You Are Predestined To Rule Over All Creation (3) Series
Contributed by Herbert Armstrong Bosantog on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We Christians shall EXERCISE the AUTHORITY of Christ, by the POWER of the Holy Spirit. We are PREDESTINED to CAST OUT the devil, which is Satan, and his demons that TORMENT our brethren DAY and NIGHT, to the ETERNAL FIRE, the “Lake of Fire”. Our issue is
And God said, “Let Us make MAN in our IMAGE, after our LIKENESS: and LET THEM HAVE DOMINION… OVER ALL the earth… So God CREATED MAN in HIS OWN IMAGE, in the IMAGE OF GOD created he him; male and female created he them. And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and
SUBDUE it: and have DOMINION… (Genesis 1:26-28).
To DISCOVER the KINGDOM of God, first and foremost, we should UNDERSTAND the MYSTERY of the PLAN and PURPOSE of the Almighty God, the Creator of the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE, of creating MANKIND. As you continue to read, you will DISCOVER your TREMENDOUS Potential and AUTHORITY (Rulership) in these “Last Days”! “Even the MYSTERY which hath been HID from ages and from generations, but now is MADE MANIFEST to His Saints: To whom God would make known what is the RICHES of the GLORY of this MYSTERY among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the HOPE of GLORY.” (Colossians 1:26-27). To receive Crowns and REIGN as kings in the KINGDOM of God is the HOPE of our CALLING!
“LOOKING for that BLESSED HOPE, and the glorious APPEARING of the GREAT God and our SAVIOR Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).
As Christians, we should LOOK FORWARD for our BLESSED HOPE, the PROMISED, MILLENNIAL KINGDOM of God, not Heaven after death! We have HOPE OF RESURRECTION!
The very reason why God created us, Human, is to EXERCISE the AUTHORITY of Christ and have DOMINION OVER ALL creation. Read Genesis 1:28 again, please. God’s PERFECT PLAN even BEFORE the creation of the world is to put ALL THINGS under the AUTHORITY of Christ.
“That in the DISPENSATION of the FULLNESS of TIMES He might gather TOGETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS in Christ, both which are in HEAVEN, and which are on EARTH;… In whom also
we have obtained an INHERITANCE, being PREDESTINED according to the PURPOSE of Him
who worketh ALL THINGS after the COUNSEL [Plan] of His OWN WILL.” (Ephesians 1:10-11).
In other words, Christ will gather TOGETHER ALL THINGS in Heaven and on earth! In Matthew 11:27 (using NLT), Jesus said, “My Father has given me AUTHORITY over EVERYTHING…”
We Christians shall EXERCISE the AUTHORITY of Christ, by the POWER of the Holy Spirit. We are PREDESTINED to CAST OUT the devil, which is Satan, and his demons that TORMENT our brethren DAY and NIGHT, to the ETERNAL FIRE, the “Lake of Fire”. Our issue is not about going to Heaven after death and the “Hell Fire”. Please, ACCEPT this GOOD NEWS! You should UNDERSTAND that the “Lake of Fire” is the issue of the devil and his demons! ’Away with you, you cursed ones, into the ETERNAL FIRE PREPARED for the devil and his demons!” (Matthew 25:41).
You might ask, “Then, how can we cast them out?” In Ephesians 6:10-17, isn’t it that the WORD of God is the SWORD of the SPIRIT against Evil rulers, authorities, powers, principalities and kingdom of this world? Against those powers of DARKNESS? And against WICKED spirits in the high places? Therefore, through PREACHING, PRAYER and SONG, which are INSPIRED by the Word of God, Satan is TERRIFIED! The Lord Jesus Christ is waiting for you! The Word of God longs to give you THE WISDOM OF GOD
In Genesis 3:15, Jesus Christ FULFILLED this prophecy. Jesus says in Matthew 28:18, “ALL POWER is given unto Me in Heaven & in earth.” The AUTHORITY in Heaven and on earth was given to Him. This was the very reason why He had commanded His disciples, Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATIONS [make Disciples]” (Matthew 28:19). To MULTIPLY, by SPREADING this Gospel of the KINGDOM of God, the “Gospel of PEACE”, to SHUT the mouth of the ACCUSER, which is Satan. To CAST OUT evil powers, principalities and kingdoms. To OVERTHROW them by the POWER of the said Gospel.
“Behold, I have PUT MY WORDS in thy MOUTH. See , I have this day set thee OVER the NATIONS & OVER the KINGDOMS, to root out, & to pull down, & to destroy, & to throw down, to build, & to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10). Every Word of God that comes from your mouth will EXPOSE the works of the devil! When you DELIVER the Word of God, evil power, principalities and kingdoms are DESTROYED. In addition, the Word of God that comes from your mouth will also HELP BUILD others UP and to INSPIRE them.
Satan never wants us HUMAN to experience PEACE, especially, PEACE OF MIND! But if we begin to UNDERSTAND THE WISDOM OF GOD, we will no longer FEAR for TODAY and WORRY for TOMORROW! So you might position the “Ancient Serpent”, the one that DECEIVED HUMANITY, below and beneath us for all ETERNITY. So that HUMANITY might have DOMINION OVER ALL creation in the entire LIMITLESS UNIVERSE, FOREVER.