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Sermons on San Juan 11:25:

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  • Seeing Christ Do A Great Work (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 25, 2016

    How can we see Jesus Christ do a great work in and through us? And I am talking about a mighty work, a work changing us from the inside out, enabling us to become the man or woman in Christ we are capable of being.

    Seeing Christ Do A Great Work John 11 – Part 2 Introduction: 1. According to Romans 8:34, Christ is in heaven doing a great work – He is praying on our behalf to the Father. 2. Discussed previously, today we are not seeing the outward, physical signs and wonders that were so prevalent more

  • Life Over Death Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 4, 2016

    The power of God, when displayed, can cause the deepest doubt to erase. It can bring to life even the most bitter of hearts; cause faith to be birthed. When Lazarus was raised, how do you think it grew the Disciples faith? How about yours?

    Life over Death John 11:1-44 Several promises in today’s passage … excellent faith builder Read John 11:1-44 / Pray Point 1 - Jesus is our Friend (1-16) Jesus receives word that Lazarus is sick; intimacy of relationship in v3 But, Jesus gives a promise (v4); shows His thinking is far more

  • I Am The Resurrection

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 3, 2014

    Some of us here are living as if we were in a dark cold tomb where no light could enter. We are dressed in our Sunday best and some of us will probably be buried looking very much like we are today. But friend what is on the inside in your heart?

    I am the resurrection John Chapter 11 Mark Aarssen New St. Andrews Dover March 3, 2013 Week 3. We travel with Jesus from safety to danger The Holy Land was split in four sections ruled by four brothers As long as Jesus did not cross the line He would be safe from Herod As long as you and I more

  • Trick Or Treat?

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Mar 6, 2014

    AJ was born on Halloween and described as a "Treat" according to his mother (or so he said). He passed away with a heart attack after shoveling snow. He was a real people person and leaves a huge gap in the lives of people who knew him.

    Family Enters and is Seated Be with Me Lord I Stand in Awe Welcome by Perry Greene We were all shocked to hear of the passing of AJ Clements. We have gathered here, as is our custom, to conduct a service to remember AJ; to comfort his family; and ultimately honor God. 25 Jesus said to her, "I am more

  • Death And Life Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Mar 24, 2014

    Jesus is the resurrection and the life. We see this in his raising of Lazarus, in our everyday lives, and at the time when we face death.

    John 11:1-44 “Death and Life” INTRODUCTION God’s ways are not our ways. We spend a great deal of time reminding ourselves of this truth, while at the same time attempting to figure out what God’s ways really are. In the gospel lesson today, we see this question more

  • "The Resurrection And The Life"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 4, 2014

    A sermon about being raised to new life.

    John 11:1-45 "The Resurrection and The Life" Right before our Gospel Lesson for this morning, in John Chapter 10, Jesus had been in Jerusalem for a Jewish Festival. At this festival, we are told in John 10:24, that a mob circled around Him and asked Him, "How long will you test our patience? If more

  • Do You Believe, Do You Truly Believe?

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Apr 5, 2014
    based on 51 ratings

    When Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life," He was clearly claiming that He was the source of both After He shares this truth Jesus turns to Martha and says ' Do You Believe This?" Beloved, Do you believe this? Do "You" truly believe.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four readings of Scripture prior to the Message. The Scripture for this day were Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11 and John 11:1-45 An elderly man who lived alone in Idaho.....wanted to till his sizable potato garden, ....but it was more

  • Come Forth

    Contributed by Dave Clark on Apr 7, 2014

    A call to come out of the ways of death into the ways of life.

    Come Forth John 11:1-45 April 6, 2014 Rev. David J. Clark The story begins with a request for Jesus to hurry to the aid of his deathly-ill friend, Lazarus. But Jesus delays. He sent messengers back to Lazarus’ home, saying “the sickness is not unto death.” Jesus made a more

  • John- Believe In Jesus And Live!-Part 6- " The Resurection And The Life" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Dec 25, 2015

    Part 6 of the John - Believe in Jesus and live series

    John – Believe in Jesus and live! Part 6 “The resurrection and the life” John Chapter 11 Verses 1-44 Death To many people this word strikes fear in their hearts A feeling of panic For others the word brings memories of days past Flooding back like a tidal wave We all fear more

  • At The Grave Of Lazarus Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jan 22, 2016

    Jesus' greatest miracle was at the grave of Lazarus; the miracle pointed to the imminent resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

    “At the Grave of Lazarus” John 11:25-44 As we end the old year and begin with the new, the resurrection of Lazarus is an appropriate passage to consider. In our last study we concluded at John 11:25-27 (NKJV): 25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who more

  • Lord: Who Love Is Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Feb 10, 2016

    Jesus is love. We can see that because his life shows all four types and all five languages of love.

    Philia: Jesus calls us friends. John 15:9-15 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11I have told you this so that my joy may be in more

  • I Am The Resurrection

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Feb 15, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A message on Jesus' statement, I Am the Resurrection, from the perspective of the dead stuff in our lives.

    I Am the Resurrection Scripture: John 11:17-43 We are continuing our series on the “I Am” statements that Jesus makes in the gospel of John. If I were to retitle the message this morning, I would likely have called it, “What stinks?!!” Because we’re going to more

  • You Can Be Sure You're Eternally Secure (John 11:25-27)

    Contributed by Bob Wilkin on Aug 3, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Knowing for sure that you are eternally secure is not a matter of inspecting your behavior; it is a matter of taking the Lord Jesus Christ at His Word: "He who lives and believes in Me shall never die [spiritually]."

    You Can Be Sure You’re Eternally Secure (John 11:25-27) Bob Wilkin Read John 11:25-27. For years I believed in heaven and hell and I was scared to death I was going to die and spend eternity in hell. Like most Americans, though I believed that Jesus died on the cross more

  • Free Refills Of His Goodness Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 16, 2010
    based on 66 ratings

    Mary & Martha said that Lazarus was the one whom Jesus loved. But how could Jesus treat a friend like He did? Why would He callously stay away while this close friend died... and He could have prevented it?

    OPEN: “How many of you know the name of the brother of Mary and Martha who Jesus raised from the dead?” (most of the audience raised their hand). Who was it? Lazarus. Read text: John 11:1-47 followed by prayer. ILLUS: A few years back I read a story about a may village in southwest more

  • Miracle 7: Raising Lazarus From The Dead Lesson 7 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 13, 2023

    Jesus the Resurrection and the Life.

    Jesus The Resurrection And The Life John 11:1-44 Raising Lazarus From the Dead 1. When did this miracle occur? Winter after Purim, December (John 10:22) and before Passover (John 11:55). 2. Where did the miracle occur? Bethany, east of Jerusalem (11:1). 3. Why does Jesus wait? “When He (Jesus) more

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