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  • Which Is It? Law Or Grace

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Apr 3, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    It can’t be both. It’s one or the other. Which one do you choose?

    Continuing to learn about the NEW COVENANT 2 Cov. – The old Cov.---The law The New COv.- Grace and faith in JESUS This morning you are going to learn- once you’re saved- DON”T NEED THE 10 COMM. MIXING THE 2—IS IN VIOLATION OF THE WHOLE BIBLE Gen. 22:16-18 God made a promise to more

  • In God’s Choir

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015

    In God’s Choir

    Psalm 40:1-4 In God’s Choir I. IT'S MEMBERS A. It’s Members Are"Brought Up" 2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, 1. Out Of A Horrible Pit - taken from the mire to the choir 2. Out Of The Miry Clay The longer a person stays in quick more

  • The Curse Of Unrighteous Wealth. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 7, 2024

    We've all heard the saying, "easy come, easy go."

    We've all heard the saying, "easy come, easy go." But when it comes to wealth acquired through unrighteous means, this phrase takes on a whole new meaning. Unrighteous wealth, earned through deceit, exploitation, or dishonesty, may bring temporary comfort and luxury, but it ultimately more

  • The Man Who Would Not Listen

    Contributed by Larry Elder on Jul 14, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    When God convicts us of our lifestyles, we choose to listen or not. The choice to listen will bring great blessing and rewards into your personal life, your family and your area of influence.

    The Man Who Would Not Listen 2 Kings 14:11…Amaziah, however, would not listen Palm Sunday Jesus Shows Up It was Palm Sunday and Sue’s five year old son had to stay home from church, with a neighbor, because of strep throat. When the family returned home carrying palm branches, he asked what more

  • #2seizing The Window Of Opportunity Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 9, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    There sets before us a great window of opportunity, God help us seize the opportunities that are set before us!

    #2 SEIZING THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is part one of a two part series. Part one is: STANDING IN THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY Part two is: SEIZING THE WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY I have a big hour glass I purchased at Walmart. The hour glass is full of more

  • Mr Weaver Fish

    Contributed by Ken Durham on Aug 12, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Even Jesus was not free from conflict and opposition in His ministry and unfortunately nor are we, yet He calls us to love our enemies.

    MR WEAVER FISH 1. Introduction: On a mission trip to Kosova this summer I had a very nasty encounter with a weaver fish. This innocent looking fish lurks in the sand craftily leaving just its dark dorsal fins showing and anyone unlucky enough to step on one can be in serious more

  • The Pearl Of Great Price Series

    Contributed by David Moore on May 21, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    The church is God’s Pearl of Great Price.

    Stories Jesus Told The Pearl of Great Price Aim: To present the church as the purchase of Christ, a gem in the sight of God. Text: Matthew 13:45-46 Introduction: We come now to the parable known as “the Pearl of Great Price.” Like most of the other parables this one too has been grossly more

  • The Treasure Of Pain

    Contributed by Pastor Johnathan Bloch on Mar 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon on building pearls from our injuries.

    THE TREASURE OF PAIN REV 21:21 Sermon by: Pastor John Bloch Firestone Park Baptist Church. Akron, Ohio A man was exploring some caves by the sea shore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled the clay balls and left them more

  • The Omnipotence Of God Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 12, 2013

    A sermon on Psalm 139:13-24 on God's omnipotence (Material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell's book, God Most High, pg. 102- 106; Also from Sermon Central's Matthew Kratz at:

    HoHum: I have a very good friend who recently shared with me that on one occasion she, out of sincere concern over sin and desire to be what God wanted her to be, she prayed, "God, show me the sin in my life. Show me what I really am." She said that in a couple of weeks she began to pray, "Lord, more

  • Where Is God?

    Contributed by John Newbaker on May 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you asked yourself “where is God?”

    Where is God? Psalm 13:1 A couple 5th grade boys known for getting in trouble at school was accused of stealing the teacher’s cell phone she left on her desk. The principle called the boys to his office. Wanting to question them separately he brought them one at a time. Without coming more

  • Know What You Believe Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Oct 11, 2017

    Our foundation must be built on Jesus Christ and God's revelation through the Holy Scriptures.

    October 8, 2017 Morning Worship Text; 1 Peter 3:15 Subject: The Foundation Series Title: Part 1 – Know What You Believe The story is told of a man who was asked what he believed about God and the bible… “I believe what my church teaches.” “And what does your church teach?” “The same thing more

  • Leading The Way

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Feb 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Leadership, Submission, Support, Obedience

    FOLLOWING JESUS INTO THE UNKNOWN 2018 - Leading the Way February 18, 2018 Hebrews 13:17 (p. 845) Introduction: One of my favorite poems ever written is a take off of the famous Footprints poem…It goes like this: Butt prints in the Sand One night, I had a wondrous more

  • Lessons From The Pearl

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 18, 2014

    Because of the pearl’s unusual characteristics, they are symbolic of many deep spiritual truths. Two examples might be the formation of the nature of Christ in us or as a symbol of the resurrection body.

    LESSONS FROM THE PEARL Matthew 13:45-46 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. JOKE # 1 a. A mechanic accidentally swallowed some brake fluid and really liked the taste. Before he knew it, he had polished off a whole bottle of the stuff. b. His buddy George caught him sneaking a swig the next day. more

  • Rest In The Ruins Series

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Jul 9, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon looks at rest, the importance of rest, and the types of tiredness we can have, and how Christ satisfies them with His rest.

    I want you to think of a time in your life when you were exhausted. That moment when the tank was empty, you were depleted, and you had nothing left to give. Think of that time. Think of the most tiring day, or season, in your entire life. Recall the feelings and emotions. For me, the moment more

  • A Piece Of The Rock

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 17, 2023

    Being human means living on a flood plain But when we build our lives on the foundation Jesus has given us we will make it through the storms that are always part of life.

    We’ve got some interesting weather going on around the world. Some people believe that it is all due to global warming, others say it’s part of normal cycles of climate change. But whatever you believe is the cause, there’s no doubt that we are more aware of what’s going on around the world than more

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