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Sermons on Romans 8:39:

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  • Different Freedom, Different Father And Different Faith Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 21, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    If you are in Christ, if you have repented and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour then the Bible says you are a child of God. Your relationship with God has been restored, you are reconciled to our Heavenly Father.

    Do you want other people to like you? I think the answer for all of us is yes. In our heart, we all have a desire to be approved – to be liked. Often we allow our sense of self-esteem to be based on the opinions others have of us. Why is it that we so often feel or think badly about ourselves? Is more

  • Kingdom And Chaos - Intercessory Prayer

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Apr 4, 2019

    Even thought Davis was running for his life in the wilderness, he was still serving the people of the region as sort of a volunteer police officer.

    Kingdom and Chaos Intercessory Prayer April 7, 2019 Even though David was running for his life in the wilderness, he was still serving the people of the region as sort of a volunteer police officer. Many times, David and his men put their lives at risk to fight off the Philistines, who wanted to more

  • State Of Denial - Part 2

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Dec 3, 2020

    Last time we saw that Peter’s overconfidence and pride kept him from trusting the Lord. His pride began to cut away at his faith...

    Last time we saw that Peter’s overconfidence and pride kept him from trusting the Lord. His pride began to cut away at his faith. His weak faith in Jesus began to give way to fear. Denying the Lord Jesus was a natural consequence of this fear. Someone has said, “The conclusion of a dying faith more

  • Hope

    Contributed by Steve Woods (Pastor Woody) on Dec 7, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    In these times, many of us are losing hope. As children of God and brothers and sisters to Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, it is important to remember who we are and who loves us. All that we "need" will one day be given to us at the time we need it most.

    How many of you are losing hope? I suspect, with all that is happening in our world, probably quite a few. I must admit, there are times I feel the same way as you might today. I am only human and I do have my doubts about certain things. You’ve seen all the posts on Facebook and other social more

  • Father And Son

    Contributed by Doug Houck on Dec 21, 2020

    God shared the pathos of His sacrifice of Jesus through having Abraham sacrifice Isaac. Two storytellers are needed: [#1] will tell the story of Abraham and Isaac, and [#2] will tell the story of God the Father and Jesus.

    Introduction [#1] Genesis 22:1-2 This is a story of a Father, Son, and sacrifice. Usually we understand this chapter in terms of testing, faith, obedience, commitment, surrender, substitutionary sacrifice, The Lord Will Provide. It’s all in there. [#2] It also foreshadows another Father, more

  • Certainty

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Dec 23, 2020

    Christians are secure in their relationship with God because of the work and love of Jesus Christ.

    About two years after becoming a follower of Jesus Christ, I began to doubt if I was saved. At the end of the message on Sunday morning, July 4, 1976, the pastor invited people who wanted to become followers of Jesus to meet him at the front of the auditorium. Basically, I’m an introvert, but I more

  • God Is In Control

    Contributed by Stephen Sheane on Apr 28, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Remembering God's power, provision and presence.

    GOD IS IN CONTROL Years ago a military officer and his wife were aboard a ship that was caught in a raging ocean storm. Seeing the frantic look in her eyes, the man tried unsuccessfully to allay her fears. Suddenly she grasped his sleeve and cried, "How can you be so calm?" He stepped more

  • Living As Conquerors In The Age Of Coronavirus

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 1, 2020
    based on 7 ratings

    Conquering Christians lock into the love of Christ.

    Here’s a question: Do you see the Bible as a collection of stories or as one story? If we see the Bible as simply disconnected stories, our tendency will be to make the Bible all about us and how we’re supposed to behave. If we see the central narrative of Scripture as the story about God’s more

  • Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Apr 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    St Paul has very strong arguments for the resurrection and writes to the Corinthian Church to counteract those who are denying that the resurrection of the dead - if that is so Christ has not been raised.

    Death is swallowed up in Victory 1 Corinthians 15: 54 Reading for The New Testament lesson – 1 Corinthians 15: 12-22, 54b-57 (3 readers: 1 and 2 plus a Narrator) 1 We proclaim that Christ has been raised from the dead, 2 How can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead? 1 more

  • Victory In Jesus Part 3: Our Victory Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 22, 2019

    Jesus gained victory in Gethsemane, the cross and the tomb. He gives us victory over sin and death as well as through the day to day trials we face.

    1. Irrational Fear: Several years ago, a freshman at Eagle Rock Junior High won first prize at the Greater Idaho Falls Science Fair with a scientific survey that he conducted. In his project he urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of a chemical known as more

  • Because Of God's Love

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Mar 4, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    These verses describe the height, depth and breadth of God's love for us. It is worth our time to look deeper into these verses to focus on the amazing love the Heavenly Father has for His children.

    Alba 2-27-2022 BECAUSE OF GOD'S LOVE Romans 8:31-39 Dr. David Ferguson, the founder of Intimate Life Ministries, and his wife, Teresa, were brand new grandparents. . . anyone here know what that’s like? Well, he told something about Teresa. He said when she is taking care of her little more

  • Love So Amazing So Divine

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 11, 2020

    You do not want to miss out on the love of Christ!

    Proposition: You must receive the love of Christ! I. Because of the greatness of it! A. It paid the greatest price! Revelation 1:5 – His own blood B. It is the greatest amount! John 15:9 – Father’s love for the Son II. Because of the guarantee of it! A. It is not dependent upon more

  • 15 - Nothing Can Separate Us From God's Love Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Jun 11, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 15th of 30 studies on the Book of Romans and talks about the amazing love God has for us.

    Romans 8:18-22 18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not more

  • "five Comforting Questions"

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jun 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is a message in a series I preached from Romans.

    Title: “Five Comforting Questions” Scripture: Rom. 8:31-39 Type: Expos/series Where: GNBC 6-14-21 Intro: Dr. Bob Deffingbaugh shared the following story: “About the only time I play golf is when we visit my family each year in Washington State. I always try to play a round with Dad. On one more

  • Christmas Eve Message

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 22, 2021

    Christmas marks the entry of the Son of God into human affairs. He descended into the mess and the hurt of all that makes us human. Christmas tells us that God is not a neutral observer to our pain and problems.

    It’s Christmas Eve and we are grateful you are with us tonight to celebrate. I am grateful for our string quartet leading us tonight. Where would we be without the music of Christmas? Christmas is the biggest holiday in American culture. The average American is expected to spend more than $1,000 more

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