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  • Sermon On The Golden Rule

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 2, 2023

    The Golden Rule, is a principle of ethics, directly relating to a specific path in Christianity.

    Fred Rogers, an American television host and author once remarked: “Imagine what our real neighbors would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person. There have been so many stories about the lack of courtesy, the impatience of today's world, road more

  • Rules Are Made To Be Broken Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Nov 27, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Discover the counter-cultural ethic that Jesus utilized as he ministered and saved the human race.

    RULES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN Mark 2:18 – 3:6 Sermon #4 of “Ten Cultural Myths that Drive America” This is the fourth sermon in our sermon series, “Ten Cultural Myths that Drive America” from the first six chapters of Mark. Last week we looked at “Shop ‘Til You Drop” from Mark 2:13-17. We discovered more

  • Read Sea Rules

    Contributed by Daniel Devilder on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    This is based on the book by Robert J Morgan on what to do when you are in trouble. It is a fun--but critical--sermon and was delivered to families at a children’s ministry function

    [This sermon outline is from Robert J. Morgan. I got wind of it from my retired (from ministry) mentor and friend, Doug Kostowski, who served as senior minister in Miami along with his good friend Max Lucado. I have never read Mr. Morgan’s book, but I am aware that it exists. I read a review on more

  • Scriptural Rules For Giving Series

    Contributed by Andy Almendarez on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    We are not left wondering how we are to give of our time, treasure and talents unto the Lord. Good stewardship demands a following of ‘rules’ established by God and detailed in the Scriptures.

    Scriptural Rules for Giving Leviticus 27:30 We are not left wondering how we are to give of our time, treasure and talents unto the Lord. Good stewardship demands a following of ‘rules’ established by God and detailed in the Scriptures. I. Freely (Matthew 10:8) II. With Simplicity (Romans more

  • Raising Them By The Rules

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Oct 6, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Mother’s Day sermon using Samson’s mom as an example

    RAISING THEM BY THE RULES Judges 13 Sunday, May 10, 2009 Pastor Brian Matherlee Manoah asked in verse 12, “When your words are fulfilled, what is to be the rule for the boy’s life and work?” The angel’s response is noteworthy. He could have laid out how Samson was to be sure not to drink more

  • Develop A Rule Of Life Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Eighth and last in the series Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, this message challenges listeners to begin developing a "rule of life" -- a personal, intentional, handcrafted set of guidelines for how to live . This is the way we stay connected to God in

    Develop a Rule of Life Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, prt. 8 Wildwind Community Church November 28, 2010 David Flowers 1 Cor. 7:35 A couple of weeks ago when we talked about the Sabbath and the Daily Office, I spent the first eight or nine minutes of the message reviewing the routines that more

  • The Strategy For Satan’s Finest Hour-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 14, 2019

    1 of ? God furnished, to the apostle John, a picture of Satan’s finest hour. Those who trust Scripture are furnished a clear picture of Satan’s end time strategy. What strategies will mark Satan’s last days? Satan’s strategy for his finest hour Turns...

    The STRATEGY For SATAN’s FINEST HOUR--A-I—Revelation 13:1-18 Attention: Allstate Insurance commercial—the ‘Mayhem’ guy(personification of mayhem). ‘Mayhem’ walks up to the front door video camera of a house. The owner is at a ball game. The owner’s phone warns him that someone is at his house. more

  • Satan: How To Resist Satan In Times Of Trouble Series

    Contributed by Rick Long on Feb 12, 2004
    based on 114 ratings

    Third in the series "Meet the Cast." So often when we think of Satan we think of scary movies or evil atrocities in society. Though these may be evidence of Satan’s work, he does his best work looking good.

    I had the privilege of attending a screening of “The Passion of the Christ for Pastors only and was audience to an interview with Mel Gibson regarding his movie. He stated one of the most profound insights I have ever heard from any theologian, let alone a movie star. Mel was asked “Why was the more

  • Do You Know Who The Devil Is?

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Sep 1, 2005
    based on 127 ratings

    A sermon explaining just who the devil is; what he tries to do to us; and how he accomplishes it. A sermon most Christians should hear.

    Here is a figure that brings all varieties of thoughts to people’s heads. To some, the Devil is nothing more than a red Halloween costume with horns and a tail. They do not believe in the devil. He is a joke; a non-existent entity. To others, the Devil is a god himself, to be worshipped in all more

  • Standing Strong Against Satan’s Schemes Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jun 11, 2012
    based on 28 ratings

    We are going to learn through this study how we can live for the Lord in a culture that is hostile to our beliefs and we will see the incredible sovereignty of God through many of the prophecies that are spoken to us through Daniel. This morning we will

    When in Babylon…? Daniel 1 – Standing Strong against Satan’s Schemes Satan is seeking to destroy our faith By indoctrinating our minds (1:4) By stealing our identity (1:6-7) By feeding our flesh (1:5) God enables us to stand strong in our faith By knowing the Truth(1:8a) By remembering our more

  • Satan Uses Religion

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 30, 2022

    Satan uses hypocrisy, fratricide, and self righteousness to misdirect and misfocus the Christian (Adapted from a book by Joe Beam called "Seeing the Unseen")

    HoHum: Does Satan go to church? I know he does. Yes, the spiritual forces of evil are here but mostly they work through people. Imagine Simon Peter’s surprise when this happened: “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to me; you do not have in mind the more

  • Satan's Only Hope

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Satan cannot defeat us. His only hope is that we will give into our emotions and defeat ourselves. Sermons uses a sports' analogy to bring home this point.

    Satan's only hope John 14:27 • What enables us to have this peace? John 14:1, 21-26 • What does this peace produce? John 14:30, 16:33 ? Why did Jesus to overcome the world? I John 5:4, 5 • John 20:19, 21, 26 – “Peace be” Sometimes sporting events are good analogies of spiritual principles. The more

  • Satan’s Deceptive Religious Leader: The False Prophet Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 16, 2023

    Satan imitates a false resurrection, sends someone to act godly, performs fake miracles, and then demands humanity's worship. Why? Because he is so desperate to be accepted that he attempts the things of God to fool humanity.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 39, Revelation Part 16 Satan’s Deceptive Religious Leader: The False Prophet Revelation 13:11-18 Introduction - Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation -- REM: Redemption of sin is granted through Jesus; and yes, we have a choice - more

  • "Undersatanding Satan's Devices"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Jul 28, 2003
    based on 56 ratings

    We are not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices. From Job chapter one we can learn just how Satan is at work to destroy the testimony of the believer.

    “Satan’s Devices and God’s Devotion” (2 Cor 2:11) Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. I have enclosed the text of the 1st Chapter of Job at the end of this message. You will want to be sure to read this text to get a better understanding this more

  • Victory Over Satan

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Feb 23, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    Actually, there are many who think that there isn't any such being as Satan - that he is a product of our imagination, sort of like Santa Claus, only evil.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED: 2016) TEXT: Ezekiel 28:14-17; Isaiah 14:12-14 A. This morning I'm starting a short series of sermons about Satan & Satanism, & it is proving to be a difficult series to prepare. The reason it is more

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