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  • Resurrected Living

    Contributed by David Scudder on Apr 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is much more than just an important event in human history. Those are two-thousand year old facts of history that we celebrate on Easter Sunday. But what do they mean to us today? Paul answers that question in to

    Purpose: To explain the transformation that life in Christ brings. Aim: I want the listener to surrender to Christ’s forgiveness. INTRODUCTION: "The day after Easter, the newspaper headline read: ’Entire World Celebrates the Risen Christ.’ On the same page under smaller headings ran stories more

  • Jesus Verses Self-Centered Religion

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    Jesus attacked self centered religion and warns us not to be apart of the traditions of men because their motives are self-centered not God-centered. Scripture

    Jesus verses Self-centered Religion Thesis: Jesus attacked self centered religion and warns us not to be apart of the traditions of men because their motives are self-centered not God-centered. Scripture Texts: Matthew 9:2-17: 1Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. more

  • Putting An End To Self-Defeating Behavior Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Aug 13, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    Here are some self-help principles from Daniel chapter 4 on putting an end to self-defeating behavior in your life.

    In Daniel chapter four we read of a king gone mad. This, by the way, is not unusual. There are many instances in history (and in modern culture) of those who have achieved great status, wealth, power or fame, ending up mentally and/or emotionally disturbed. Sometimes it is directly tied to the more

  • How Jesus Ministered To The Self-Righteous

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings

    Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to relate to people who project a sense of moral superiority? Self righteous people focus more on their goodness than the holiness of God.

    Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to relate to people who project a sense of moral superiority? Self righteous people focus more on their goodness than the holiness of God. One night, such a self-righteous man named Nicodemus, a ruler in the Pharisee's council, came to Jesus wondering how he more

  • The Virtue Of Self-Control (10 Of 10) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Armbrester on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 246 ratings

    Self-control is not when I control my "self". It when my "self" is controlled by the Holy Spirit.

    The Virtue of Self-Control Part 10 The Core Virtues of the Christian Life Galatians 5:22-23 Jeff Armbrester (I appreciate the sermon "Strawberry of Self-Control" by James Westervelt, which is on this site. His outline inspired me as I prepared this message. I encourage you read his sermon as more

  • Self Justification: The Path Of Least Resistance

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 27, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    we lie, we justify, we are no longer aware that we sin also Jame 1:12-18

    Scripture: Heb 3:1-13 James 1:12-18 We are not looking for the truth we are looking for a reason to justify ourselves. We are not looking for the truth we are looking for a reason to justify ourselves. I take an action and I an able to explain why I took that action. How many of us, pulled over by more

  • Christ's Prediction And Peter's Self- Determination

    Contributed by Cesar Delgado on Apr 4, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Men are weak and they fail. There is one basic reason for failure conveyed by Scripture: Men are not perfect. By nature, that is, by thought, acts and being, men come short.

    CHRIST’S PREDICTION AND PETER’S SELF- DETERMINATION Mark 14:27-31, 53-54, 66-72 Worldwide Church of God Bulawan Prieto Diaz Sorsogon April 8, 2006 Introduction Men are weak and they fail. There is one basic reason for failure conveyed by Scripture: Men are not perfect. By nature, that is, by more

  • Fruit Of The Spirit - Gentleness, Self-Control

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Aug 31, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How Jesus uses the fruit of gentlenss and self-control in the stories of Jesus blessing the children and Jesus cleansing the temple.

    Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness, Self-Control Scripture: Mark 10:13-16, John 2:13-17 Text: Matthew 11:29 There are plenty of sermons written on gentleness and self-control. If I were to speak to you this morning just on self-control, it might be natural to talk about Joseph as he ran from more

  • Stepping Stones To Faith: Self-Control Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Third Sermon of a Seven Part Series, ‘Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks to Faith.’

    I begin this morning with a riddle, or, at least what I hope is a riddle. (Or maybe a pseudo-riddle). The riddle is a common experience several of us have had over the years. Here it is: ‘Some of us have had to do it more than once. It something that we know is for our own good but is sure very more

  • Determination Of Life Or Having Self In Control

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Sep 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Self-control makes us more like Christ

    Determination of Life or having self in control Let us first look at what the Bible says about self-control. 2 PT 5-8 GAL 5:23 2 TIM 3 1-5 We would have to say that many of our problems that we face in life come from our lack of self-control. This is the last of the fruits of the spirit given to more

  • How To Recognize Self-Centered Christianity Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    God’s plan is that His people lead Christ centered lives. How can you tell if you are living a self-entered life instead?

    1. Illus. of moving to seminary • Two level seminary apartment. My 10 year old daughter wanted to be downstairs by herself. My wife was afraid she would be injured walking up and down stairs in middle of the night. • Mom had no girls, so she was always especially close to my duaghter. She decided more

  • Living Knowledge Manifest In Self-Control Series

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    #3 In the scriptures there is the assumption that anyone who is born again of the Spirit of God, that that person has the very power of God to live a life of godliness. This is not a life that is some unproductive barren wasteland, but a life that is full

    The Enlargement of Life "Living Knowledge manifest in Self-control” Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24 ff 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is more

  • Living Self-Control Emancipated In Perseverance Series

    Contributed by Raymond Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    #4 In the scriptures there is the assumption that anyone who is born again of the Spirit of God, that that person has the very power of God to live a life of godliness. This is not a life that is some unproductive barren wasteland, but a life that is full

    The Enlargement of Life Living Self-control Emancipated in Perseverance Reading: Luke 8:11-15 (2 Peter 1:5-11) Even a quick reading of the N.T. reveals that God has a plan and a purpose for anyone who will be fully open to Him. This plan is that we might have a life, and a way of life that is more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit- Self-Control (08) Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 25, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    Self-Control is one of the most difficult fruits to master.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you ever watched some of the survivor shows on television? Survivor? Survivor Man (Nutty guy)? Castaway? Robinson Caruso? • It seems like if the people are on certain islands, there always seems to be coconuts available to them. • Look at this coconut; it does more

  • How To Handle The Sin Of Self-Centeredness

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on May 18, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    James tells us about the symptoms, the source, and the salve for self centeredness.

    HOW TO HANDLE THE SIN OF SELF-CENTEREDNESS Text: James 4:1 – 10 Introduction: · Between 250 and 262 AD a pestilence raged all over the Roman Empire. In some Italian cities, 80% of the population died out. Historians and scientists estimate that ½ of the human race died in those 12 years. · The more

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