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  • One Is Enough Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    "O for a thousand tongues to sing my great redeemer's praise," we sing, but the fact is, God only gave us one tongue because one is enough.

    It is hard to believe, but one man determined how we as Americans pronounce and spell words. When we began as a new and independent nation, Noah Webster thought is was only right that we stop be a copy of the English, and develop our own original ways of spelling words. Andrew Jackson said, more

  • The God Who We Worship

    Contributed by Mike Bryant on Mar 26, 2021

    God is worthy of worship because of His nature. This sermon considers how various aspects of God's nature should shape our worship of Him, lest it become meaningless with repetition.

    I. In the novel “The American” by Henry James, Count Valentin remarks to Newman about some of the terrible things Newman has endured. “You’ve spent some awful, some deadly days, and you’ve done some extremely disagreeable things: you’ve shoveled sand, as a boy, for supper, and you’ve eaten cat in a more

  • "the Samaratin Woman: Breaking Down Barriers For The Kingdom Of God" (Message 9 In 2021 Series On Gospel Of John) Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Mar 31, 2021

    In this message we find the account of Jesus meeting a Samaratin Woman at Jacob's well in Sychar. Jesus broke down barriers of the sexes, as well as national hatred by bringing the message of the Kingdom of God to her and the people of her town.

    “BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Sermon Nine in 2021 series on Gospel of John) John 4:1-42 Greenmount and O’Leary Churches of Christ March 15, 2021 Video Link: INTRODUCTION: 1.) As the popularity of Jesus increased, the Pharisees heard Jesus was more

  • Paul's Sermon At Athens: Culture And Common Ground

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 8, 2021

    Paul's sermon before the men of Athens began with a topic familiar to all of them. It was the common bond of religious belief and practice in their respective cultures. Jesus demonstrated it throughout the Gospels. It is a biblical pattern for effective evangelism.

    It has been over forty years since I traveled to India on vacation, away from the business of the McDermott Fabrication Yard in Dubai where I worked as an oil rig sandblaster and painter. I moved there in early 1980 to live with my dad and to grow in maturity of character. I learned the value of more

  • The Blessing Of Embracing The Truth

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 8, 2021

    Winston Churchill once said, “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” But how we respond to truth determines the direction of our lives. It will determine the quality of our lives and the destiny of our eternal soul.

    We have experienced the first miracle of Jesus at Cana of Galilee, where water was turned into wine, then we moved to the first ministry of Jesus at Jerusalem. Jesus was interviewed by Nicodemus concerning Who he really was. Nicodemus represented the more

  • Going To The Well Alone

    Contributed by Sean Dees on May 1, 2021

    I want to talk to you about going to the well alone. The steps from a sinner to a saint.

    Intro: Today I want to talk to you about going to the well alone. The steps from a sinner to a saint. I. Outcast! A. From the text we are introduced to a Samaritan woman whose heritage is less than one to be desired. 1. By that statement let us look into the past of the Samaritans. During the more

  • Pondering God’s Goodness

    Contributed by Richard Tow on May 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Quality worship experience is dependent upon biblical principles. This message examines some of those principles as stated in Psalm 65.

    We take as our text today, Psalm 65. In the Bible God has given us a healthy spiritual balance of truth. Some portions of Scripture warn and correct. In Psalm 19:7-11 David celebrated this. He wrote, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making more

  • The Invisible People

    Contributed by Sylvester Fergusson on May 8, 2021

    Many are living amonst us who we do not see or take notice of. Thier opinions do not matter. Their history do not matter. They are irrelevant as far as we are concerned. God has called us to change this.

    THE INVISIBLE PEOPLE Opening Song # 21 Scripture Reading Jh. 14: 1-4 Closing Song # 506 It is told by the Doctor Luke in chapter 7 and verse 36 of His gospel that one of the Pharisees whose name was later known to be Simon, invited Jesus to eat with him. This may seem a strange occurrence to more

  • Purpose - True Worship Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Feb 14, 2021

    Message about what worship and how it is our purpose.

    Purpose of Worship Introduction John 4 is a unique and intriguing story. It seems to be that Jesus leaves Judea and goes to Galilee to get away from the division that the Pharisees were trying to create. They were trying to divide the camp of John the Baptist and Jesus. They were going in the more

  • I Met Him When I Was Dry And Thirsty Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Feb 21, 2021

    Jesus showed God’s love to one of His lost sheep beside a well in Samaria and then He showed His love for all of His lost sheep on the cross.

    Ahhh … small town country living! Where everybody knows everybody …and everybody knows everybody’s business, amen? Sychar was your typical small country town where everybody knew everybody … and everybody knew everybody’s business. Sychar’s only claim to fame was that it was located a half more

  • I Met Him When I Was Hopeless Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Mar 14, 2021

    With every pound of the nail, the leprosy of our sins disappeared. With every drop of his blood our spirits became whiter and cleaner and brighter. When He walked away from the empty tomb we were spiritually new creations with hearts and souls as pure and clean as the day that we were born, amen?

    Hello … my name is Joram. I was born and raised in the sleepy little Samaritan town of Shiloh. Never heard of it? I’m not surprised. It’s about a 100 miles south of nowhere. The only people who know about Shiloh are the people like me who live there or the occasional stranger who is lost or more

  • Core 52 Week 34 - Worshiping In Spirit And Truth

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Aug 23, 2020

    The singer says he's "getting back to the heart of worship." It's a laudable and important goal. What does it really mean? Jesus interrupts a Samaritan woman's life to point her (and us) in the right direction.

    You can listen to the audio of the sermon at: Core 52 Week 34 - The Heart of Worship • There was a church where the preacher and the song leader were not getting along. This began to spill over into the worship service. One week the preacher preached on more

  • Check Up For The Church - Worship – The Respiratory System Of The Local Church

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Oct 1, 2020

    Jesus tells us that the Father is looking for “true worshippers.” True worshippers, according to Jesus in John 4:24, are those who worship the Father “in spirit and truth.”

    In the early 70’s comedian Flip Wilson played the part of a character named Reverend Leroy, who pastored The Church of What's Happenin' Now. But today our cities and counties are swarming with “Reverend Leroys'' and churches that might rightly be called The Church of What's more

  • [the Hymn] I. The Praise To God. (Vs. 1-3) Series

    Contributed by David Darst on Jun 2, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    During this Crisis….this Great Psalm was penned. Out of Trouble came a Triumph! This is a brief overview and context in which this Psalm was written and the revelation to David about God’s Sovereignty over his situation.

    Mirth is not a word we use everyday -- it simply means Joy or Laughter, Happiness. Hebrew: sim·khä' -- mirth, gladness, joy, gaiety, pleasure; joy (of God) Interesting enough is the Companion passage of 1 Sam 21 -- Let me summarize; with an encouragement for you to read (1 Sam 20-21 more

  • The Biblical Church Gathering

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jun 16, 2020

    The Church was born on the day of Pentecost. What were the gatherings to be like. Should the be like the gatherings that took place in the Jewish Synagogues and the Temple or were they to be something different?

    How Should the Church Worship? Today we will be reading from John 4:7-26 Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost literally means 50 or the 50th. On that 50th day Jews from all over the known world were coming into Jerusalem for the Festival of the First Fruits which celebrated the beginning more

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