Say Yes To The Goat Skins Series
Contributed by Troy Luttrell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon will focus on the difficulty of saying no to the flesh. Even though we have rules and law, they are no match to stop us from choosing our fleshly desires.
• Review Genesis 25; twins yet born completely opposite (lost/saved)
• Parents show favoritism, and this will lead to a divided family. When we come to chapter 27, Isaac is around 137 and both boys
are in their middle 70’s.
• This sermon will focus on the difficulty of saying no to the flesh. Even though we have rules and law, they are no match to stop us
from following our flesh with what will get us ahead in life. (Rom 8:1-ff). It is only through grace that Jacob will have an
opportunity to wrestle with God, despite his fleshly nature.
I. Our Fleshly Nature Glorifies Physical over Spiritual (27:1-4)
1. Physical control over spiritual discernment.
• As Isaac began going blind, he still needed to be in control. It would seem that Isaac thinks that death is right around
the corner; and it is the father’s decision who will receive the family blessing.
* There is a difference between birthright and blessing. They are two separate rewards (36). Birthright involves the
extra money/land/compensation to take care of the families inheritance when the parents die. The blessing
involves God’s blessing upon the future life and work of the individual (27-29).
• Isaac prepares to bless Esau, his favorite, secretly. He does not share this important info with his wife. (Secrecy usually
means flesh motivated)
• Isaac allows the fear of death to force him to bless Esau, even though it will be 43 years later before Isaac will finally die
2. Physical appetite over God’s will.
• Remember Jesus telling the devil, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of
the Lord.” Isaac knew God’s promise that the youngest would serve the oldest; and yet his love for wild game caused
him to choose personal preference over spiritual truth.
3. Physical preference over spiritual testimony. (25:28)
• Esau was rejected by God (25:23 & Mal. 1:3).
• Esau despised his position in the family (25:34) Great insult in family
• Esau grieved his parents, and deliberately married pagan women (26:35). Before the law, Esau did not honor his
parents; used them (the lost’s attitude toward God)
4. Application: How often does the gratifying of our flesh bring temporally joy and happiness; so we “bless it” and ignore the
Word of God despite the consequences. Romans 1:28-32 “And even as they did not like to regard God in their knowledge…”
II. Our Fleshly Nature Glorifies Position Over Patience. (27:5-17)
1. Overwhelming desire to be first:
• Rebekah over hears the conversation and plans on making sure her favorite boy is number 1.
• Rebekah adds “in the presence of the LORD”, signifying the blessing is connected with God’s promise to Abraham &
her. (vs. 7)
• Rebekah is not the “super-spiritual” one in the story; every member is guilty of deception. But it could be that she saw
this way to “help God out.”
2. Overwhelming desire to be in control:
• “Help God out mentality” or being in control, has gotten a lot of God’s people into trouble. (Abraham, Elijah, Jonah,
Peter, …you and I)
• Rebekah, the mom had everything figured out; all she needed was to have an obedient son who would follow through on
the scheme.
3. Application: Usually, the flesh will push you to be seek the position and control no matter the cost (vs. 13). “Your curse be
upon me…” Ill: I will do anything to get that position, spotlight; fame…. Jesus’ second temptation…skip the cross
• Heb. 11:36 – “For you have need of patience, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was
• Heb. 12:1 – “And let us run with patience the race that is before us.”
• James 1:4 – “But let patience have it’s perfect work in you…”
III. Our Fleshly Nature Glorifies Deception Over Truth. (27:18-29)
1. Jacob pretended to be who he was not. “I am Esau your firstborn”
2. Jacob claimed to do what he did not do. “Eat what I have fixed” (14)
3. Jacob claimed to be more spiritual than he was. “Because the LORD your God caused it to happen to me.”
4. Jacob took the low road when given a second chance. (vs. 24)
• Isaac is very suspicious throughout the whole process, knowing how important the “blessing” is to whomever it is given.
It is irreversible.
• They “million dollar question” then is Why did God seem to allow & bless these liars! Even though the whole family is
guilty of sin, it would seem that the greatest sin and blasphemy was taking God’s blessing and giving it to the one who
showed no love for God and family…going against God’s will. And so, it is through deceit (whom a sovereign God