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  • But I Say Unto You

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 18, 2014
    based on 11 ratings

    Getting into the heart of the law with Jesus.

    BUT I SAY UNTO YOU... Matthew 5:21-26. I. In His recent wilderness struggles with the enemy, Jesus used the formula ‘It stands written’ in reply to each temptation (Matthew 4:4-10). The Word of God is its own authority against the wiles of the devil. Furthermore, when the devil quoted a passage more

  • When God Says "No" Series

    Contributed by E. True Neilson on Dec 15, 2014

    At first glance the book of Numbers reads a bit like an operations manual. It’s got numbers of soldiers, lists of names, and a bit of repetition. Tucked between those lists and numbers are some stories of real people, dealing with real issues of faith!

    WHEN GOD SAYS “NO” NUMBERS 23-24 ***This message tagteam preached with Jesse (layperson in our church) INTRODUCTION (Erik) -Does anyone remember Y2K? For those that were too young let me explain. -When computers were first being made they were programmed to assume that the year more

  • Say’s Who? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A study of the Gosple of Luke 20: 1 – 8

    Luke 20: 1 – 8 Say’s Who? Now it happened on one of those days, as He taught the people in the temple and preached the gospel, that the chief priests and the scribes, together with the elders, confronted Him 2 and spoke to Him, saying, “Tell us, by what authority are You doing more

  • When Jesus Says Come

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 12, 2011
    based on 144 ratings

    When Jesus Says Come: He has just opened a door for you to a greater life than you could imagine, but it will cost you something to get it.

    I prophesy right now that before this message is over, somebody is going to hear Jesus say come. It’s going to be just as real for you as it was for Peter on that stormy night, Jesus has not changed and he is still calling people to walk on the water and somebody more

  • What Baptism Says-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 23, 2012

    1 of 2. John’s public baptism revealed/secured Jesus’ significance. This is a springboard to understanding Christian public baptism. But What does baptism reveal? Baptism says that...

    WHAT BAPTISM SAYS-I—Luke 3:21-23 Significance of Baptism Attention: Ralph goes to visit his grandmother & brings his friend , George with him. While Ralph talking to his grandmother, Jim starts eating the peanuts on the coffee table, & finishes them off. As they’re leaving, George says to his more

  • What Baptism Says-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 16, 2012

    2 of 2. John’s public baptism revealed/secured Jesus’ significance. This is a springboard to understanding Christian public baptism. But What does baptism reveal? Baptism says that...

    WHAT BAPTISM SAYS-II—Luke 3:21-23 Significance of Baptism Attention: Do Not Talk To My Parrot Mrs. Lingle’s dishwasher quit working, so she called a repairman. He couldn't accommodate her with an evening appointment, &, since she had to go to work the next day, she told him: "I'll more

  • What True Worship Says Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Oct 31, 2011

    If we are to draw near to God in worship, we must do so in full assurance of faith.

    Our church has adopted the following statement concerning our priorities, or core values: The HEART of FBC is to . . . Help others through ministry, our greatest privilege; Encourage one another through fellowship, our greatest pleasure; Adore Christ through worship, our greatest passion; Reach the more

  • Jesus Says What?! (Murder) Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Dec 12, 2011

    Like the Pharisees we are often content to live out the letter of the Law but God is looking for the hearth that seeks to live out the spirit of His word. Living by grace is a higher calling then living by the Law!

    Jesus Says What?! (Murder) - Matthew 5:21-26 - October 23, 2011 Series: Kingdom Life – A World Turned Upside Down #12 I had a great-uncle who served in the Royal Air Force during WWII. He had gone over to England to join up a couple of years before the war started. By the time war more

  • What If God Says 'no'? Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    WE've all heard 'No" to our requests. But what if the 'No' comes from God?

    “Questions of Christmas: What If God Says ‘No’?” 2 Sam. 7:1-17 The kindergarten girl asks her 2nd grade sister, “Can I play with your doll?” “NO!” The just turned 16 year old asks his dad, “All my friends got to drive a group of us around for a more

  • Seven Sayings Of The Savior On The Cross

    Contributed by Kevin Burden on Apr 7, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Death of Christ Was NATURAL. What He suffered was real death, full and complete! Philippians 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself o

    TEXT: Luke 23:27-49 (Gleaned from the Book "Seven Saying of the Saviour on the Cross" by A. W. Pink) The Death of Christ Was NATURAL. What He suffered was real death, full and complete! Philippians 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, more

  • What Is The Lord Saying To The Church?

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Apr 21, 2012

    Using Revelation 2 and 3 as a spring-board, this is the talk given at our Church annual meeting 2012. I believe the Lord is calling us to return to him as our first love, and to listen to his voice through the Bible and in prayer.

    [A note to the reader: This is not an expository sermon. I was asking the Lord what was his message for our 2012 church annual meeting, and Revelation 2 and 3 seemed to be the answer. What follows is a local attempt to interpret these chapters to our situation] What is the Lord saying to His more

  • Watch What You Say Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Oct 19, 2012

    Your tongue affects every part of your Christian walk. You must learn to control it.

    October 21, 2012 Morning Worship Text: James 3:1-12 Subject: Taming the Tongue - James Part 5 Title: Watch What You Say We continue in our study of the Book of James. Today James continues with a topic he began in 1:26, If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein more

  • What Does Scripture Say? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 9, 2012

    The study seeks to learn how Abraham was saved. If we determine the answer to this question, we will know precisely how we may be saved.

    “What does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.’” [1] If you have walked in the Faith for very long, you will have been challenged by some dear soul who does not believe the truths of Christ the Lord. Such benighted souls more

  • What Can God Say? Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 11, 2012

    Joylessness is transformed into joy by the coming of Christ.

    “Questions About God: What Can God Say?” Is. 40:1-11; Mk. 1:1-8 More than two hundred years ago in the industrial ghetto of Liverpool, England, a sophisticated young man climbed the steps of a stone monument called the “market cross”. Leaning against the cross and looking more

  • When Jesus Says Wait Series

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Jan 28, 2010
    based on 19 ratings

    A sermon examining the peril getting ahead of God.

    WHEN JESUS SAYS WAIT Acts 1:4 (Antioch Baptist Church – Sunday February 9th, 2025) Some of you may remember the old J.G Wentworth commercials where people who qualified to receive certain structured settlements would yell “It’s my money and I need it now!” If we are honest, there are many times more

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