  • Daryl Bahn

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Daryl's church

St. John Lutheran
Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615

About Daryl
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree: Concordia College, Wisconsin Master’s degree: Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
  • Experience: I have been a pastor since 1993. During college, I worked as a camp counselor for two years and a camp program director for one year. As I began ministry, I served a dual parish first of all and then a small single congregation, both in Kansas. Recently I accepted a call to my current congregation, where we are beginning work on a building program.
  • Family: I have been blessed with a wife and two little girls; one is almost three years old, and the youngest is seven months. I have a father and twin brother who are also in the ministry!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The best advice (period) that has ever been given to me was "love your people." I pray that as I preach God’s Word, the things I say would flow out of an active and sincere love for God’s people.
  • Hobbies: Guitar-playing, fishing, archery, camping, canoeing, hiking, and bicycling are some of the things I enjoy--and just about anything that gets me out into God’s beautiful creation!
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Newest Sermons

  • Begun, Continued, Completed In Christ

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    When we are frustrated by a seeming lack of progress in our Christian walk, God gives us a wonderful promise! (18th Sunday after Pentecost)

    BEGUN, CONTINUED, COMPLETED IN CHRIST (Philippians 1:6) Most worthwhile things in life take time: developing a marriage relationship, building a career, raising children, etc. As Christians, and as members of a congregation, however, we can sometimes become frustrated when we don’t see things more

  • Forgiving When Your World Falls Apart

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    An important step to healing after tragedies like 9-11 is forgiveness. But how is it possible? (17th Sunday after Pentecost)

    FORGIVING—WHEN YOUR WORLD FALLS APART (Matthew 18:21-35) (Review the Gospel lesson, Matthew 18:21-35. Peter asks, “How many times should I forgive?” Jesus gives a number, but his point is that we should ask another question: “How many times does God forgive me?” Put yourselves in the shoes of more

  • A Better Way To Worship

    Contributed on Aug 31, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    What are some ways we try to make worship better? The answer is closer than you think! (15th Sunday after Pentecost)

    A BETTER WAY TO WORSHIP (Romans 12:1-8) Introduction: We have been discussing, as we work our way through Romans, how in the past the people of God had consisted of only one nation: the nation of Israel. Now, because Jesus’ life-saving work of redemption applies to all people, God’s promised more

  • A Steadfast Heart

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    in such a world of economic, political, and even environmental uncertainty, the love of God is all we have to hang on to. Thank God that it’s more than enough! His love hangs on to us; it will never let us go.

    A STEADFAST HEART (Romans 8:35-39) Introduction: Separation is something we all deal with, in one way or another. What image does this word produce in your mind? For me, I see the picture of a little child lost in a grocery store. Distracted for a moment, the child loses track of what her mom more

  • Free To Serve

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2002
    based on 88 ratings

    Christ redeemed us from sin, death, and the devil. He redeemed us for service to God!

    FREE TO SERVE (Romans 8:1-10) INTRODUCTION by now we’ve all seen vivid pictures of how oppressive governments like the Taliban heartlessly enslaves its own people. But there is something even more oppressive that enslaves people right here in our own homeland! I. Sin enslaves us. Sin more

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