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  • A Winning Team Series

    Contributed by Ron Newton on Sep 13, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    God calls us to be a part of His body by equipping and empowering us for service. We are to present ourselves to Him as the norm for being a vital and living part of His team.

    Spiritual Gifts Series # 1 Introduction 1. Dramatize a ‘Winning Team’ with a tug of war. a. One team pulling together & the other pulling in different directions and disorganized. b. Have congregation vote on which team they would like to be on. 2. Paul gives us a clear picture of a winning more

  • The Pleasing Aroma Of Living Worship

    Contributed by Scott Bresee on Sep 16, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    In Romans 12, Paul instructs us as believers on what type of worship is pleasing to the Living God.

    The Pleasing Aroma of Living Worship Text: Romans 12:1-2 In Genesis 8, we see the life of Noah, a man noted by God as “a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God”. Noah was a man of God in the corrupt days and world in which he lived. He fearfully obeyed God in more

  • You Become What You Believe

    Contributed by Reggie Corfield on Sep 27, 2003
    based on 87 ratings

    "Change is good" but "transformation" is what God is looking for. Think the world and that is what you will become. If you have no plan for your life, Satan does!

    Some of you who are readers of Christian books might have come across Norman Vincent Peale. Norman authored many books but his work entitled “The Power of Positive Thinking” has been translated into 40 languages and more than 20 million copies have been sold. In this book Norman recalls an more

  • Knowing God's Will

    Contributed by Howard Mcglamery on Oct 13, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Christians often struggle in knowing God’s will in their life. This message is about finding the will of God for your life, not by seeking His will but by seeking God.

    Knowing The Will Of God Phil 2:12,13 Introduction Ill. – Pastor, Iv’e been praying and praying for a job. Now I’ve got 3 job offers. How do I know which one to take. This message is about applying “Grace” to Knowing the will of God. I. THE FIRST KEY – THE FOUNDATION OF KNOWING GOD’S more

  • Conformity Or Transformation

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 16, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Are we a thermometer Christian or a thermostat Christian?

    INTRODUCTION: I. Illustration--Two items that measure temperature: a. Thermometer 1. It measures the temperature of the body 2. It is usually used to check whether a person has a fever or not. 3. Although it reads the temperature of the body, it cannot change it. b. Thermostat 1. It measures the more

  • Personal Prophecy Series

    Contributed by Kurt Heisey on Nov 5, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This is first of a series on discerning the will of God and looks at how we should handle "words for God" that we or others think come from the Lord. It helps us determin what is of God, our self, or the enemy to deceive us.

    Discerning Prophecy 10/6/2002 I. Intro to Rom. 12:1-2... the will of God A. Prerequisites 1. Therefore... (11:33-36) in light that God is awesome, more than you can imagine 2. Offer self as a living sacrifice (12:1)... living for God, not for self. 3. Do not conform to more

  • What's That Smell?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 67 ratings

    Message concerning being the "aroma of Christ."

    What’s That Smell? 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 November 11, 2002 Introduction What are some of your favorite smells? Maybe it’s a favorite cologne or perfume. Maybe it’s the smell of your home – especially after you have been gone awhile and you walk in the door and that smell just hits you and you more

  • Total Committment

    Contributed by John Johnson on Nov 12, 2002
    based on 295 ratings

    God is calling us to be totally committed

    Romans 12:1-2 Once you and I hear the call and accept him as our own personal savior we must constantly press toward the mark. Paul said in Phil 3rd chapter. “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” We all should be pressing toward the Mark, not more

  • Spiritual Gifts For The Church

    Contributed by Richard White on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    The church is in need of those who are willing to become living sacrifices for God. He, by His grace, has given us gifts. We must use them

    Spiritual Gifts of the Church Romans 12:1-12 RO 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be more

  • Why Do We Sing? Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Sermon 3 of 5 on Why we do the things we do. This message was delivered by Esther Hetrick, Worship Minister. History reminds us that musical styles have been changing all along. At one time every song was a new song, and we can find positive contributi

    Why do we sing? By Esther Hetrick Meridian Christian Church For early Christians, the book of Psalms was their songbook. And what a variety we find—joyful praise and adoration, confession and remorse, the pouring out of struggles and conflict, some quiet and reflective, others exuberant; some of more

  • Conformation And Transformation

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Nov 20, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    The world wants you to conform to its thinking and its ways but what is needed is a transformation achieved through the new birth experience. Once achieved, we are to strive to be conformed to the image of His Son.

    CONFORMATION AND TRANSFORMATION “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 I. Worldly conformation…the “ easy and popular way” “Enter in at the narrow gate; more

  • Transformados Para Vivir

    Contributed by Javier Ramon on Nov 29, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Para vivir una vida victoriosa en Cristo tenemos que ser transformados a la imagen y semejanza de El.

    ¿La vida que estoy invitando a vivir, es la vida que yo estoy viviendo? No tenemos que buscar muy lejos para encontrar que las iglesias están llenas de personas que están tan deprimidas, angustiadas, preocupadas, ajoradas, desconsoladas como aquellas personas que no tienen a Cristo en sus more

  • Choices

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Dec 10, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Choose between thanksgiving and ingratitude, obedience and rebellion, worship and disrespect, serving self and serving others.

    Choices Isa. 1:18-20 INTRO.: The prophet Isaiah wrote about 700 years before the birth of Jesus, yet he is extremely contemporary. You might think he wrote just yesterday the way he describes things in Judah: All over the world, political conditions were unstable and violent. Power was gained by more

  • How Should We Avoid Being Conformed To The Pattern Of This World? (Rom. 12:

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    How Should We Avoid Being Conformed to the Pattern of This World? (Rom. 12:2)

    How Should We Avoid Being Conformed to the Pattern of This World? (Rom. 12:2) There is always a danger of giving in to the temptations of the world to just feel like being “normal” in our modern society. Today it is easier to try to fit in, blend in and give in to the popular trends in the more

  • Starting The New Year Right

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jan 6, 2002
    based on 317 ratings

    In this new year, we need to focus on: 1. Personal development. 2. Building relationships. 3. A life of service.

    One of the positive effects of the recent tragedy our country experienced is that people appear to be shifting their priorities. People are centering their lives more on home and family rather than jobs and careers. We are looking again at the value of relationships, and even our relationship more

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