is the doubling of Simon’s name in Jesus’ statement, “Simon, Simon”.

    The doubling of words almost sounds like people when they stutter. Often people who stutter repeat their words. I love to hear people who stutter. I do not mean that in a derogatory way, I REALLY ENJOY HEARING PEOPLE TALK WHO STUTTER. Illus: A really huge muscular guy with a bad stutter goes more

  • Simon's New Name Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jun 27, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    4th of 7 messages on the transformation of Simon into Peter. This message focuses on the blessing and responsibility of confessing Jesus as Lord.

    Simon’s New Name Ricky vs. Richard. My mother wanted Ricky. My dad wanted Richard in case I grew up to be a minister. Now that I’m a preacher I prefer Rick – or maybe “Flash”. Just kidding! That was Charlie Brown’s secret desire – to be called “Flash” by his friends and of course Lucy more

  • Simon Peter Series

    Contributed by Ken Gehrels on Apr 3, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Lenten study of Peter’s struggle with guilt & shame

    He’s one of the most popular bible characters. Simon Peter. People are attracted to him, perhaps because he seems one of the most real; we can identify with him. He’s almost lovable because of his very transparent humanness. As you follow the account of Jesus’ life and watch Peter move with more

  • The Apostle Peter Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 1, 2014

    Peter also called Simon; Simon Peter's father's name was John sometimes referred to as Jonas or Jonah. -- We know nothing more about his parents. ~Simon was a very common name. There are at least seven Simons in the Gospel accounts.

    #8~ THE APOSTLE PETER 1-25-14 The New Testament gives a more complete picture of Peter than of any other disciple, with the exception of Paul. ~Peter also called Simon; Simon Peter's father's name was John sometimes referred to as Jonas or Jonah. -- We know more

  • Simon's Leaky Roof Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    From Simon to Peter: Jesus can take a loud, rough, ordinary man and turn him a sensitive, compassionate, powerful and truly extraordinary servant - He did it with a man named Simon. It begins here.

    From an Ordinary Man to an Extraordinary Servant Jesus Changes People That¡¦s just what he does. In the next seven weeks we¡¦ll journey through the gospels in a search to see how Jesus changed an ordinary fisherman named Simon. Simon began as a loud, rough, ordinary man. Jesus transformed him more

  • Simon Peter And Choices Series

    Contributed by Rik Wadge on Aug 19, 2004
    based on 208 ratings

    A look at Simon Peter and 4 choices in his life.

    The 12 Apostles Week 1 – Simon Peter Dr. Rik B. Wadge, Ph.D. "Choices" On the most important night of his life—on the most important night in history—Peter, "the Rock," sat alone in a dark corner weeping. This wasn’t common place for him. He was a strong self-reliant fisherman. He was bold! He was more

  • Simon (Or Is It Peter?)

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on May 11, 2009

    The restoration of Peter, and what it means to follow Jesus.

    “Simon, son of John”. Simon? That was his old name. That was the name that he was given by his parents, the name that he had gone by right up until the Lord had changed his name to ‘Peter’ – the Rock. He had certainly not lived up to this new name. That night he had let him down very badly. That more

  • When A Fever Is More Than A Fever

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Feb 12, 2024

    This sermon centers on Simon’s Peter mother-in-law’s fever and what it really meant to her, to Jesus and to all of us.

    Scripture: Mark 1:29-34 Theme: Healing/Wholeness Title: When Is a Fever More than a Fever This sermon centers on Simon’s Peter mother-in-law’s fever and what it really meant to her, to Jesus and to all of us. INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The more

  • Simon Magus Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 11, 2022

    Simon magus, also known as Simon the Sorcerer or the Magician, was a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in Acts 8:9–24. The act of simony, or paying for the position, is named after Simon, who tried to buy his way into the power of the Apostles.

    Simon Magnus Simon and Peter were intense rivals until Simon challenged Peter's authority and fell out of the sky. Simon magus, also known as Simon the Sorcerer or the Magician, was a religious figure whose confrontation with Peter is recorded in Acts 8:9–24. The act of simony, or paying for more

  • Simon Peter- The Man Who Became A Rock Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 13, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the "Getting Acquainted With The 12 Apostles" series.

    Series: Getting Acquainted With The 12 Apostles [#1] SIMON PETER- THE MAN WHO BECAME A ROCK John 1:42 Introduction: In this series, we are going to study the characteristics of the 12 Apostles. I want you to take the good and the bad from each Apostle’s life and use it to make good decisions more

  • Part 7 - Jesus Calls Simon Peter Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Jul 7, 2007

    A closer look at the calling of one of the Disciples, Simon Peter.

    The Commission Part 6 –Jesus Calls First Disciples Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON † John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ Ministry † Jesus was Baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit † Jesus was tempted, and led by His Spirit, not His more

  • My Name Is Simon Peter

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 23, 2002
    based on 124 ratings

    If you have a flare for the dramatical and want to see the crucifixion of Christ through the eyes of Peter then check this out!

    Make sure you check the end to see how this sermon should be delivered. It is a dramatical presentation. Hello, fellow brothers and sisters in our Lord Christ Jesus, My name is Simon. You probably know me better as Peter. No doubt you know the stories of our Lord and Savior. I’m here today more

  • The Face Of Failure-Simon Peter Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 12, 2012

    We have all heard the story of when Peter denied that he knew Jesus. It happened when Jesus was arrested and taken to the high priest to face charges of blasphemy against God. Peter followed Jesus “from afar.” He feared that Jesus was going to be put t

    The Face of Failure: Simon Peter Text: Mark 14:53-72 We have all heard the story of when Peter denied that he knew Jesus. It happened when Jesus was arrested and taken to the high priest to face charges of blasphemy against God. Peter followed Jesus “from afar.” He feared that more

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