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  • Christ Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Sep 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As we reflect on Jesus in Mark 8, we come to one of the most basic truths about Jesus, the Essential King Jesus in this passage is: Jesus is the Christ.

    ESSENTIAL KING JESUS: CHRIST MARK 8:27-30 #kingjesus USE AUDIO BIBLE: Mark Chapter 8:1-38 [5:37] INTRODUCTION… Funny Job Titles, A job title tells much about the job that a person does. It shares more

  • Jesus From Four Angles Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 1, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    An introduction to the 4 Gospels and their presentations of Christ

    Jesus from Four Angles (intro to the Gospels) Main Thought: The 4 Gospels were written by 4 different men with 4 different slants. Each of the 4 emphasize an aspect of Jesus personality, the well-rounded God-man, the Savior of all mankind. Let’s look at these 4 aspects of Jesus more

  • Lessons Learned From A Miracle

    Contributed by Douglas Turner on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Lessons Learned from a Miracle of Christ

    The Miracles of Jesus Luke 5:1-22 The miracles of Jesus were primarily to demonstrate His power over His creation. When Jesus did miracles, He demonstrated that He had power over the wind and the waves, over demons and disease, over blindness and deafness. He had power over life, even to the point more

  • Visit From An Extra-Terrestrial

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Nov 24, 2012

    Christ came into the world to save sinners.

    VISIT FROM AN EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL Text: John 3:17 (KJV), "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." Introduction: Search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. What pictures come to our more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Nov 17, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. I Timothy 6:15-16 This sermon uses scripture and illustrations that acknowledge that Jesus is God incarnate. People must move from seeing Jesus as a "good and great" prophet to "My Lord and God". Even the disci

    In Jesus Holy Name November 20, 2005 Text: I Timothy 6:11-16 Christ the King Sunday Redeemer King of kings and Lord of lords Who is Jesus? In 1983 the Gallup Poll asked Americans this very question. 42% stated that Jesus was God among mankind. 27% felt Jesus was a more

  • Christ - The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Lewis Petrie on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    Sermon from the Gospel of John examining the person of Jesus Christ as the Divine Word.

    THEME: ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME TITLE: CHRIST – THE WORD OF GOD TEXT: John 1:1; 14 INTRODUCTION: My first real exposure to Alzheimer’s Disease was while the Pastor in Melville SK. An older couple attended the church. Ray and Muriel Fenwick. They were not members of the church. They more

  • Antichrist Guard Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 13, 2015

    Message 11 from 1 John warning about the danger of antichrist philosophy.

    Anti-antichrist Armor 1 John 2:18-24 Review/Introduction John wrote to the believers of His day in order to encourage them in their relationship with God. He spoke of a relationship that develops beyond initial faith. He referred to those who don’t really know God at all; unbelievers. He more

  • Passion Of Christ - Humility

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Apr 3, 2022

    A message about the humility of Christ and how we can learn from Him

    Title: Passion of Christ – Humility Theme: To show the humility of Christ in dying on the cross. Text: Philippians 2:5 - 8 Introduction of Series Remember, while Jesus was hanging on the cross, it wasn’t the nails that kept Him there. (I heard one person say that if the soldiers stopped more

  • If Christ Had Not Risen Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We learn about six consequences if Christ had not risen from the dead.

    Scripture It is such a joy to gather on this Resurrection Sunday! Christians throughout the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ every Lord’s Day, but especially on this day. We are hardwired to resist the idea of someone coming back to life from the dead. Lal Bihari is living proof more

  • Respond To Christ’s Call To Love Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 17, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Just as the church at Ephesus had its opportunity to respond to the Lord's call, so do we. We too are called to be a shining light for Christ and share the love of God with others. Let us consider the lessons we learn from the church at Ephesus and seek to renew our love for Christ.

    Visionary View: Respond to Christ’s Call to love Today, as God's church, we draw nearer each day to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some of you may search for signs of His imminent return and find many Biblical prophecies fulfilled already. Yet, remember Jesus' own words in Mark more

  • Christ’s Childhood Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 22, 2011

    As Christians, we have responsibilities on earth (family, work, school, society, etc…), but we must always remember where we ultimately belong (we are citizens of heaven)!

    When Jesus Christ was on earth, He was fully man and fully God! This of course is a mystery, but it is truth. This is similar to the truth and mystery of God is One but exists in Three Persons. If Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God on earth, how was His growing up? God gives us a glimpse of more

  • Messages From God

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Sep 30, 2016

    In Christ we have God’s final message. He is the fullness of the Godhead. He is the Lord of everything. He is the eternal word of God. He came to earth to take away our sins.

    Do you know that God speaks to his people? It’s true. He speaks to us today just like he spoke to his people in the past. God spoke at various times and in various ways. He spoke to people such as Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses. He spoke through thunder; the sound of a trumpet; in a still, more

  • A Question From A Lawyer

    Contributed by James May on May 14, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon parallels the acts of the Good Samaritan to the provisions of Jesus Christ for the sin-sick soul, and then puts each us into that same position as well.

    A Question from a Lawyer By Pastor Jim May Don’t you just love to deal with lawyers? They are just fun people to be around. No – not really! Many of our experiences with lawyers have been, how shall I say it: Less than positive. I rank them right up there with going to the dentist. Now I more

  • Blessings From God The Father Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 19, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Ephesians 1 tells of our measureless riches in Christ from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This sermon tells us of those riches Paul says emanate from the Father.

    Blessings from God the Father Ephesians - Live Like You Really Are Chuck Sligh March 18, 2012 POWERPOINT: There is a PowerPoint presentation for this sermon available by requesting it from me at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Ephesians 1 INTRODUCTION Illus. – more

  • Learning From Abram Series

    Contributed by Darron Khan on May 30, 2002
    based on 63 ratings

    This sermon addresses the topic of vision, Abram’s vision in particular. The message is designed to help it’s audience understand how spiritual vision functions in the life of a Christ-follower.

    Vision Quest, Learning From Men Of Vision Part 2 – Abram May 26th, 2002 This morning we continue with part 2 of our series, “Vision Quest - Learning From Men Of Faith”. Today’s man of vision is Abram. I invite you to join me in Genesis 12:1-5: Then the Lord told Abram, "Leave your country, more

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