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Sermons on Shmuel Alef 15:31:

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  • The Lyin' King Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Jul 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    3rd in a series on King Saul, "Portrait of a Politician" -- looking at Saul’s failed leadership.

    Trinity Baptist Church July 13, 2008 Portrait of a Politician The Lyin’ King 1 Samuel 15:1-34 Norman Schwarzkopf called leadership a potent combination of strategy and character. But, then he said -- if you have to be without one, be without strategy. It would seem that far too many more

  • No Substitutions Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Aug 3, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This is the 6th sermon in the series Pot Holes. What are you replacing God with?

    Sunday Morning August 9, 2009 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Pot Holes [#6] NO SUBSTITUTIONS 1 Samuel 15:1-35 Introduction: Have you ever been driving down the road and noticed a warning light pop up on the dashboard? What do you do? I have to be honest usually I worry more

  • We Are To Worship God

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on May 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We must worship our God each and every day.

    We are to worship God 1 Samuel 15:31 So Samuel turned again after Saul; and Saul worshipped the LORD. 2 Chronicles 20:18 And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground: and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the LORD, more

  • What's That Noise

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 1, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    We claim to be free, but are we? This power packed message deals with the things that keeps us bound!

    “What’s That Noise?” Text: I Samuel 15:1-3, 7-9, 12-15, 24-26, 31 I Samuel 31:1, 4-6 II Samuel 1:3-10 Romans 6:1 Hebrews 12:1 I. Introduction If you ignore revelation you will find yourself in a situation. Saul ignored revelation and found himself in a more

  • Acceptable Worship

    Contributed by Ben Peak on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    I want to talk with you for a little while about this subject of worship. And I want us to consider the kind of worship that God accepts.

    Maybe you’ve heard the story about the old farmer who went into the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home that afternoon and his wife asked him how it went. "Well," said the farmer, "it was good. They did something different, though. They sang praise choruses instead more

  • Saul's Fatal Flaws; A Man With A Worldly Heart

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Oct 13, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Saul gives us a great example of what a follower of God should not do. We can learn a great lesson from this mans life. God can work with anything except disobedience.

    Intro: Saul, if he were alive today could be the star of a reality TV show. It would be titled “What not to do when relating to God.” As we look at Saul’s life we can see pin-holes of greatness. However the little bits of light are later consumed by complete darkness. Ultimately if you more

  • Disobedience And Rejection

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Feb 23, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    The disobedience of King Saul and his rejection. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    Ill: Both the hummingbird and the vulture fly over the desert. • All vultures see is rotting meat, because that is what they look for. • They thrive on that diet. • But hummingbirds ignore the smelly flesh of dead animals. • Instead, they look for the more

  • The High Cost Of Disobedience

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jul 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    How to loose all we have from the Lord.

    THE HIGH COST OF DISOBEDIENCE 1Samuel 15;1-35 Obedience brings Gods blessing, while disobedience leads to defeat and destruction. Salvation provides the dynamic for obedience to the will of God. 1. Anointed to more

  • Obedience! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 9, 2015

    Since Christians are saved by grace, does it matter if we disobey?

    We continue our study of 1 Samuel. We’re almost done; we’re halfway!! Hahahaha… maybe by Christmas we’ll be on Chapter 31. I really did not think it would take us this long; but I hope you have been learning a lot as I have been. And so, let us continue; this is our Creator more

  • The Great Sin Of Presumption

    Contributed by Dr. Casey Adams on Oct 11, 2018

    This message warns of the great danger in taking too much for granted

    I. "KEEP THY SERVANT ALSO FROM PRESUMPTUOUS SINS; LET THEM NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER ME; THEN SHALL I BE UPRIGHT, AND I SHALL BE INNOCENT FROM THE GREAT TRANSGRESSION" A. Our text makes it crystal clear; 1. That the Psalmist considered the sin of presumption a most serious sin 2. He linked the sin more

  • The Consequences Of Sin

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on May 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We have forgiveness, but there are still consequences.

    The Consequences of Sin May 8, 2011 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We have forgiveness, but there are still consequences. Focus Passage: I Samuel 15:22-35 Supplemental Passage: For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal more

  • "Then What Is That Sound That I Hear?" Real People Real Problems Part 13 Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 21, 2017

    Part 13 of our 1 samuel study

    Real People – Real Problems Part 13 “Then what is that sound that I hear?” Today is our last official sermon from our series in 1 Samuel Titled Real people -Real problems We will come back for a wrap up sermon in 2 weeks following our Thanksgiving service As I like to recap and tie all the more

  • Obeying God's Commands PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The importance of unquestioning obedience to God's commands and aligning our lives with His will, as disobedience leads to consequences and rejection from the Lord.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Today, we're going to dive into a passage from the Word of God that teaches us about unquestioning obedience to His commands, the consequences of disobedience, and the importance of aligning our lives with His will. C.S. Lewis once said, "The more

  • Slipping By Degrees

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jul 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    King Saul started well, but ultimately shipwrecked his faith. God's Word is given to us so that we may learn and avoid the pitfalls of the enemy.

    Slipping by Degrees Text: 1 Samuel 13:5-14, 1 Samuel 15:1-35 OPEN WITH PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING One of the saddest things to see, at least to me, is someone who - by all appearances seemed to be a Christian, fall into sin and apostasy. Not let me make that clear… I said, someone who “seemed” to more

  • Trust And Obey(1 Of 2)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 22, 2022

    The Rev. Billy Graham tells of a time early in his ministry when he arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Desiring to mail a letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was.

    When the boy had told him, Dr. Graham thanked him and said, "If you'll come to the Church meeting this evening, you can hear me telling everyone how to get to Heaven." The boy said to Dr. Graham, I do not think I'll be there. If you do not know the way to the post office, how are more

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