
Summary: Fathers need their family in the things of God. Joshua was a man of conviction and so should we if we are to see our families grow in discipleship .

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Choosing to lead


This morning as I bring a Fathers Day message, I know it comes with mixed feelings for some.

Maybe your not a father and you would like to become one

Maybe your adult kids do not keep in touch and today is tough.

Life with all its struggles finds your marriage at a critical point, and you are praying for some answers.

The Scripture this morning I hope is an encouragement for you. It is choosing to lead.

Many people say they are leaders but really they are followers of their own selfish ambitions.

By choosing to lead, I mean that you have planted your feet in God’s Word and are determined yourself to follow His ways. In the course of following Him, you determine that you are going to bring as many people as you can with you.

There is a man in the Old Testament that impresses me. If there was one man who could get behind this pulpit, I think it would be Joshua.

A man of courage- taking over for Moses and leading the people of Israel into the promised


A man of conviction- When all others faith wavered because of doubt, he stood tall.

Joshua 24: is our text this morning. It is Joshua’s final message. It is the Sixth book of the Old Testament.

Joshua draws the people of Israel together and makes them commit to how they will live their lives. (2) Joshua said to all the people- “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says”

Your forefathers served other gods.

I took your father Abraham and gave him the promised land.

I promised Abraham that he would have many descendants.

I used Moses and Aaron to get you to this very point of decision.

“So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build, and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant.”

Here is the text this morning: Joshua 24:14-15 (read from Bible)

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

The critical key to this country’s future and the future of the family is choosing to lead.

Weather you are a dad here this morning or a mom who has been forced to play both roles, leaders must chose to lead!

Listen men,

Your wives need you to be Godly men.

Your children need you to be Godly men.

Your business needs you to be Godly men. (They may not even realize it yet)

Your church needs you to be Godly men.

This community is looking for Godly men to lead them!


Fatherhood has changed a lot over the years.

A man was asked who was in charge at his home. Well, my wife bosses the kids, my children boss the dog and cat, and I can say anything I want to the geraniums.”

Proverbs 20:6- “But a faithful man- who can find?”

There is a lot of catchy phrases to get men’s attention.

The most important thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.

A father is a guy who has a snapshot in his wallet where his money use to be.

Bill Cosby- Fatherhood is pretending that the present you love the most is soap-on- a-rope.

As the spiritual leader in my family (I make no apology for it)

And I do not pawn it off as a part-time job.

I treat my home as a castle.

It is a place of protection for my family.

The whole world may be falling apart,

Hell may be breaking loose, but inside my home, there should be peace, comfort, love, and service for my God.

My job as keeper of that gate is to keep the enemy from getting over the wall and hurting emotionally and spiritually my family.

I choose to lead! “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

This is how we can apply these principals of God’s word to our lives and families today.

I. It is a choice (Plain and simple)

(15) “And if it seemed evil unto you to serve the Lord, chose you this day whom you will serve.”

The leader determines no matter what, I chose to follow the Lord.

If none are following you, you are not a leader.

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children, instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

If you have done that, then it is on them. You keep following the Lord. It goes from your choice to their choice.

Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys.” (Repeat)

“Don’t make a baby if you cannot be a father.” National Urban League

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