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  • The Second Beast: A False Prophet Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jul 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The problem that the antichrist will face in the end time will be that of trying to get everyone motivated to be loyal to one world government.

    Every person must have something that motivates them in life; something that causes you to get up in the morning—something that excites you. That may be a job, family, school, sport, girlfriend, car, house, land, money, or power. A person has to have something to drive them. The problem more

  • Second Seal Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 8, 2017

    The horse imagery is probably related to the vision described in Zechariah 1:7-17. Horses represent God’s activity on earth, the forces He uses to accomplish His divine purposes.

    Second Seal: the Red Horse and Its Rider Commentary on the Book of Revelation By: Tom Lowe Date: 9-9-15 TOPIC # III: VISIONS OF JUDGMENT AGAINST JERUSALEM (4:1-11:19) Subtopic B: The Opening of Seven Seals (6.1-8.1) more

  • Beast From The Land Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 3, 2017

    If the second beast has the horns of a lamb, and he speaks like a dragon, the very voice of Satan is heard when he speaks. The mode of Satan’s language is the lie; he is the father of lies (John 8:44).

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 10/19/16 Title: Beast from the Land (13:11-18) Revelation 13:11-18 (KJV) 11 And I beheld another beast more

  • Beauty On The Beast Series

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Dec 13, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Exposition of Rev. 17

    Tonight I want to talk with you about a harlot. I guess this is not a subject that comes up in conversation very often. They call it the world’s oldest profession, but it’s not one mentioned in polite company. Church is probably the last place you expect the preacher to mention a harlot, but I more

  • The Mark Of The Beast

    Contributed by James May on Mar 19, 2006
    based on 27 ratings

    Do Christians need to fear the Mark of the Beast? When will it be given? Is there a far more important question that we should be asking ourselves? Is there another prophecy that we should be more concerned about?

    THE MARK OF THE BEAST By Pastor Jim May Over the years I have done a number of series teaching from the Book of the Revelation. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told, by Christians, that they don’t like studying, or even reading, the Book of Revelation because it frightens them. I more

  • The Beast

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Aug 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Who are the beast in the book of Daniel

    Great Sea-The term “Great Sea” is applied to the Mediterranean in scripture. Numbers 34:6-7-As for the western border, you shall have the Great Sea for a border; this shall be your western border. And this shall be your northern border: From the Great Sea you shall mark out your border line to more

  • The Beasts! Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the importance of learning how to see and how to engage in spiritual warfare.

    The Beasts! Daniel 7 November 17, 2002 Intro: A. [Purpose in Chaos, Citation: Sam Shoemaker quoted in "I Stand By the Door." Christianity Today, Vol. 29, no. 18.] There are, in every situation, two factors: there is what happens, and there is how we take what happens. How we take what happens more

  • Revelation 13:11-18 Series

    Contributed by Zak Saenz on Feb 7, 2025

    Revelation 13:11-18

    Revelation 13:11-18 I had mentioned last week that as an unsaved person we are much like Satan in our relationship to God, and I am not sure if anyone had thought about that much more but I just wanted to share a few verse before we get started today that talks about who we were pre-salvation. more

  • Modern Beast

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 7, 2021

    What are some modern-day Satan's? Let's start with greed, which multiplies into the wealth of all kinds. Sometimes the beast is inside of us. We must learn to control our inner beast.

    Modern Beast Revelation 13 Michael H. Koplitz In the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, we come to read about two more beasts who will plague the earth. We left chapter 12 with the dragon, who is Satan, being hurled out of heaven and Satan’s vow to attack those who love God and follow more

  • The Devil's Preacher Series

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Feb 10, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The mention a second beast in Revelation chapter 13 who possesses the power to do signs and wonders and causes the world to worship the first beast and his image.

    The Devil’s Preacher Rev. 13:11-18 From chapter 12 through 13 we see another trinity that the Bible clearly speaks of. This triune entity has a motive to stand against all that is of God. In Chapter 12 we see the dragon and in chapter 6 and this chapter and we learn of the antichrist, but more

  • The Two Beasts

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 75 ratings

    1. Last week we heard the sounding of the seventh trumpet.

    1. Last week we heard the sounding of the seventh trumpet. A a sign that the end of this present age is at hand. But before this event takes place, we looked at the woman and the dragon. We saw hpw the woman represents the church - both in the OT and the NT. And the dragon is Satan. And we saw how more

  • The Beast: False Prophet Series

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Jan 24, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This is a message and also a chapter from the author’s book on Revelation.

    THE SECOND BEAST : the false prophet Revelation 13:11-18 The first beast has the primary role of serving as the political leader, whereas this second beast is the False Prophet. He is the very deceptive counterpart of the first beast. All that he does is in more

  • Evil Personified Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Apr 25, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    In this sermon we'll looking at the second two members of the unholy trinity: the first beast, the Antichrist, and the second beast, the False Prophet. We'll also be exploring what it will take for believers to counter their deception.

    The Book of Revelation “Evil Personified” Revelation 13 It was testimony night and a lady got up and said, "We are living in a wicked land where sin is on every hand. I have had a terrible fight with the old devil all week." Her husband, who was sitting by her side, said, "It’s more

  • Beasts Arising Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 6, 2018

    Message 24 in our exposition of Revelation dealing with the beasts in chapter 13.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ “Beasts Arising”” Revelation 13 Review I. PROLOGUE 1:1-20 (Things you have seen) II. Messages to the Seven churches 2-3 (Things with are) III. Last Days 4-22 (Things which are about to take place) A. Heavenly worship around the throne 4-5 B. The Seven seals more

  • Who Is The Beast? Series

    Contributed by Larry Hinkle on Oct 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In Revelation 13 we hear the strategy of the antichrist, he is a deceiver, John describes how Satan will be a master at counterfeits and make it difficult to discern between what is of God and what is not. Here are 4 keys, to discern the real from the imitation, that we might live uncompromised.

    in the N.T. there are over 300 references to the Lord’s return, The most common promise in the bible spoken by Jesus, I will return, this promise inspired a great hope, kingdom of God est. no more evil, no more persecution, no more hate, no more, crime, no more disease disaster, decay or death. more